
What's the most based branch of the military?

Any vets in here?

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Nigger Navy

I'm in the U.S. Army. Our Marines are the most disciplined. There are plenty of intelligent people in the military, but there are more complete fucking idiots.

didn't realize the spics had boats, i thought they all floated in with refrigerators into Florida

Infantry or equivalent soldiers are the only real military group, everyone else is just there as support or logistics.

T. Former Infantryfag

That being said, nothing about being in the military is based. Being cheap cannon fodder for political and business agendas is cuck tier

This. Current serving infantry.

If you're smart, the Navy. If you're an idiot and have to prove to yourself you're a real man or whatever, the Marines. The other two branches, who cares?

Hacker brigades.

Army infantry, only because it is so shitty and bad. It toughens you up to train your body and then forces you to work with literal retards, spics, and niggers to train your mind.

Navy = Gay shits that just move shit all day
Air Force = Ez life, best treatment possible, not based at all
Army = Hardcore cunts who actually risk themselves and do the dirty work
Marines = Even better

>best job for best pay
>not based

Only a retard chooses to sleep on the ground outside vs a hotel while getting paid the exact same

Depends on the person, but if you want the best treatment, most opportunity to get education and easy transition into a comfy high-paying job, Air Force hands down.

Best to worst:

>Easy Experience
Air Force

>Incompetent shits
Navy/Air Force

>Actual fucking military service and general testosterone fuckfest

Aviation and Air Force careers are the sweet spots you want. You can join infantry, but there isn't going to be a good war for a while. But with aviation, your job options in the civilian side are fairly good.

I heard Marines have the highest chance of death

What's the differences between the Navy and the Marines?

Navy: La marina
Marines: El ejército

Can be confusing at first because of the similarity between "marines" and the Spanish word for "Navy".

Yeah but who's the one that get's shit done?

The Department of the Navy and all its constituents.

Navy vet 2010-2015 never forget nam

>If you're smart, the Navy
I bareld got my HS diploma, do I have a chance

You'll be right.

>am i too stupid

can you name all the continents? i've seen vibrant navyfags who couldn't name all the continents.

of course if you're white and that stupid you might not make it

I served in Strategic Rocket Forces.
That's mean half of the time I was sitting at the console, and wait for order to blow up the world, and half time I was outside scaring wolves away from launcher.
Pretty unique experience.

Regular army is good. National Guard Army is a joke.

So you are a military officer?

Did you Hack US?

Also, was that in Soviet Union or modern day Russia?

T. Army
I live on multiservice base and interact with all branches. All are pretty chill but army sure does have a lot of retards and mouth breathers. However the air force is a literal meme. They want to take over our barracks because they would get paid extra to live in them due to 'poor living conditions '

N. America
S. America
I got some of that craccer blood in me

Q: what's it like joining the military in your early 30s? I've been thinking about going to officer school. I spent my twenties in a vain pursuit of PhD/academic career, which fell apart in the end. I earned my PhD but I have no academic position and it was one hell of an opportunity cost.

>live on multiservice base

Joint Base Lewis-McChord by any chance?

No sorry senpai

I was non-commissioned officer, according to US rank system.
I retired from service in 2015.

Good to know, what do you do these days?

Nothing special.
Playing video games and watching anime.

Again, same principle. Would you rather run 2 miles for $100 or no miles?

It's fucking hilarious that airmen get stipends for living in army conditions. But that also proves the post


Wouldn't usually expect it from ex-military tho but i guess anything is possible.

How shit is the Russian military?

My senpai took me away years before time came for me to be drafted, is it as bad as the rumor says it is?

> Same principle: would you rather do something or let others do something

It's like the principle of "Pay it forward" but inverse.

Would you rather do something, or let someone else do it?

Until no one wants to do it. Then you simply lose because you're all a bunch of faggots.

Learn a real principle and apply it to your life faggot.

Any of them. But it's only based if you are a commissioned officer, otherwise you are probably retarded.