Explain this Americans, this is the reason why so many people are either homeless, or living with their parents

Explain this Americans, this is the reason why so many people are either homeless, or living with their parents.

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Why did you choose to live in New York City?

>weekly check
we need a new genocide

And why did you choose to have a child when you're making minimum wage? And why did you choose to try to take care of a pet when you're making minimum wage? And where is the father?

A shit hole in Commiefornia or JewYork might be that expensive, you can get decent 2 bedrooms for less than 6-800 bucks in the rust belt. Now how about we quit pretending one geographical locations problems are the same as others.

>tfw you can get a two story apartment with a bathroom, 1-2 bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, and office space for $700-900/per month (excluding other amenities)

Texas needs to secede already

>1200 a month

That's dirt cheap. What kind of poor nigger are you

big daddy gov will pay for it

Maybe she shouldn't be a single whore with a child leeching of tax money?

>$1200 month in NYC
might be about to get a tiny room for that much

Step 1. Don't be a single mother

The End

>Why is rent so high!
Obscene land taxes. Democrats.

>Why are wages so low!?
Payroll Tax. Democrats.

>Why aren't people working enough hours!?
Overregulation of business. Democrats.

>Why do people have kids out of wedlock?
Elimination of the nuclear family. Democrats.

I will gladly support a $2 increase of the minimum wage on a federal level for EACH of the above that you abolish.

>the father probably makes twice that
I don't see what the problem is here

1200 a month isn't too bad. You can get like. 3-4 bedroom house with that here. The 300 dollars a week though is absurd. Is she only working 2 shifts a week or some shit?

That's pretty common everywhere dude.

We have 4 people living here at mine and my dirtbag brother can't even scrape 600 together.

*cough* real estate jews *cough*

NYC is 3500-6000 per month
a 2 BR Condo is 1200 in Florida

>Is she only working 2 shifts a week or some shit?

Now that I think about more, I actually think the comic is implying she's either getting that money from the government or from her ex-husband as child support. Which makes it ten times worse.

if we went nat soc we could fix the eternal jew rent problem

It's not the Jews.

Bad bait

You can usually rent a room for pretty cheap, but housing is pretty fucked if you don't wanna live in a ghetto full of niggers.

move out of NYC and the Bay Area

prices are artificially inflated since the local government allows for little new construction compared to immigration.

>the father
He's probably in a crack house chasing the dragon, desu

>Elimination of the nuclear family. Democrats
Agree with the rest but it was Ronald Reagan who brought no fault divorce to the United States. As governor of California he signed no fault divorce into law and pushed for other states to follow suit because he believed the government shouldn't have a say in relationships, including divorce.

An expanded list of human rights incl:

>eating out three meals every day, gourmet food when "cooking" at home
>iShit of all sorts
>muh video games
>premium internet
>hipster trash clothing and nic nacs
>inability to command any sort of impressive wage because of stupidity or stupid life choices

No it isn't. I've lived on the east coast, in the midwest, in Arizona, and in Texas over the years and none of those regions have low tier efficiency apartments at anywhere near that amount. The only places that do that are New York City and maybe some cities in California.

>4 people living here

Then it's not an efficiency apartment you retard.

someone on minimum wage earns $1250/month. In 1938, someone on minimum wage of 25 cents/hour would earn $40/month and the average cost of rent was $25/month. Something is broken today. I'm not saying that minimum wage should be raised but you can see that housing costs are insane nowadays.

I think welfare dealt a bigger blow to the nuclear family

if they wouldn't give whore single mothers and section 8 nigs 1500 a month for housing, the market in every city in America wouldn't be so fucked

You can still rent a cheap apt or townhouse, you just have to commute

300 a week.

Assuming that's after taxes, your gross would be about 400.

40 a week is 10 dollars an hour.

Why would you think you could live off 10/h in a city where rent is 1200?

you are a retard


Fuck off.

this is why im leaving california to live in the midwest

also because the asians and mexicans have invaded


That's a funny way to say Jews.

Obama was the best president ever and the economy has never been better.

80% of the rental places in san marcos TX are $400-$500...for a room...per person...and you will have 3 roommates.

that'll get u an apt in bushwick

Same here but I'm going to Nevada.

