FACTS about Sup Forums

>Sup Forums is the only board with both flags and IDs (they were added as a punishment by moot)
>this board is red (NSFW) because the porn spam is encouraged
>the name "Politically Incorrect" indicates that this is not a legitimate place to discuss politics
>this board gets very little moderation compared to other boards

Other urls found in this thread:


>hey were added as a punishment by moot

no they weren't idiot. Sup Forumsharbor was the punishment. when Sup Forums was returned to normal the mods added flags and ids because they were requested by everyone here. before ids and flags everyone called everyone jidf/shill etc.

This board was created after moot closed /new/ in 2011


Nigger you are fucking new as fuck...

You have that new cuck smell and everything

Sweden, please. Don't be upset that you have to now show you're a cuck and proud.

>everyone called everyone jidf/shill etc.
Glad that doesn't happen anymore.

And before /new/ there was /n/.

Sometimes i agree with the nsfw though

are the flags automatic?