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No es bueno

yes si es bueno bumpitty bump bump to get the idea going

I'd be down.

Sure we'd feel an incredible amount of pressure as we actually attempted to unfuck your country's shit, but I'm always willing to take a pro-blob stance.

Crusader Kings 2 taught me that.

Plot twist: Texas to secede and become Republic, ends up pulling an 1836 and annexes all of Mexico

Say we annexed Mexico. How would we go about improving Mexico's infrastructure and making Mexico a more powerful part of the country?

Gas the cartels for a start

Enslave brown people

>they don't have any money for the wall and want to sell their body/territory
Mexico is cucked by donald trump

Not gonna happen, Pedro.
I would be in favor of letting our marines go down there and clear out the cartels though, but I don't think your government would go along with that.