>this single picture would trigger entire Sup Forums
This single picture would trigger entire Sup Forums
>tfw this is my fetish
Is this the petting zoo where they let degenerate sluts fuck monkeys?
A bunch of HUEHUEHUE with niggers? Who gives a shit..
Isn't htat just a rappers house?
That's clearly in Clapistan my good burger.
It doesn't because it's not real.
>Black people
>In water
Pick one.
Wow very progressive
Who even cares, they were degenerates and failed out of the white race years before this pathetic picture.
We all know that the only wife material left can only be found in either devout religious communities or eastern Europe (and you have to stay there with them).
MGTOW is the only sane answer if you're too lazy to become religious or move to eastern Europe.