Why do people call a miscarriage a baby but not an abortion?
Why do people call a miscarriage a baby but not an abortion?
It's only human when the woman decides it is.
It's always "the fetus".
>The fetus may have fingernails but...
>The fetus is impaled through the skull
>The fetus is removed one limb at a time
because they can't as easily be the victim when they made the active choice to kill their baby
I've wondered the same thing. Never mind the whole a pregnant woman murdered is a double homicde but if she has an abortion, nothing died.
Because, generally, when it's called a "miscarriage", the woman in question wanted to have a baby.
none of you butthurt cucks will ever have a kid or sex so what are you crying about
also, checked
I thought miscarriages are when the babie dies without actions of the mother, and abortion is when the Mother willingly murders her defenceless babie
>2 panels
>not 4
t. hit the wall
because it's usually in the third trimester while an abortion is in the first
It's very simple: the woman's feelings about her pregnancy are what matters.
If she wanted a child, then forcing her to miscarry is murder.
If she doesn't want a child, then it's a clump of cells with no rights.
You privileged white men just want to control women's wombs. Not gonna happen. Feminism wins. Deal with it faggots!
P.S. i fucked you're waifu
So with a miscarriage is the fetus just absorbed back into the body? Because that would suck if you had to "give birth" to a dead fetus/baby. I know stillbirths happen.
it's a baby when they want it and it's a clump of cells when they don't want it
You have to be 18 to post here.
Most of the time a miscarried baby was wanted
>pic related
when will manlets learn?
It's just shit out. I once knew a girl who kept her miscarriage in the freezer.
Don't feel bad bro. I'm 32 and still don't know where cum goes.
miscarriage is any fuckup after conception nigger
Rationalization Fallacy
miscarriages are when the fetus comes out
>it's wrong to care about other people/communities you should only care about yourself
>he's never fucked a kid so he shouldn't have an opinion on why child porn is wrong or right ether
enjoy your cats
Dehumanizing the aborted child is the only way women can justify murdering it.
Humanizing the miscarried child is the only way women can justify crying over it.
Women believe whatever whenever it is most convenient, and always for selfish reasons.
Why do you care if someone kills someone else lol
Most miscarriages happen when a girl has the period after the one she missed so the babby is still a couple cells but it boils down to victimhood
I've had plenty of sex. i dont get why roasties and cucks always toss out virginity as an insult. like getting pussy is some magic nu-male creator.
>ad hominem projections
"I am going to murder my unborn child today" is just hard to say 5 times fast.