>Believe that CTR, a tiny organization with $9 million in funds is shilling and manipulating the entire internet via posts.
>Ignore Putin who personally ordered an influence campaign including internet trolling/shilling to disrupt the 2016 presidential election and undermine American democracy.
>Be shilled and bitched by professional Russians and easily because you're a reactionary and will believe in anything that conforms to your narrative.
>This is OK because Russia was just fighting CTR so it evens out.
Trump is Putin's bitch, either he is being blackmailed by Putin or is engaged in treason in a way that makes Watergate look like a parking violation. He's pretty much the only one in the entire country who doesn't think Russia was involved with the election hacks and thinks the U.S. intelligence agencies are dumber than he is. There is no other possible explanation for his response to this issue and his attitude towards Russia. Wait, there is one: he is so narcissistic that he is completely delusional and has lost basic reality-testing.
>Ignore Putin who personally ordered an influence campaign including internet trolling/shilling to disrupt the 2016 presidential election You seem to think we wouldn't have done this without the help of our brave comrades.
Nathaniel Sullivan
Do I have to pay for these tears OP?
Angel Smith
kek has spoken russia is our friend
Anthony Kelly
>Be OP >Believe all the anti-Russian propaganda as if it were 1963 and the cold war >Ignore Julian Assange and Wikileaks who insist that Russia did not leak the emails >Ignore the contents of the emails showing wanton crime and corruption, possibly treason, definitely betrayal of the American public >Don't look into CTR/Media Matters/ ownership by George Soros >Ignore the proven crimes of the DNC in favor of the DNC's blame-distracting 'but muh Russia made us do it'
You know what..EVEN IF Russia WAS the 400lb hacker that exposed the reprehensible corruption in the DNC, good. OP, even if YOU were the hacker that turned over the emails to Wikileaks GOOD! We needed to know the truth. We needed to know just how badly we were being played by the DNC. You are a hero, OP, for blowing the whistle on the DNC. You exposed their lies, corruption, and betrayal of America. We are forever in your debt, OP. No matter who you are. You have saved America.
Robert Reed
Noah Scott
>shilling is equivalent to rigging an election it's laughable we made fun of CTR because it was sad that someone thought trolling could influence the election. then the libtards brought trolling into real life it's still laughable that they think this stuff can influence the election the only significant allegations I see are that russia hacked the DNC, but exposing corruption within the DNC is completely ethical doesn't matter what the motivations were. exposing the DNC was a good thing to do
Daniel Evans
Moscow’s influence campaign followed a Russian messaging strategy that blends covert intelligence operations — such as cyber activity —with overt efforts by Russian Government agencies, state-funded media, third-party intermediaries, and paid social media users or “trolls.”