Black men are not the problem white women are, they can't suppress their sexual desire for black cock so they keep letting in millions are strong, dark, African men. They know in the long term civilisation will collapse but in the short term they will be fucked and will suck and become a being of absolute sexual pleasure up until the blessed moment she gives birth to a black child. At this point the alpha breeding nig moves on to his next white whore leaving the conquered whore to find a nice white cuck boi to raise master nigger's child with her.
What we are witnessing across the entire western world are women using their political power to fulfill their sexual fantasies and white men are powerless to stop it.
Xavier Bennett
>a fucking bacon strip
Camden Robinson
>They know in the long term civilisation will collapse
they do not, they are women
western men are just cucked, they loathe beta males, the whole west failed several shittests, feminism and now multiculturalism, men do nothing, they failed the tests, and women are now disgusted so they go for roachcocks or nignogs
Ethan Anderson
yes yes well done white men, well done white men
Asher Gomez
Just felt like this thread needed some freedom, by all means continue your shitty thread Austrians
Christopher Gray
>freedom >doesn't even have anonymous internet access and throw away phones
Juan Howard
I will suck your nigger dick right off your white body, faggot. Big dicks in a cat's ass!
Sebastian Hernandez
>merkel is the forever fuhrer >germans are shit tier posters >canadians get a cuck pm >shit tier posters >austrians get a GREEN >shit tier posters
Take note France, there is more at stake than just a country, your Sup Forums cred is in the balance.
Sebastian Cox
hey burger, israel and jews need some "freedom" and "humanism", do something right once