>80% of the rental places in san marcos TX are $400-$500...for a room...per person...and you will have 3 roommates.
Really? Why is that higher than the Bay Area? You can get rent a room out for between 500-800 for yourself.

Are you lying?

I have a 1br that's 1150 in Providence.
Utilities included, but still it's not unheard of.

My neighborhood is 99% white though, so there's that.

no it isnt
you can easily get a sub $500 apartment in any city, or outside of it\
Im paying $400 for my part of a furnished 4 bedroom, as student living, so theyre over charging me for being close to campus and having a gym I dont use.
>but you only have a bedroom, its splitting the cost
no dingus
I just looked, $439 for a one bedroom, thats less than half of full time minimum wage.

Fuck off we're full.


Looks like you are lying. Why would you purposefully lie like that?

All they need is a one bedroom. You don't deserve two bedrooms if you're a single mom. And you especially shouldn't even think about looking for two bedrooms if you made the poor decision to live in one of the highest cost of living cities in the entire country.

Shows a single mother lol. So yes you need two incomes these days if you're poor/lower middle class. Lots of family live together during this Obama great depression. They even have shared apartments for two single mothers which should make more sense.

You're full of shit.
Best friend lives thirty minutes out of the bay.
He has to pay 1100 dollars for one room.
That's the cheapest you can get.

Where do you live and how many niggers are there.

Maybe she shouldn't have become a single mother and lived a life where she never arrived to earn more than minimum wage.
CPS should take her kid away, she should get a roommate, get a better job, and then she can get her kid back and afford a good life for them.

It's that simple

If you're a single mom who lives off of child support and government assistance checks you deserve to live with niggers.

Collage town.

Also sucks because most places pay shit wages and offer shit hours because most of these kids have everything paid for with daddies money and govment scholarship.

My apartment in Maine is $230 a month
Though everyone around me is a fucking methhead

mexicans making all the cheap neighborhoods shitty

prove me wrong

Missouri is 100% full. We are a red state and fucking staying that way.

Hey user? Can you tell me where the husband is? I can't see him in that picture.

My house payment is $1100 a month. It's a 3 bedroom house that I have all to myself.

>Mfw have a 1bedroom apartment all to myself in nice area here in OKC for 450 a month


Small towns...

3 beds
3 full, 1 half baths
2,360 sq ft


Includes detached garage

>The racial makeup of the city was 93.3% White, 1.5% African American, 0.6% Native American, 0.4% Asian, 2.3% from other races, and 2.0% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 6.2% of the population.


You're obviously omitting something.

Looks like that whore needs to get a better job.

>1200 for rent in a shithole
Where the fuck is this at? New York? San Francisco? Pick somewhere else.
>300 per week
>has a kid
>has a fucking pet
Why the fuck does this bitch have a kid and a pet with a McJob? Easy solution:
Don't have the kid.
Don't get a pet.
Don't make a career out of flipping burgers.
Don't live in NYC or San Francisco.
Why do people like this get sympathy?

>poor serf. A quote from the departed; ''make more money you doosh bag.'

Agreed. Explains why nowadays guys in their mid 20's still live at home.

What the fuck does that have to do with what I posted. If you're leaving on the east coast and you have cheap apartments you're either living in the middle of the woods or a nigger infested area.

I pay $400 plus $80 for gas and internet and I get a single wide, 2 bedroom trailer with maybe 600 square feet of room and a 1000 fenced yard. This picture is a lie.

>this is the reason why so many people are either homeless, or living with their parents.
either they need better credentials, contacts, and education or they should get out of the city
Let minimum wage be for high school, people fresh out of college, or reintegrated criminals not for people to make a career out of.

Athens, Ga. so less than other southern cities

MFW 550€ rent split with girlfriend and making 2000-3000€/month each.

so much this. Two people making 1200 a month each. You would be making bank. Plus, who the fuck needs a 1200 /month house? Get a 600 /month apartment.

Not that user, but rural areas are no better these days. A few years ago houses around here averaged around 50-100k, while rent was around 250-450 for nice places.

When Obama got his second term, and annihilated the jobs in the area, the price of houses went up to around 200k+ and rent around 600+ for places that you wouldn't even blink twice at.
Housing is going up at such a sickening rate it makes me pissed for not buying random plots of land instead of investments.

