Torture Suspects Chared with Hate Crime, Kidnapping, Battery, Among Others

The four sadistic racists who tortured a schizophrenic teenager were charged today with hate crime, aggravated kidnapping for ransom, aggravated armed kidnapping, aggravated unlawful restraint, aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and residential burglary. They were also denied bail.

Despite this Obama says:

“I think the overall trajectory of race relations in this country is actually very positive."

Why is it important that these dindus be charged with a hate crime in addition to the other charges? What message does it convey to the Regressive Left?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm happy with this.


>Why is it important that these dindus be charged with a hate crime in addition to the other charges?

Every citizen is supposed to have equal protection under the law, that means that a hate crime by a nigger is legally the same as a hate crime by a white.

Unless you want to repeal the 14th amendment and all the cases that use it as precedent.

Sounds like the hate crime charge relates to the vicitimization of a handicapped person, not to a person of a particular race.

CNN releases mugshot of one of the alleged attackers

Unsurprising extreme bias in CNN's reporting. Reference made to "racially charged false claims by conspiratorial website, InfoWars"

>mug shot
>that retarded "shove chin up and scowl to look menacing" pose

Kenyans are literally retarded
