Quads decides the next biggest meme in 2017
ITT: We create a new meme
dem digitz :O
German civil war
Goyim revolt against jew enslavement.
US becomes 100% white.
>create a new meme
delivered as ordered
merkel culturally enriched
Barron Trump kidnapping and escape in Colombia.
Nuclear holocaust
Left wing radicals get thrown into concentration camps and forced to eat Trump steaks
I will just make a name someone else can draw it
Philip the perverted marsupial
Based Canada
videos of exploding whales
Mexico becomes superpower
Biafra restored.
get threads in Sup Forums
Cant Parry the Gary
michael the autistic prairie dog
Paris Terrorist Attacks 2: Jihadi John Strikes Again
virus that gets more deadly the darker the skin
memes are stupd
you dumbass there won't be any memes in 2017
meme's sitcom show with our favorites memes
Sort yourself out pol.
Stop saying "normal" the PC term is "average"
May I partake in the oats, Brother?
trump television will have to wait 4 years at least
EU destroyed, Europe shifts to the far-right, and identity politics and SJWism is utterly destroyed.
Holocaust 2.0
barron trump gets a sex change
It's time we awaken [spoiler]the boy next door[/spoiler]
Rolling again for goy revolt.
creating memes is a meme already
India start using toilets and become a superpower.
Return of Japanese nationalism.
Johnny Two-Strings is the new meme of 2017
meme roth
Let's meme Europe into swinging to the far right and kicking all the Muslims out.
can we normalize the word kike? Like let's just spend 2017 replacing jew with kike infiltrating every media circle
Killing pedophiles becomes lawful
Kangz n shit get rekt
If kek wills it
Spongebob is actually a Jew
trump will get impeached
meme Kanye into the whitehouse
Death of globleisim
fuck i just want quads damnit
the new meme should be acting well mannered like a gentleman :^)
Jesus returns
Sean Hannity
new pokemon games are racist and has too many white women and token minorities
two off :^(
trump becomes a dictator
Huge terrorism bigly
Based putin
meme $hillary's daughter into the whitehouse so that her bitch of a mother watches as her own daughter and husband achieve the presidency, but not her.
We discover Hitler had a son.
meme $hillary's daughter into the whitehouse so that her bitch of a mother watches as her own daughter and husband achieve the presidency, but not her.
That isn't how it works, retard
Remember Melania!
Invade California!
we all visit my cool website at 42chan
Race war
Hitler was actually a Jew all along
outing Israel for 9/11
comon kek, praise
Jeb! revolution
Russia didn't hack the election, it was Israel
Mexico pays for the wall
global financial crisis
Yugoslavia reunites and becomes a superpower rivaling the rest of Europe within one year.
Bring back Fefe
Nothing, the meme war had ended. Trump has won.