Guns are banned

>Guns are banned
>800 murders


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Criminals don't obey gun bans. Is that really so difficult to understand? If people want guns, especially if they have any relation to gangs, they can get them. Why don't people understand that you get LESS crime when anyone walking around could shoot you if you try to start shit?


>not Chicongo


The effect of all liberal policies is to do exactly the opposite of what they're intended to do. Especially when blacks are involved.


Can you beleive it folks this city, this western city, in the most powerful nation that probably has ever existed, 762 people were murdered, 4000+ were shot in 2016 alone.

SheeeiiitCango only has a population of 2.7 million. London has 8.5 Million people with more than 7x less the murder rate

How can you ask how, this is literally what always happens.

Nigger Population > White population

No that can't be it, they're peaceful and being killed by whitey, that's the answer.

>pick one

Guns aren't banned. The handgun ban died years ago. We've had shall issue concealed carry for two years. The assault weapon ban has never been enforced. Hell, I carried for a decade before it was legal and never had a problem.

We've got 800 murders because five neighborhoods in this city are broken.

> five neighborhoods in this city are broken.
Hmm. Which ones?

They are being given weapons, there have been stories for ages how trains passing through and dropping crates of top notch full auto weaponry, not bullshit hipoints mac 10 full auto no jams this iant by mistake, they are being given title 3 weaponry not available or even possesed by the average gun enthusiast.
Tldr; cia gives em guns.

>cia gives em guns.
Is cia pulling the triggers too? Take responsibility for your actions stupid monkey.

What you need to keep in mind is that those murders and shootings are localized. I've lived here 35 years and I've never known anyone who has been shot, let alone killed. Imagine if London had 2500 murders next year, but 2450 happened in the West Bend, St. James, Belgravia, Paddington, and King's Cross but that every single person in those five neighborhoods was a muslim living below the poverty line who spoke only to other muslims living below the poverty line and maybe their one "rich" (read: middle class) auntie twice a year. How many shooting victims would the average white Londoner know?

Thats Chicago.

I honestly think there should be more guns. Live by the sword die by the sword.

Presented without comment.

The real cause of gun crime isn't race, or gun legislation.

It's socio-economic factors. It's very simple:
Poverty causes drugs, theft, alcoholism, and rampant unchecked mental illness. Drugs, theft and general low-life criminality create gangs. Gangs create friction between each other. Friction creates violence. Violence creates hatred. Hatred begets more hatred. And then it's just a matter of time before one side starts killing the other.

The real solution to gun crime isn't banning guns, or the "Sup Forums special". It's jobs. Give people the opportunity to make stable incomes, and they won't spend their days drinking, taking drugs, and arguing.

Blacks aren't eligable to do most respectable jobs.

It doesnt work in the US, because you are already far waaaaay down the shithole.

In The Netherlands, an M4 in the blackmarket costs around 90k. Pistols can go around for 15k

With those prices, you only have very dangerous drugslords offing each other, which the general public doesnt really notice. You dont have any 'gimme yo purse i have a gun' crimes here.

They didn't bin that knife

If you offered to pay desperate poor people a living wage to blindly dig holes in the desert, they would do it. It doesn't matter what the colour of your skin is.

Jobs represent much more than just an income. They give you social contact, they give you a meaning in life, they give you a value system, they give you hope for the future. An employed community is a healthy, happy community.



>t. Sargon of Akkad

Your nonsense has been debunked 6 gorillion times you utter moron.

Guns aren't banned and the rise of murders correlates with loosening of restrictions

That is because people in the Netherlands must be fucking retarded. Machinist here, guns are not very hard to manufacture and ammunition is easily made by anyone with basic chemistry knowledge. If firearms were hard to come by I know a lot of people who would be happy to make them by the tens of thousand, for almost a 100th of that price. Plus even if the chimps had no guns they would just bludgeon each-other to death with bats or rocks.

i like the way you think. having them dig their own graves is killing two birds with one stone.


As i said, you are already waaay to down the shithole.
Every other first world country that has no 'm-muh guns law' is much much much safer than the US.

>An association between the 2R allele of the VNTR region of the gene and an increase in the likelihood of committing serious crime or violence has been found.
>5.5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carried the 2R allele.

>A derived form of MCPH1 called haplogroup D appeared about 37,000 years ago (any time between 14,000 and 60,000 years ago) and has spread to become the most common form of microcephalin throughout the world except Sub-Saharan Africa; this rapid spread suggests a selective sweep.

>except Sub-Saharan Africa

Why are Appalachia's poor not suffering the same crime rates poor blacks in Chicago?

I'm sure the criminals will be headed in to give in their guns in no time don't worry

Niggers are still legal.