This memeth knows.


i used to live on my own in a nice little apartment until the fucking mexicans starting moving in. after that, my car was getting broken into almost weekly. i finally just said fuck it and moved back home to save up for a move north.

fucking goddamn mexicans ruining california. i hate them so much.

shit sucks when you have no skills and mouths to feed.

Yeah that looks like the poor neighborhood

Judeo-Capitalism, Suburban Sprawl(suburbs created by Jews also), and high crime ghettos devaluing property so much in certain areas that it stacks the prices higher in the none areas think of it like a balance scale.

All of this was caused by the Jews. The reason we have neets ,r9k, and basement dwellers is because of the Jews.

$909 + 3/4 water bill + electric 2 bedroom

Thanks for proving my point.

Terrible job, especially for a mother with a 6+ y/o kid and no husband. Regardless, for $300/week you could get an inexpensive apartment with roommates, easily fund an RV or tiny house, or live in a multi-generational household like humans have done literally forever until the degenerate boomers normalized trying to live on your own.

It's icing on the cake that they mention 'no smoking' as if it's some horrible thing that the mother can't SMOKE INDOORS AROUND HER YOUNG CHILD.

College debt
companies not wanting to hire people with actual work experience

it's the FEDS fault for using QE. If we let teh free market decide the value of money we'd all be able to afford houses since they're so easy to make. since 1980 the price of everything has more than doubled. You could get a brand new car for $8000, try doing that now.

>tfw no Dota meme team to support because >UK Dota

>1 post by this ID
ffs guys

>600 /month apartment.

They dont make affordable housing where I live. They put up brand new expensive apartments literally everywhere. Only affordable places to live are ghetto black neighborhoods.

I love to play with Brits tho, you Guys are the most chill out there.

you mean the government spent the last 50 years inflating home prices while wages stagnated, pushing people into rental properties (for which demand growth outpaced supply)?

who couldve seen thins coming?!

then fucking move. No one is making you stay where you are.

>80% of the rental places in san marcos TX are $400-$500...for a room...per person...and you will have 3 roommates
That was your point. Don't move goalposts now you liar. I caught you.

This thing is 2 bed 1.5 for 909$ BY YOURSELF.

Here's a studio for 700$.

You got caught in lie. Stop replying.

I don't care what the op's intentions are, I wanted to post about this topic so I did.

Poor people don't have a right to live in expensive places, plain and simple.

In Indiana, there are a multitude of relatively nice 1-bedroom apartments for $500/mo, and studios for even less. I rented a studio in Shelbyville, an Indianapolis suburb, for $85/week when I first moved there in 2013.

If you got a multi-bedroom apartment and split with roommates, it's even less.

Not to mention the food stamps and free insurance you get on minimum wage, now. So the percentage of monthly income going to housing, if people don't overspend/choose to live in places outside their means, is actually LESS than in the 1938 example you gave.

So yeah, minimum wagecucks can fuck off.

It's not that simple.. You realize places with high costs of living also have the most jobs right?

>The racial makeup of the city was 93.3% White, 1.5% African American, 0.6% Native American, 0.4% Asian, 2.3% from other races, and 2.0% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 6.2% of the population.

Poor whites aren't the same as niggers. You can live in a poor white neighborhood and people look out for each other. If someone fucks up, the police are notified or it is dealt with by good ol' boys. There is no "snitches get stitches" in rural white America.

>save up for moving costs and hope you can get a similar job somewhere else

not practical for everyone. not to say that user lacks agency entirely, but its pathetic that you lot refuse to recognize systemic issues.

Thats about what you get working full time at a minimum wage job.

Currently renting a $1200/month 3 bed 2 bath in Florida. So glad I didn't move out of state after College.

>Explain this Americans
Nice proxy kike


Fuck you. I pay $1450 a month for a 1 BR 1 bath in DC to live next to fucking crack smoking niggers who get state subsidized housing, daycare, healthcare and food so they can sit on their asses and get high all day while I go to work so I can pay both mine and their rent. DC is a fucking nightmare

That's a number you pulled out your ass.


That's the point I'm making
>play stupid games, win stupid prizes

Shame we're awful at the game though, eh?

>You realize places with high costs of living also have the most jobs right?

Source? I don't buy that. Dallas is a great city for jobs for example and there are sub-1K/month apartments everywhere. And Arizona towns too; most of them super-cheap and have plenty of jobs.