Hillary should be arrested for her emai-

>"lgnorance of the law doesn't equate to criminality: it equates to ignorance."

Sup Forums BTFO!

>"I didn't know that guy would die if i shot him officer!"

>Ignorant of the law
>Pic related

>ignorance of what "wiping a server" means doesn't equate to innocence
Nice try

>Well officer, I didn't know murder was illegal so checkmate!

Sorry officer. I didn't know I couldn't do that.




>Sorry officer, I had no idea that raping a child was illegal

You know I think the mudslimes may be onto something.

If the crime is to perform an act, then you are acting criminally and breaking the law when you perform the act.

This is different from crimes requiring intent.

Hillary's crime falls under the former category - the act is illegal regardless of intent, per the relevant US Code.

The new mods are known jews puppets
Heck, a mod got fired for banning user's on Sup Forums with leftist reasons why they got banned.
Only after we complained that it was happening

>lgnorance of the law doesn't equate to criminality:

no it actually does, in pretty much every country on the planet


>has no idea what the laws of a country are
>wants to run that country
lick an anus, gaylord

Hah, I just watched that episode today.

*spoiler* They buy the car wash.

came here to post this.

Why are you spoilering a show that's been over for four years?

Doesn't apply in the case of her emails because she away her right to that plea in a court of law when she applied for the level of security clearance she had as SoS.

>do you know how fast you were going?

>knowingly obfuscate evidence under subpoena

It's a good thing I had no idea that stop sign meant stop, you can put the ticket away now officer

She made false exculpatory statements under oath.

That is evidence of guilt.


Ignorantia juris non excusat (Latin for "ignorance of the law excuses not") is a legal principle holding that a person who is unaware of a law may not escape liability for violating that law merely because he or she was unaware of its content.

She should know better as a representative of your country mate

>sorry I raped you I didn't know it was illegal
Next thin we'll turn into Europe. Not going down that path.

>"lgnorance of the law doesn't equate to criminality: it equates to ignorance."

That is true, it's not illegal to be unaware of the law.

However violation of the law does equate to criminality, regardless of ignorance.

>Sorry officer, I didn't know stealing was illegal.

>"No problem citizen, since you didn't know I can't charge you."

hillary logic

Every nigger and arab will die screaming.


>Go to iran and fuck a woman in a burqa
>"Ignorance of the law doe-"
>gets behedaed

>Sorry officer, I didn't know raping was illegal
>No prob, but you will not do it again ok?
>yes sir

Well, that defense works in Sweden.

>Ignorance of the law
Wasn't she a lawyer?

>fuck, rape and murder are illegal? shit i didn't know that. sorry officer won't happen again.

>lick an anus, gaylord

>Secretary of state feigns ignorance like a child
They know their responsibilities. Politicians should be dealt extensive punishment for their misdeeds.

>>"lgnorance of the law doesn't equate to criminality: it equates to ignorance."
so if you dont know killing a person is wrong you can do it?

i didnt know i could murder that baby judge, thought that was a abortion
>not guilty!

laws should be simpler, based on principle rather than special circumstances.
Unlawful to perform damaging and non-accepted act upon person, be it physical or psychological.
probation-60 years based on crime.
Kidnapped son without legal basis
>thought kid was being raped- probation
>going to kill the baby, 60-life.

Is it so damn hard?