>not Chicongo

Are you literally trying to tell us the "warrior gene" occurs in black populations at a rate 55x that of white populations is statistically significant? Leaf...

You haven't provided an argument either.
Chicago isn't 100% black.
And the majority of killings in Chicago are gang-related (ie. unemployed).

If you want to argue that there should be "different jobs for black people", then that would be one thing. But you haven't even made an argument.

And your argument is?
Do these black men have jobs?

I like you eye for efficiency, but I hate what you're implying.

These are not black people that can hold down a job these are fucking niggers

they just want gibbs and what they can't get they take

Well I'm just a Britfag, so I don't know.

Maybe because their communities are more self-correcting? Which would mean better parenting, better social bonds, and less alcoholism/drug abuse?

>guns are banned

are you retardred, theres 2 dozens guns in a safe in the basement of my parents house

we have conceal carry too

>they just want gibbs

No one really wants that. They might think that they do, but once you've experienced productivity and employment, you wouldn't want to go back.

You're thinking like a white guy

Most of those places also do not have the same amounts of negroes as the US.

Look at the unemployment graph you dumb Jamaican monkey.

sheeeittt where can I get my select-fire stuff?

Appalachia is well-known for some of the most prominent opiate abuse in America. Following your premise begs the question why are some racial groups more self-correcting despite similar poverty levels. Its a question that deserves more research, but I'm certain a university professor would be satisfied with an argument consisting of some mix of historical injustice, institutional racism, and white supremacy.

Looking at this and the map on comment you posted it looks like the spics and niggers are getting into turf skirmishes, likely a gang war. All the homicides are on demographic lines. .dont hear much about the spics in chiraq.

They already have 8 murders in 2017

>dont hear much about the spics in chiraq.
If you look at the dead, the vast majority are blacks. If what you say is true, it shows spics have better aim.

The day of the rake draws closer

The drug abuse rates in the ghetto are pretty similar, but they're more prone to using heroin and crack due to ease of availability. The primary difference I can see is that in Appalachia the opiate use tends to be prescription meds so you don't have the same kind of brutal black markets that have been allowed to develop over generations. Same poverty, same drug use, but doctors took the place of gang bangers.

I've been saying for years that legalizing, regulating, and maybe even subsidizing drugs in the ghetto. Strangle the situation for a couple of generations then reeducate.

The Mothership is coming.

>the number is 12.6%
>rounding up to 13%
>improperly rounding down to 12%
Wow, it's fucking nothing

Ozarks here right next door. Same kind of poor. Answer is we are content. Hillbilly types typically have no greed and only value material possesions according to their usefulness. For instance guns, land, and family are most mens most prized possesions here. Things like twitter, cellphones, newest car etc is widely seen as a waste of time and money. This was written from a galaxy s3.

Also we are xenophobic as fuck. No matter your color or background we will put you through a vetting process. Once the community susses you out and accepts you, your in and family. Lots dont make the cut.mexicans and asians are pretty tolerated, blacks and any muslim looking person is going to get sone sideways looks for a long time before theyre accepted.

Aren't crime rates for US whites some of the lowest in the world?

Self Defense____0______11

Systematic Racism ™

Where you betting the "unknown assialants" belong? My guess is spics and cops, maybe some whites, looks like the spics a knocking jig heads if those infographics are correct

Aaaand check'd.

Yes. Especially if you dont count mexicans as white which our crime stats do.

Interesting take. While the suppliers are the doctors/pharmacies, the consumers typically buy oxy's from the black market without a prescription. Now that the US Gov has severely cracked down on restricting distribution of prescription opiates due to the epidemic, costs for pills has risen. Users will still need their fix, and many turn to heroin.

Meth is another drug commonly abused in white communities (and black communities recently for that matter). We don't see the same violence in the black market and associated gangs as we do in more urban, predominantly black and hispanic areas. 1% motorcycle gangs stand out to me as the exception.

All to say, similar rates of violence and criminal organization are not seen in different racial populations despite similar hard drug use. I think there's more to the story, and drawing color boundaries alone may be too simple an explanation.

I agree with you that decriminalization, and most importantly regulation of the drug trade would put a major dent in the profit margins and power of criminal organizations. Things seem to be trending that way at a crawl.

I'd bet that the unknown assailants break down more or less like the known ones do, with an blacks perhaps disproportionately represented as the murders are concentrated in heavily segregated black neighborhoods.

Chicongo is a much better name.

Gun control doesn't fuggin work.

I had some stupid fuck tell me today straight to my face that concealed carry being legal in Illinois for the last 3 years is why the murder rate has gone up. When asked how that makes sense, he said "Well, more people carry guns, and since they can bring guns in bars or gun free zones, their guns get stole out of vehicles and are used to kill people!"

