I think Latin + Asian makes the best of anything

>Brazil Thread

I really like Brazil of all the other Latin American countries. Brazil has a different/colorful culture and a lot of people from Asian countries move there. Not sure if I have statistics off hand but Brazil is fairly popular followed by Peru I think.

Anyways, my family is mixed. My uncles/cousins have kids with Mexicans, Colombian, Portuguese and I'm not sure. I don't have much money/big dick, but I bet I could get a favela girl that likes hooning around on scooters and motorbikes.

Asian women in general lack the daredevil/crazy side to them. I could fall for the crazy Latin chick meme just to say I've been with a Brazilian. Can't be a rich one from SP, has to be a favela chick that isn't a single mom.

I've been with my fair share of crazy girls. Crazy enough that they're back to back to drug rehab or serving felony sentences in county jail (firearms/robbery charges), I think I can be ready for Brazil.

>English teacher detected

also, what is IQ reduction to the mean

Only São Paulo and the South Brazil are "decent"
Anything else should be nuked soon as possible.

I don't teach English bro. I'm just touring Asia, 3rd world places on insurance money. I'm trying to go to Carnaval.

Florianapolis looks nice

I had a friend that lives in Bavaria of Brazil? I think it's called Jordão Campos. They have buildings that look straight from old Germany.

Find a pure-bred Japanese-Brazilian.

They are culturally-enriched enuff.

There's quite a bunch of Chinese/Japs living in Brazil from the past immigrations and I'd say even present day. I know of overseas Japs that live long term in Hawaii, Guam or Peru/Brazil. Must be the better weather or Latin fever.

Personally, I like the Brazil motorcycle culture over Japan's bozozuku biker "gangs".

I wish cruiser bikes/Harleys were more appreciated over here.

> Flag looks like a woman on her period
> Import for compensating small dick
> muh beautiful ones
> wrong Korea has best waifu
> Samurai code
> Cruise control

What are you getting at. Asians that live overseas tend to assimilate well. There's basically Asians that speak Portuguese and identify as Brazilian more than their ancestral homelands. They may look Asian, but culturally they identify as their jew country.

I'm a good example, I don't speak any Asian languages, my family including my grandpa speaks English. My grandpa speaks/reads/write fluent French. A good hint for what country we are from.

He served the US Army for 22 years though, that's partially how. Before that French education/Catholicism was the norm until they got overthrown.

Colonization is interesting stuff. Only specifically niggers undo everything and fuck it all up.

**New country

Freudian slip lol

kys subhuman

Nah. This isn't a white supremacy thread. You guys already make white supremacy threads 50 times a day, this thread doesn't really relate to white women/white people/white culture at all.

Because you're brown.

favela chicks are all brown/black and unnatractive

poor people are never good looking, otherwsie a rich guy would marry one

Basically you're a nigger hating leaf? Down the road is the way to go.

>US Army
Does not compute

There are some attractive girls at samba studios, brown with some Italian mixed. Not too informed about Italian immigration in Brazol, but they definitely have Italian sounding names more than Portuguese.

fun fact: the japanese that used to live in brazil after the second world war did not belive japan lost it in the first place. When the local police went into the japanese comunity party (they were not allowed to use the japanese flag since it was axis, and brazil fought by the allies). Ok so this officer takes the japanese flag out of the pole and clean his boots with it. next day 7 japanse dudes went into the police station armed with katanas and sticks to kill that officer. they were arested only after a huge number of officers armed with guns made them stop trying to kill this one officer. its all in this book on the pic.

Are Japanese in Brazil SJW pacifist cucks?

In Japan, many of them are anti military and anti war, but say nothing about the large US military presence here. They are anti nuclear weapons, but there are nuclear capable boats and shit provided by the US military. It's an odd situation.

I wouldn't mind if Japanese goes back to their former right wing roots. The current political climate seems ironic and dependent on US military.

Did you know that latin people actually come from asians? true story btw

>Are Japanese in Brazil SJW pacifist cucks?
no, not as much as pardos and whites
calling someone latin is a statement with more than one meaning.

Do you mean Campos do Jordão? It's a very beautiful place. It's a inner city frequented by rich people and couples. Went there once. Everything was expensive, but definitely worth it.
You should take a look at 'Bairro da Liberdade' in São Paulo.
São José dos Campos (inner city) also has lots of japanese colonies.

In an evolution standpoint dating back thousands of years, sure, it's believable. But the indigenous tribes of the Amazons today have little in common with an average East Asian.

But culture is definitely stronger than genetics. That's why you could see Chinese or Japanese speaking fluent Spanish/Portuguese and look confused when one speaks their "mother" tongue to them

Even in Japan, I've met totally looking white/black guys that speak only Japanese and have a funny broken English accent. It seems off putting to see a "foreigner" speak Japanese fluently and vice versa to see a Japanese looking person speaking only Portuguese.

It creates for some funny situations. I've asked this white guy for directions, and he spoke back to me in Japanese. I was like "uhh eigo?? (English) "

He just responded "solly no engris solly solly"

Can confirm. I used to date this chick who was half spaniard and half phillipino. Catholic and awesome in the sack. She did set up some of my bros with ladyboys without telling them they used to be guys she she got the door.

>Having sex outside of marriage
>hooking up other guys with trannies

You don't seem to understand what a Catholic is. No matter what she calls herself, she is not a Catholic, but a degenerate fuck

Protip: 90% of girls that went to Catholic school their whole life turn into whores.

Strict upbringings lead to whorish behaviors. Muslim women aren't exempt either. Catholics/Muslims tend to be the biggest whores around. A large majority of Latin America is Catholic and look at their birthrates.

if you combine latin + asian, you get filipinos

There's the rare Peru/Brazil mixes you'd have to meet

Latin + Asian is literally the same thing, because the people on Latin America came from Asia...

It's not because I am referring to the cultural differences rather than thousands of years of genetics.

An average Latin person vs average Chinese person in China have little in common because of language/culture/food/thinking.