Yellowstone Supervolcano

So what are you going to do when you're starving to death, it's bitter cold and dark because the ash has blocked out the sun, and your lungs are being shredded apart by ash particles Sup Forums?

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Thank God

Check my comfy flag, your volcanic thing is at the other side of the planet, I simply don't give a shit.

I'll keep getting drunker. What else can you do?

Thank god Canada is gonna be ok

Praise kek for the best happening yet

I'll probably die.

>only red states will be nuked
Thank dog

trump needs to build a super dome around this volcano

You guys aren't going to be "ok" exactly.
The volcanic eruption was cause the equivalent of a nuclear winter last for several years. This combined with most of the USA's breadbasket means A. Mass global starvation and B. The economic collapse of the USA and in turn the whole world. Have fun.

Do you even know what a supervolcano is?

The sky would cease to exist as you know it, replaced with a never-ending smog cloud of ash. Sure we'll die before you, but I would take a fast death over slow starvation any day.

>tfw I live in Québec

You do realise that air inside the atmosphere is moving, do you, mister baguetteman?


East coast Canada best place in world
>no earthquakes
>no giant storms
>no tsunamis
>no dangerous insects/spiders/snakes
>no volcanoes
>bufferzones against immigrants
>global warming will only make us better

Feels good man
Now we just need to build a wall around BC and we should be ok

Wear a respirator

Blame jews as always

>a super volcano is political now

>Southern California out of the death zone.
One fucking job, Yellowstone. SMDH.

oh look its the monthly yellowstone (((supervolcanoe))) thread.

I will be sad that only the most cancerous parts of the United States remain unaffected.

>tfw you live in the "cool as a cucumber" zone

check your geography , Washington and Oregon will be fucked

statistically speaking yellowstone will erupt anywhere between 15,000 to 180,000 years from now with a likelihood of about 99%

human civilization as we understand the term exits for ~5,200 years now. basically there's a chance that by the time it actually happens, OP will have a visible penis

Campi Flegrei

will go off long before yellowstone

>it's bitter cold
light a fire
>and dark
see said fire
>lungs are being shredded apart by ash particles
use windmills to blow it into Europe

Thank God and embrace sweet sweet death

Wonder how I managed to survive to 2248

human civiliation is more closer to 12k years old

5200 years ago was the Iron age

The bronze age preceded that and the stone age preceded the bronze, both of those ages lasted a long ass time

Hate niggers.


I'm in Chicago so we probably won't get that much ash. We'll be fine.

Install Gentoo

I like in the insta-killzone dumbass
Ima be comfy as fuck.

western washington

Mount St. Helens was way closer and people here have been through ash rain before

hippies make clay shit out of the ash now like pic related
I think we'll be ok

if Rainier goes all bets are off though

It sure seems like it, remove Trudeau and Newfoundland seems good to me. Minus that weird accent.

>Mount St. Helens was way closer and people here have been through ash rain before
>all volcanoes are created equal


Nothing because I live in New Hampshire surrounded by local farms.

Can't wait lads.
Hope yellowstone blows in my lifetime so I can watch the shitfest.


>tfw the equalization payments stop
btw kill yourselves

air moves?

Good thing you built that wall in time

The most monstruous tsunamis have been registered on the east coast of canada though.

>ash has blocked out the sun

As if I'd know the difference between that and just a cloudy day.

weird accent? The fuck are you talking about

walls just good in general to keep out undesirables

Turn on my iPhone and listen to R Strauss' Tod und Verklärung.

If there's an east coast tsunami, you're getting it too, Pierre

Newfies have an accent that sounds like a watered down version of the Irish Accent, Do you live there or something because i've seen a few videos about it.

>USA's breadbasket
that's a good one mate!

That gif left me with blue balls


>The Bronze Age (About 3700 BC to about 500 BC)

The Bronze Age starts at different areas of the world at different times. The knowledge of how to mix the copper and tin moves slowly from place to place, plus many areas have no tin and/or copper to make the new metal.


Who's gonna pay for that?



Would be pretty comfy. I'm looking forward to it happening.

Everyone alive is already doomed to die. It would just bring the slumber sooner. No fucks given whatsoever

I for one am fine with the mass extermination within all of those red states.

get up
take a shower
go to work

just like any other day.

not big enough if you ask me

Most of people that grew up here, outside of cities have a similar/watered down version of a newfie speak. I've got a slight twang myself but I don't notice it lol. Burgers have an ear for it and mock us relentlessly

EU has massive trade barriers to other continents, especially when it comes to food and agriculture. Over half of the EU's budget goes toward subsidizing farmers in Europe to supposedly keep Europe food independent, and it has worked pretty well so far. You have to intentionally import food or beverage products from the US if you wanted to get it here, because all food in Europe is produced in Europe.

Not like america is much different, you also massively subsidize your agriculture.

You are you slanted eye bitch

Haha its not that bad man, but it could get pretty annoying after a while, you probably get used to it though.

can someone indicate in this picture where the caldera rim is in this picture? is it the mountain range? im not very knowledge of geological subjects like this but find them fascinating nonetheless

>west coast once again fucking over the south and east coast
Fucking wish you faggots were never born.

please ignore my severely retarded grammar in this post.

When this thing goes off and covers the the atmosphere with ashes, can't we use some nukes to clear the sky?

yes that's right, the caldara is within the borders of the mountain range

cool, thanks. thats a big fucking caldera

Parts of the Canary Islands should break off and fall to the ocean in the next hundred or so years user, which scientists say if it does it'll wipe out pretty much all of East coast of Canada and US

Can Sup Forums meme this into keksistence? I mean, we all want an apocalypse right?

>NorCal wiped out.
>SoCal A-Okay

Good thing I'm in the Kill Zone.

>these charts never include Canada

yellowstone knows we live in a world of law and doctrine, you really think it would let it's ash cross the border without a passport and visa?

lotta ashy niggas tho

Fucking never ending gif kek

Mexican volcanoes on the other hand...

Patrolling the ashlands almost makes you wish for nuclear devastation

You do know the leeches in the south can't survive without the other areas?

You know what, I'm OK with this... if we go out now, we go out on top with a Trump administration calling the shots. There will be pain and suffering for the survivors, of course, but not nearly the pain and suffering without Trump and the GOP's slow march to irrelevance.

I will personally become a refugee in France and punch you in the solar plexus.

>live inna michigan

guess ill be camping near the lakes...

Im pretty far west I have more to fear from sea level rise then I do from a volcano in the heartland

Who /raining ash/ here?

The Rock men living under the earth's crust. OUT OUT OUT!

Fuck Mexicans.

Fucking kek

I live in Northern Mississippi. Looks like I'll get some raining ash here, but if that's all does that mean we'll be relatively safe around here? Does it, y'all?

according to that diagram, be dead.


Holly Springs bro?