SJWs Chicago Kidnapping BTFO General Thread


SJWs Chicago Kidnapping BTFO General Thread

If you have OC of destroying leftist cunts, please post your arguments here.

Talcum X was used against me as a source today.



You're not gonna get laid like this, don't use politics develop a personality then you will get laid.

We need to go full Hitler mode. Right now is the best time. Normie whites are upset and need to choose between SJW theory and full blown Hitler

What do you want? Just general pictures of BLM being horrible people?

Arguments against SJWs, SJWs going full retard. It's a general thread for social media and the left's destruction

Monitoring for potential


Any others

>Sup Forums spreads #FakeNews
"LOLOLOL you guys lookit how BTFO the SJWs are!!!"


>this guy has never stated an argument anywhere besides Sup Forums echochambers

kys, if we were all like you Trump would have lost



White cant be murdered murder requires institutional power. REEEEEEEE



They didn't even catch it

Ironically, that is not in fact an argument.
"BLM kidnapped and tortured a white person" is #FakeNews user. The fact that you're dumb enough to believe the fake news you read on Sup Forums doesn't change the fact that it's fake

>he(Shaun King) bases his opinion on fact
Goddamn I really did not believe that non blacks could be this fucking stupid

Shaun is a smart man!

how is it fake

>Abby Summers *Wall of text*, tldr

I still wonder how do they come up with those ridiculous names. Is it because drug and alcohol consumption?

the only thing worse then a black in america are the liberal whites who defend them