I wish I could say I'm surprised, but honestly, I'm not. Massacres in America have become so common that their shock value goes down every couple months when there is a new one. Americans, can you see that there is a problem? You are the only country on earth where mass shootings have become a regular occurrence. You are also the country with the most relaxed gun laws. Does anyone else see a direct correlation? If guns where either a) banned or b) more heavily restricted, evidence shows that violent crime in the US would plummet. Please have some common sense Americans.
Another massacre in America
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hmm....lets take a look at the homicide rate of the country with the world most liberal gun laws...oh its the lowest of the world
America has the most liberal gun laws ... anyone and everyone can have guns unless you're a criminal.
You have to pay for it yourself, in switzerland you can get a goverment funded gun if you cant afford it yourself.
Also you cant have fully automatic weapons just like that in the states, you can do so in switzerland
America has stricter gun laws depending on state than Canada.
Maintaining a firearm is an integral part of American culture.
I don't see that going away.
>You are the only country on earth where mass shootings have become a regular occurrence.
That used to be kind of true (for the developed world, anyway), but then France joined the club in 2015.
Finland has a lot of mass-shootings for some reason, too.
We could just deport blacks, hispanics, and muslims. Then we would be like you guys. Yassssss.
Really givin the Aussies a run for their money huh?
there must be at least 10 anti-gun threads per day made by canadians
Canadians shouldn't be allowed to post here, I'd give up my freedoms for that small security.
Faggot, the framers of the US Constitution understood that an armed public is necessary to keep the government from cucking the people. Unlike Canada with your government forced immigration. Go suck Trudeau's cock then KYS.
I find it funny how americans think that in EU it is strictly illegal to own a firearm.
Of course you can own one but you have to get a license first and so go through psychotests so to make sure that shit like this won't happen.
But as gun-related violent crime and burglary isn't a big thing here, I guess not many people really wish to own one. Ofc there are plenty of gun nuts too who own plenty of guns.
LMAO at the Cuckstitution. Our country is going to be majority mud in like 10 years, and you think it's great?
dude, many hispanics by the third generation identify as white. if they do this, then we will never be minority white.
>white non-hispanic america
>as safe as europe
>deport the subhumans
>no other changes necessary
Ah, the unrelenting leaf again!
How many massacres must there be before we consider "sensible" gun laws you ask? All of them!
Every gun law is an infringement .....
There are no new arguments leaf. Gun Laws are about dis empowering the populace.....
Chicago has a lot of gun laws and it also has a lot of massacres. But they are negroes so it fits a narrative.....
Thanks, you can keep your common sense and we will keep ours
The wall should have been up and spics kicked out yeterday
The american people have completely cucked themselves over and over again, you fucking dipshit.
Strictest gun laws in the country are in Cook County (Chicagoland)
Most homicides in country are in Cook County (Chicagoland)
Seems like it's not a gun problem...
Massacre? What the fuck? There was a shooting. I don't think you understand the severity of that word.
More like Cuck County.
I fucking hate this place.
I'm moving to a more rural area.
>can you see that there is a problem?
Seeing how the last shootings and the biggest shooting the last few years (also the biggest shooting in American history) have all been performed by muslims I think it's pretty clear what's the problem.
its legal to fuck dogs in canada so i dont wanna hear any shit from any fucking faggot leafs about what civilized countries do
Yall need to just educate your niggers better. It's deplorable you keep them from a proper education. It's literally the only thing that would stop them from killing each other over pairs of shoes.
niggers are the reason you have high crime in chicagoland
we should ban nigs instead of guns and you'd see crime drop by half
The petty actions of an armed populace pale in comparison to the atrocities a tyrannical government can commit against an unarmed people.
Fuck you, you faggot leaf. Every tragedy is a political opportunity for you leftist sub human scumbags.
America is slowly turning into a 3rd world country so acts of violence like this will become more and more common the less white it gets.
>You are the only country on earth where mass shootings have become a regular occurrence.
This isn't really true. France, Switzerland and Finland have mass shootings on a regular basis.
can you shoot someone in self defense
americans like to talk shit but even here in some states you cant shoot people in self defense
>mass shootings have become a regular occurrence
Europe is going to ban Trucks?
Guns laws are pretty serious in Brazil, but Niggers don't care about guns. Only make ore difficult to kill them when they invade your home.
now that's cuckspeak if I've ever heard it
Why do you people keep posting/replying in Canadian threads?
That's a serious question.
how is that cuckspeak dude...many hispanics have families with whites and the kids identify as white
the only ones that don't are la raza democrat fags who have an axe to grind
Why'd you let him back in here pierre?
America doesn't have a gun problem. We have a nigger and spic problem.
>Niggers don't care about guns
Niggers don't care about laws*
Gun control only work in white (only) countries.
I'm just surprised theres so many.
You'd think they'd eventually wipe each other out but Tanisha keeps popping out 8 kids to maximize benefits I guess its a losing battle.
Were you talking specifically about Cook County or America in general, I notice we share a flag.
only a nigger problem really, hispanics have a crime rate about the same as whites
And? We also allow big pharm to advertise phycotropic drugs. This should stop way before anymore gun laws are passed. Plus most of violence occurs against leftist in dem strong holds. Not my problem. I thought city people where smart?
t. Migeul Jose Jesus Hernandez Rodriguez Sanchez Velasquez Jones.
t. Juan
Hispanics are like 3.2 while whites are like 1.0-1.7.
i hate pharmaceutical commercials too i think usa is one of the only countries that lets them run the commercials on tv
i'm not hispanic dude, but many of them are white by the second or third generation here in texas
i don't think that is correct, i know hispanic areas in texas are very safe. i think el paso has been consistently named the safest city in the world and it's probably 80% hispanic.
