Sup Forums I'm so fucking enraged right now, I'm literally shaking while typing this

Sup Forums I'm so fucking enraged right now, I'm literally shaking while typing this.

FUCKING PERFECT. I work all fucking day, getting my ass kicked, then drive home in rush hour traffic just to read about this.

> A literal convicted first-degree murderer, kidnapper and robber that has no possibility of parole has gotten """"HER"""" sex reassignment surgery (costs of up to $100,000) paid from tax-payer money.

I repeat, I work all day and at the end of the day the thousands of dollars I paid in taxes last year goes to this.

Good job, California. SO FUCKING PROGRESSIVE.

Ever since now I've always said fuck it, I can take living in a blue state in exchange for the perfect weather, but seeing this, I almost want to throw up and move out right fucking now.

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>tax payer dollars went into this
Boy I'm glad I don't live in California.

just because you commit a crime doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to live life, you're just a statist that can't see past the dogma you've been fed

the fuck?


Fuck Americans and fuck white people.

I think California should just secede and join up with Sweden already. Every day I think it can't be more cucked and shit like this shows up in the news.


remember, dont drop the soap or youll end up like this guy..

and remember, pay your taxes or else the government will come in and take everything you own.. they need the taxes for this fucking faggot shit.. at least its state and not federal.. i aint paying for this shit

send a note to your local representative about it.

seriously. i started to do this when i read shit about politics that i have no control over and it actually helps my anger abate.

send him a short paragraph or something.

If you are a murderer, you shouldn't be able to live life.

Day of the rope when?

Is that Robbie Rotten with a wig?

You know its going to a female prison right? identifys as a women now

Bad news for you, buddy. We are in this shit together.

He probably did it to escape prison rape, I'd waste $100,000 in taxpayer money too if I was in his position

>at least its state and not federal.. i aint paying for this shit
>murder is a felony
>he goes to federal prison
>the state pays for his surgery
>the nation pays to keep his faggotass fed and clothed
you are paying for it, in one way or another.

this. where's the fucking justice?


OP's been shopping for faggy boots online

>convicted kidnapper and murderer

would be have been a lot cheaper to just execute the faggot and free up the cell for somebody else

what's the point of having laws if when they're broken you go into a daycare facility where everything you could ever want is handed to you for free?

> being a poorfag

>He probably did it to escape prison rape
>escape prison rape
>implying his faggot ass isn't in hog heaven and loving every minute of it

there is nothing inherently wrong with murder

that's why they should be locked away in a hole somewhere where nobody will ever hear from them again


>wearing yeezy boots

>go to mens prison
>butt rape all day
>decide you're a woman
>24/7 poontang from them horny bad bitches

>my fucking paycheck is going to this
nuke CA pls


So glad I left that state

>Litterally getting your genitals removed or getting raped by Jamal.

Fuck that, would much rather gun down cop trying to arrest me if that's the choices. (If I were a felon)

Wrong. Being a convicted criminal is precisely why you can't live your life on your terms.

That's why we need to fix em or some shit.


Christ this shit doesnt even faze me anymore. How far whites have fallen


>yeezy boots



If you're in prison, you shouldn't be able to "live your life" as freely as you wish.

Deal with it, scum.

Californian here. I fuck having to pay for this. Why the fuck is the state paying for an elective treatment? Soon they'll start paying for female prisoners to have tit jobs .

This is some pretty low energy trolling, bud.

its yeezy as 1-2-3

Are there any consequences if I write to my local representative and demand either a tax refund or for them to personally go and sew a dick back on that mentally ill faggot?

Yeezy is /ourguy/

And who paid for it?

Бypгepы cмaчнeй зa бyльбy

I remember when this flag was considered a white person.

And now what? This thing gets transferred to a women's prison?

underrated post

yeah, they do it and it costs you another hunnert G

Oh really? Please elaborate.

Maybe it's time you move out of that cesspool.

>if the state deems x wrong and you do x then you shouldn't be able to live life
I fucking hate statists I swear
you have no argument so you resort to calling me a troll
you're changing the subject
morality does not exist independent of culture

>Ever since now I've always said fuck it, I can take living in a blue state in exchange for the perfect weather, but seeing this, I almost want to throw up and move out right fucking now.

Do it faggot. Cali doesn't deserve your tax shekels. Also the less white people the sooner it can collapse into a Sweden of the West and be an example.

Might be worth it just for their tears.

But in all seriousness, why the fuck is tax payer money being spent on ELECTIVE SURGERIES FOR FUCKING CRIMINALS? This shit is fucking insane, and anyone who's not a bleeding heart retard should see that

>dude why can't I murder people it's the state oppressing me bro

>literally shaking

spotted your tell

no, but written letters matter to representatives. A lot. Far more so than emails or tweets. It lets them know you're far more serious.

'Writing a letter to your rep', is the single strongest thing you can do short of calling them. So make it count, dont be a dweeb. Let them know you are unhappy and why and you want to know if your rep supported that bill that paid for this elective surgery.

>Get sex reassigned
>Transfer to women's prison
>No rape
>Strongest person there

That's pretty genius, if you're a murder convict.

>just because you commit a crime doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to live life

Yeah it does, that's why you're put behind bars, in a small box, for a certain amount of time.

243 million tax payers in america

I suck ass at math but assuming surgery was 100,000 that means each taxpayer paid less than .0004 cents

How is this even a fucking issue? Do you know how much of your tax money is being wasted on old shits, fat people, single mothers, niggers, overblown military shit and all sorts of other stupidity?

