Japan need immigrants (round3)

Japan need at least 200.000 immigrants per year

United nations, IMF, World Bank, OECD,wall street journal, Gold man sachs and many famous economists said

>Japan need at least 200.000immigrants per year to maintain Japanese society


I have been saying Japan need immigrants.

Now many international organizations are my side.

Check m8 Sup Forumstards

I got over 600 replies and We don't have realistic plan to make Japan great without accepting immigrants yet.

Deal with it. pol

Other urls found in this thread:


This is bait. sage

Fuck off, we're full.

Or what? Wages will rise and workers will get overtime? God forbid.

There's nothing wrong with immigration. Important are the scale and the reasons for people to immigrate. If you import 200k muslims as a pack they'll never integrate and destroy your society from within. If you take one person at a time and make them accept your values and morals it's fine. Obviously niggers and especially muslims are not interested in any of that shit. I bet even most of Sup Forums would only want to immigrate to japan because of fucking weeaboo pandering and asian pussy.

>Japan needs immigrant to maintain Japanese society

This is like saying you're running out of lemonade and need to add more piss to maintain your lemonade supply.

Refugees welcome!

>Country's population decreases
>Country goes into smaller scale

(((economist logic)))
>Country's population decreases
>Country explodes

>100 million
>Tiny island

To be honest I'd love to move to your country and rail your pure women.

Damn straight.