What does Sup Forums think of Martin Shkreli?
What does Sup Forums think of Martin Shkreli?
Some guy with money and a pharmacy company. Don't honestly care beyond that.
some stupid faggot who uses mongodb unironically
Attention seeking faggot
he gives good money advice on his youtube channel
You mean (((Martin shekeli-berg)))
Haven't formed a full opinion yet
honorary jew ((((((if he's not already one)))))))
Martin we know its you holy shit you're not even subtle creating this shit
i dont
Love ya Martin. Literally one fo us.
The wu-tang troll is brilliant.
Seeing (((big pharma))) come out and lie about you must be annoying but don't worry, some of us know the truth.
Also you were hilarious in court (picture related)
He's a dick.
Average Jew.
he's extremely based
handsome millionaire dudebro
no homo
had a bad opinion until I looked into it myself.
Now he's pretty cool.
self-promoting attention whore
biotech is kewl, why did he retire for a life of shitposting?
>had a bad opinion until I looked into it myself.
>Now he's pretty cool.
Same here.
I thought he was gonna get disappeared after that persiscope Hillary stunt on the 9/11 anniversary.
If you're ever in the UK I'll give you a guitar lesson for free dude.
>The wu-tang troll is brilliant.
He sort of did it again just recently with Lil Wayne's new album, but he only got the album a week before it was publicly released. Still lots of butthurt dindus.
lol. How much did he pay? Not that it matters (to him).
would play chess and talk business with. think he got reamed in the news over business practices that make sense to me. its only stupid liberals that will never run their own business that hate him.
Shkreli you ever been to the south? come down for some barbecue and to shoot some guns some time. we're real friendly to business. though mine is getting wrecked by illegals atm.
if just a few things had gone differently I'd be in Shkreli's position. namely my mother not stealing all my money. instead I'm starting a business on 300 dollars and a metric fuckton of work. what I wouldn't give to have been able to turn that couple thousand into hundreds of thousands on AIG, car companies, and then BP's oil spill.
why do you care what we think, I thought you said we are slobs
so fuck off
Stop being nasty to Skrelli
cool guy except for the fact that he plays league instead of dota
Rat-faced silver-spoon punk.
>persiscope Hillary stunt on the 9/11 anniversary
I know him irl from finance. He's a nice guy.
A humble medicine salesman.
douchebag. libertarian right. not even remotely nat soc. would gas.
entertaining kike
Protip: Varg hates Shkreli and everything he represents. Stop trying to project your worldview by using him.
seems like a bretty cool guy
High IQ kebab who learned The Art of The Jew and used his powers for trolling.
Other than his particular path to wealth (investing/pharma) he's basically everything I wish I had in my life, and everything I wish that I was as a man and human being. He's achieved everything I want to achieve, though through different and unrelated means. I guess it's not sensible to match my life to his since I'll never really be devoted to investing or finance - but he definitely got me thinking on a wide variety of parts of my existence and helped to wake me up from my false beliefs about myself.
I genuinely wish I had more of his qualities.
He's the best person on twitter. Also, pic related, totes adorbz.
Stop telling me how to vargpost.
alright here's something I'm gonna ask you to question about yourself, how much you gargle his dick. like that's too much man.
What changed your mind?
I'm pretty sure I could kill him unarmed, using only my left hand.
Hi Martin! Can you send me some money?! I promise to spend it on pharmacology related products.
he was called before Trey Gowdy?? Fuck.
Either buy us or fuck off Martin.
>Obama's brother
Um maybe second best on twitter
>Put the foot down and step away from my cabdriver
He's albanian.
(((typical )))
Honorary Jew.