Key differences...
switzerland -> white -> no problems
USA -> niggers & a few white people fed up with the niggers -> shootings
German Caliphate -> 97% Muslim -> Truck massacres daily when not eating Kebabs
>shooting in US gunfree zone
>ban guns
Hi leaf, nice to hear from you.
it's not the gun laws that are the problems. it's the shitskins that shoot everything in sight.
Obviously education is the only thing keeping niggers worldwide from reaching their full potential as kangz. Goy, there is no other difference between you and them except you had proper education. Is that not where you learned to not kill one another over a pair Nikes?
Even your ID sounds like the name of the local Mexican town rapist.
Im part slav, irish and Basque. Im not even white Paco.
Americans are the problem, not the guns.
They're shitty, ignorant, and aggressive people for the most part. And I'm not just talking about white americans, I mean everyone inhabiting the mainland, even illegals.
The homicide rate in El Paso is like 3.1 per 100,000. It is one of the safest cities in the US and that's because basically no blacks live there in contrast to most of the major cities in the US. However, rural and suburban America is much safer on average.
Oh, and no city in the US is the safest in the world you tard.
>I wish I could say I'm surprised, but honestly, I'm not. Massacres in America/France/Mexico/Africa/Middle East have become so common that their shock value goes down every couple months when there is a new one. Americas/French/Mexicans/Africans/Middle Easteners, can you see that there is a problem? You are the only countries on earth where mass shootings have become a regular occurrence.
Fuck you....and
Fuck Leftists........pic related
>a Puerto Rican talking about shitty people
top lel
this...big time
Switzerland does not have 40% nigger population
Quality post my burger friend
Everyone knows you're one of the shittiest groups of hispanics in this country. You don't get to talk down to anyone.
that is because ricans have black ancestry, while mexicans have a lot of white ancestry
By the way if the suspect is a white male, it might be a false flag.
Which means keep pushing.
>Switzerland does not have 40% nigger population
We only have 14% nigger problem, and look what it has done to my country.
They ruin everything for everyone.
>shooting in any other first world country
>big news, a lot of countries reporting it
>shooting in america
>not news worthy unless the shooter is white and killed 3+ people
>most liberal gun laws
>can't even carry
Seems like you got shot with Swiss memes and came up with autism. Many such cases.
>Broward Sheriff Scott Israel said at a news conference the shooter was apprehended without incident, no law enforcement officers fired any shots.
>Broward Sheriff Scott Israel
>Scott Israel
>Is real
Its real goys.
its true this is not big news here unles alot of people die
2 years ago in my old neighborhood this guy shot and killed 3 people and shot a 10yr old kid who survived and it made local news only
>mental illness hearing (((voices)))
>using it to tighten security at all airports
>complained the CIA was trying to recruit him to join ISIS
>was in the military previously
You cant take guns away from the people
Our country was founded on the fact the you can have guns to fight against the government if it becomes a monarchy
How is this not news? It's literally been covered on every channel all day.
Or are you just trying to meet your shitposting quota?
Terrorism in Europe is more entertaining desu.
>t. Migeul Jose Jesus Hernandez Rodriguez Sanchez Velasquez Jones.
>all European names
Anybody in a uniform can take your guns, search your anus for Osama bin Laden and dig through your stuff without warrant. Airports are a proof of concept here, it would be no difference if blue glove guy visits you at home, you would cuck under like a good goy, guns or not.
We can't put the toothpaste back in the tube there's something like 5 firearms for every 1 citizen in the US.
I remember being on Sup Forums when sandy hook happened, shootings back then were a big deal. Now I am barely fazed by them no matter the death toll, half of them are false flags anyways.
>burgers control size of their own population
There is no problem stupid leaf.
Every day it's the same leafnigger posting the same anti-gun thread.
Can we just get all Canadians blocked from posting on Sup Forums? The board's quality would drastically improve.
Please. I'm convinced their not even shitposting their just trying to demoralize the board.
They are just not funny.
It was CIA psy-op like pulse to enforce gun control, or an ISIL attack, same difference.
Notice the proximity to Miami, a sanctuary city.
They don't want to hear that lad.
>The truth.
Das it streng Verbotten Hans.
Fag I saw you do the same shit last month in like 4 threads. Can't you contribute anything
Do you not understand the severity of what happened today?
It's ok. We don't actually care
It's just like terrorism in Europe. You just have to learn to live with it.
People die constantly. who cares.
why don't they make murder illegal?
Americans don't care about America anymore
Do you not understand that guns aren't the issue? Shitty people will use whatever they want to kill people whether they are pressure cooker bombs or trucks. We shouldn't sacrifice our rights for safety.
Look, people kill for all kinds of reasons like poverty, mental health issues, ideology and anger. Instead of stripping people of their right to bear arms you should develop policies that address the root issues not the symptoms of them.
>implying this leafs deserve any respect on pol
>You are the only country on earth where mass shootings have become a regular occurrence.
The US is also much bigger. Chart shootings per capita, not total shootings.
Also, day of the rake is coming to the leafs.
Implying you deserve any respect for being an American. Even your mexican immigrants shout allahu ackbar and rise up to kill you. Most cucked country on earth.
>5 people killed by what is either a case of Islamic terrorism or PTSD
The perpetrator served in the military that's how he was able to get his rifle checked, he also seemed to be completely in control of his actions during the assault. Witnesses state he fired a few dozen rounds and as soon as he ran out of ammo he released the magazine and threw his gun to the side and laid spread-eagle for police. This man knew exactly what he was doing and how to avoid being killed by the police, he knew the cops wouldn't shoot an unarmed man despite him committing mass murder
Going through Meth withdrawals at age 9 because you have ADD and got prescribed some colorful little pills changes you.
Read this shit and tell me this it isn't fucked up to give this shit to kids