I am pro human, what are you Sup Forums ?

I love every human being.

Every nigger, every jew, every murderer, every rapist, every pedo, every psychopath, every manic, depressive, angsty, mad, retarded, stupid, intelligent, atheist, theist, muslim, christian, buddhist, hindu, sikh, 9gagger, redditor, virgin, women, aborigine, indian, native american, so on and so on.

What is your excuse to hate all of one group because of stereotypes? You know that these people develop stereotypes about you, and will hate you and treat you the same way when they are the majority of humans one day?

This is called Karma Sup Forums don't know if you heard about it but it's a real thing.

Karma is what a society, a mindset, a Zeitgeist transfers from one generation tot he other.

The behavious, the thinking, everything.

Wouldn't it be the time for us, the WHITE MALE! To break this cycle? To unite all races without hate?

To love everyone? Even those who hate us, those who even want to murder us!

If we give them a loving and supporting future, they will not develop any further hate towards any other human.

You can fight hate with love, this is no meme.

Be enlightened Sup Forums , be with god.

why do i have to love anybody other than the people in my life? everybody is the same to me

That's great faggot, but they don't love you and they will rape you, kill your family, and destroy everything you've built before you can finish your 5 minute long new age hug.

Only humans?

Bigot, what makes your life any more special than a mosquito?

I think you're delusional because you have a distorted view of reality.
In the real world, might makes right

Mosquito lives matter.


Are you high on drugs or are you just super cucked?

You are full of shit.

>What is your excuse to hate all of one group because of stereotypes

I've adopted the opposite feelings, I hate anyone until they prove that they aren't their respective stereotype, be them white, black, old, woman, fat whatever. 99% of the time someone will act out in a way that reflects the stereotype that their group has earned for themselves

You can't force people to be a certain way, and many people will cheat you and treat you like shit no matter how good you are to them. It's about healthy boundaries. White men have tried to change others for a long time with disasterous consequences.

We thought we would liberate Iraq and Afghanistan and they would be thankful and have nice elections and elect nice people and be nice. Instead they snipe us, bomb us, and elect radical Jihadis that want to kill everyone.

You can't put any culture and race in the west and expect them to become western. Our values and openness is the result of a LONG process of evolution going back to ancient Greece.

There is a moment you have to draw a line

>implying the two aren't hand in hand

>This is called Karma Sup Forums don't know if you heard about it but it's a real thing.
>Karma is what a society, a mindset, a Zeitgeist transfers from one generation tot he other.

That's not the definition of Karma at all you dumb kraut.

Literally all action and intent is Karma.

Love is not good.

Hate is not evil.

You must love the noble, strong, wise, admirable, and despise the vulgar, the weak, the wicked, the foolish.

"Loving everything" basically means "Be a pussy doormat niceguy."

Fuck that noise.

What if the one with these qualities is a nigger.

Wew, the propaganda sure hit your little sheep brains hard.

You don't get that all this rightwing vs leftwing stuff is just a big game leading to the enslavement of all humans don't you little retarded brainwashed beings get this?

How deluded can a human being be? I bet there was a time when your mind was still pure, uncorrupted, but you cucks call it "Bluepilled".

If you would have thought just a bit further you would have noticed that i meant exactly this.

Alter, was hast du denn geraucht?

But seriously, your post should only apply to genuine, human beings.
"Even those who hate us should receive love".
Are you for real? Read the bible and look, where this stupid behaviour supposedly brought jesus to: his crucification, ultimately his death.
If you're so eager to die, then just end it yourself.

The obvious, human trash should fuck off to hell, that's no matter of skin colour or race. Only those, who wish no harm to others shall be allowed to advance. Our job should be to pull up the weeds, not trying to live among shit.

>If you would have thought
>wants me to create intent

Fuck off nigger, you still don't know what you're talking about.

Germany is the cancer of Europe. Your plunged the world into war and now you import more Muslims than any other European country. A big FUCK YOU from the Netherlands.

Love is always the answer.

Remember when some humans answered hate with hate?

I remember, WW1, WW2, Jihad, Crusades, massacres, genocides etc etc.

You know that someone is bluepilled if they try to repeat something that never worked for THOUSAND OF YEARS

How deluded can you be, to believe that you deserve to live anymore than that mosquito you squashed.

Fuck your speciesism

Reason they do that, is because they were bombed to shit and controlled for years.
You think the average German wants these immigrants?

What i have seen on Sup Forums lately i believe they do.

>I love every human being.
autism detected

Life is literally suffering and struggle, and loving is karma just as much as hate is.

Du bist noch ganz am Anfang mein Bruder.

Jesus ist für nichts gestorben, ein Kult, nichts weiter.

Seine Lehren waren nicht seine, sondern alle niederschriften nur Metaphern aus viel älteren Weisheiten.

Maybe you should see a therapist about that molesting you had to go through.

Stop living in the past Weedman.
The only thing that is from importance is the now.
I don't believe i am any more worthy to live than a fucking flee.
I just want that we survive, is it that hard to understand?

German proxy's to fuck with people, happens alot
People i meet online and met in real life dont want it.

didn't see "nazi" on your list


Not an argument.

Mein Argument steht trotzdem noch.
Menschlicher Abfall hat das Geschenk des Lebens nicht verdient.
Wer seinen Mitmenschen den Tod wünscht, sei es nun durch religiöse Ansichten oder zum persönlichen Nutznießen, oder wer andere Personen auch nur ansatzweise ausbeuten will; solche "Menschen" verdienen nichts.
Ich wünsche keinem den Tod, aber solches Pack hat diesen sicherlich verdient.

Thanks Merkel. Show me your love.

you shouldn't exist in a decent society. If you love those niggers so much, then go to africa and live among them.