was this hate crime?
Was this hate crime?
>not being pinned to a wall and mercilessly teased and struck by laughing school girls
>why live
white women can't commit hate crimes.
>Running away
>not beating those whores in to submission and then taking the cutest as your prize by right of conquest
Someday our social mores will be so totally destroyed that kids like that boy will immediately beat the shit out of girls that pull this shit. Justice.
I would've gotten a massive hard on. kid is lucky, closest he'll ever get to 10/10 virgin pussy.
You didn't see ectomorph chad nearby ready to gouge his eyes out if you fought back? Those girls are smart, bringing in a body guard just in case.
degenerate whores should be gassed
Islam is right, a beating or forced to wear an ugly scarf would get them to act correctly
He can't even fight back because those whore's boyfriends will just kick his ass.