I'm not saying that government should pay for tranny surgeries, because they shouldn't. But even for a ragebait thread this is fucking pathetic, you're raging over fucking nothing

now you're twisting my words because you don't have an argument

see: stop sucking the state's dick for one second please and actually argue your points

Id really like to kill you and your family. I guess your fine with it too.

But he/she's still at risk of getting ganged-up on by some dykes.

The point is that this is an even stupider thing than usual that taxpayers have to pay for. I don't want to pay for niggers either, but at least you can make some bullshit humanitarian argument or whatever. This one is just plain stupidity.

I feel your pain
My GF and I work 8-6 she makes 45k w/ benefits
I make 65k + 5k bonus w/ benefits (Side jobs on weekends another avg 10k a year)

Uncle same takes about 35k - 40k a year from us give or take

I am sick of paying for Referred Abortions, STD pills for jobless teenagers, Food Stamps and Welfare for Jobless Mothers.

I don't mind of the did programs to help these moms get jobs, or assist them with child care, even the section 8 housing would make sense if it wasn't filled with drug addicts.. and to see this after hearing they legalized Child Prostitution just makes me say FUCK YOU CALIFORNIA.. to bad we are stuck here because we have all our family here, jobs here, and our industries thrive here.

It's funded by the state, jackass. And although there's about 40 million people in California, most don't pay taxes.

Sad but true

CALEXIT can' t happen soon enough

No, I'm not. To occur in the first place, citizens had to work for the money to pay for it


Don't worry the other inmates will help resize his holes.

so does (((she))) stay at a male jail or female jail

Dude, California has the potential to be the greatest state in the union. Seriously need to consider kicking all those degenerate pieces of shit out of there.

You are born in a culture and society that will most likely have some form of government. As you are apart of that society you're under a social contract where you obey the rules, pay taxes and work together to live good lives. If you break the rules you forfeit any right to the life of a conforming citizen.
Now if you dont like it go fucking live in somalia or some shit hole. Go ahead, go murder some guy. Just dont expect anyone to help you survive or protect you when the local tribe rapes your family and kills you. Fucking retard.

Wrong pic

We need a Dylann Roof/Elliot Rodgers again
This LGBT thingy is getting out of hand

so half of california is 20 million, if they all paid for this dudes surgery thats .005 cents each

utterly inconsequential considered that the majority of their actual taxmoney over the course of their entire life is wasted on stupid shit every paycheck

I don't have any problem with sex-reassignment surgeries. No problem with any gender of sexes. Everybody can choose their genders themselves.


These bastards are fucking with taxpayer money.

While people are dying on the streets.


exactly. not like you could get a facelift. And if it's not elective then it's medical, and the only medical it could be is mental which means it is classified as a mental...illness

thats fucking disgusting. how the hell can anyone justify buying $1000 dollar shoes because of some chimps name?

seeAlso id rather that money go to executing it for murder or at least making its life miserable. It took a life, whi should it get what it wants.


It was until the 1970s. The last gasp of white California was Prop 187.

On the one hand, I think this is pretty ridiculous; on the other hand anything that makes Sup Forums this triggered has my full support.

I'm not fine with it because I don't want to be killed or my family to be killed
saying that is different then saying there exists some universal morality or some shit
I said that "just because x doesn't mean y".
And you replied with "who did z?"
you changed the subject
you made no argument at all other than an appeal to emotion. your conclusion is that as a part of society I obey a social contract. and your appeal to emotion was that we'd be like somalia if we didn't obey the contract. you haven't demonstrated that those two things are in any way related or that the situation in somalia is in anyway worse than the situation here

Why are there so many transgender people in the west nowadays? It is clearly mental illness. In Russia if you say some bullshit like I was born in the wrong body, you will be forced to get treatment. Some meds and therapy. You would be considered mentally ill and won't be able to do any basic shit like driving if you refuse to do that. Why would you fuel sick people minds and give them surgeries. They are clearly in need of other kind of treatment.

I bet you one million dollars he keeps the penis.

>US tax payers just paid 100,000$ for a 10$ wig.

>american problem triggering other nations.

Yeah ok whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night.

Murder isn't wrong because of the state. Murder is wrong because no one wants to be murdered. It is a universal truth.

When living in the society you must obey the morals of the society or suffer the consequences. Go ahead, murder someone. You can have the opinion that murdering isnt moral but the majority of people will disagree and you'll get the bbc in prison.

>I'm literally shaking while typing this.
>I'm so triggered right now you guys
>How did we let this happen
>I literally can't right now you guys like omg I can't even

What's the right wing version of an SJW?

>wrong pic
it's a gif you faggot, i'd bet my bottom benis on it

Literally the first people I KNOW OF that doesn't think murder is inherently immoral.

Even fucking murderers know that it is, they just don't care.

You are evil.

>Murder is wrong because no one wants to be murdered.
that's false. what do you think suicide by cop is.
you just posted your conclusion again without any support for it other than another appeal to emotion: "people will disagree with you" "you'll get raped in prison"

you didn't present an argument, you presented an appeal to emotion.
how far do you think you're going to get by calling me evil when I've already explained that I don't believe in evil?
prove it to me or shut up ffs


Suicide by cop is suicide, not murder. Prove me wrong, pro tip, you can't.




>ITT: autistic libertarian that sees no value in social order and hierarchy