This is an otherwise rational person. How the ABSOLUTE TITFUCK is it possible to defend firearm rights when our opponents pull this shit?

Theres something to be learned from those 1%ers. In a lot of ways, they're a lot like the black gangs: generations of aggression, macho bullshit, a lack of legitimate employment, and easy access to cash from the drug trade.

I feel like the racial angle isn't sufficient, either. Theres been a lot of shady shit in Chicago done to the black community here. That said, they need to take control of their own communities back. I honestly wish CPD hadn't killed Fred Hampton, the Panthers were probably the best shot for the black community in Chicago to get its shit together and police themselves like the Irish and Italians did when they crawled out of being animals.

I prefer Chicongo

Then why aren't they using them? What articles say someone was using full auto on people?

And there have been bullshit stories for ages.

Next time someone says that, tell them that most carriers aren't leaving shit in their cars precisely because they fear a theft. We're carrying in places we're not supposed to and still behaving ourselves.

Been hearing this same shit for a long time now user, maybe it doesn't work...


>It's jobs.
How many more make-work, do-nothing government jobs do we need to give to niggers????????

You're thinking in the wrong direction. Invest heavily in trade and tech programs, incentivize business to move into those areas and hire folks in the neighborhood. Put pressure on the gangs by giving residents something to lose, then do actual community policing and have the cops look the other way when a gang banger thats been terrorizing the neighborhood ends up with a round in their back. Hell, maybe even lay off the least violent gang in the area.

There's always going to be a drug trade because people are people. When the operation gets big enough there's going to be some tribalism that comes from it. The difference I see is that 1%'ers aren't sabotaging their communities with a reckless and violent culture that pervades much of urban black identity.

I respect that the Black Panthers tried to take control of their situation internally instead of victimizing themselves as so such of the SJW scene does. Hopefully there can be a renaissance besides SJWs, criminal gangs, and failed .gov policies in order to strengthen black identity and community, for the greater good.

Yeah, except there's no upside at all to """helping""" or """investing""" in niggers.

Also fuck nigggers

It is foolish to prohibit weapons in one state when neighboring states are stuffed with weapons.

In Caucas, every family has Kalashnikov, stolen from a warehouse Army. Skirmishes rarity there. Basically, shooting into the air at a wedding.

One would hope, but I wouldn't bet on it.

Be a realist. Do you like the idea of well funded drug gangs rampaging around and building a base of political support?

You don't have the juice for genocide, you need harm reduction.

This post would have been better in all caps with an IVAN trip.

I'm fine with cutting off all EBT, all welfare, all police, all Section 8, etc, and let them die. They are not able to sustain themselves. They need whitey to live.

They are parasites, and they live, only if we feed them.

>criminals obeying the law

Do you have the votes for that?


>Heroin Illegal
>People Die of Heroin OD

>Bans guns
>Forget to ban the nigs that use them to murder others

Just at our country.

Banned guns only work for regular citizens, criminals will still get guns just fine, and since nobody else has guns...

>night in Chicago sounds like

You could hear hundreds of different shots, different calibers and different locations. That is insane, that is a war zone. Seriously all you faggots should listen to that

This doesn't work because people in these ghettos are usually beyond repair, they don't want to work, or they cant work. Then the few of them that can slightly understand politics complain about shit like the minimum wage and don't end up holding their job.

>Banned guns only work for regular citizens,

Did that really make sense in your head? "Regular citizens" don't kill each other, so banning guns is pointless. The solution is banning niggers.

>>Guns are banned



BECAUSE CRIMINALS DON'T CARE ABOUT LAWS????????????????????????????????

But I'm just guessing tho

Going out on a limb

nigga, they bringing guns across da state line


Can somebody change OP's picture to read "SHITCONGO" instead of CHIRAQ?

I'd do it but I'm lazy as fuck tonight

Plenty of terrible crimes are still committed by whites, which could have been prevented by the use of firearms, so yes, it does make sense.

>"Regular citizens" don't kill each other
Speaking like a proper privileged burger whose country doesn't lynch criminals.

Its a handful of places. Aside from the stupid New Years and 4th of July shit, I haven't heard a gunshot in probably five years.

Kek says the bong who has never been around American nigger neighborhoods. These people are not capable of working. The ones that do work get the fuck out asap.

I fucking hate know-it-all uni motherfuckers with nothing but academic or theoretical knowledge. I have a masters and I've seen countless faggots like you. No situational awareness. No common sense just hopes and dreams.

I hope one of your family members is killed by niggers some day.