Are you ready for pic related at every fucking baggage claim in the country, burgers?
Are you ready for pic related at every fucking baggage claim in the country, burgers?
in this times, if you are not traveling extrictly for work, you are retarded. USA is shit, Europe is shit, the rest of the world is shit, whats the point of traveling?
retards wasting tons of money.
Visit Costa Rica though, you wont regret it.
I don't care, I have never flown, and never will. Till we get rid of violent foreigners and sandniggers, its a reality that doesn't look like it's gonna change.
Baggage claim is where you get your bags and leave the airport. Why would anybody care what's in a bag that's already been scanned once?
Punta Arenas is comfy :^)
stay away from Limon. I miss the smell of rotisserie chicken in the cool mountainous climates there and seeing volcanoes. I think I might fly there this year now that I'm remembering this.
what ever happened with that? did the guy got the gun from the baggage? or did he brought it from the outside? Did he came in plane?
the airline had no record of him or a gun
anybody knows whats up with that?
Kek. Costa Rica Tourism Internet Defense Force rears its ugly head again.
The CIA planted a gun firmly into his rectum after he deboarded his plane in Florida - after pooping the gun out he shot everyone and then sat down and began touching himself to the sight of death and jizzed on a few dead bodies
If you want to travel either drive there and if it's too far for that forget it until the crusades open up some safe areas. Or fly your own plane.
Mean while fucking retards in Europe and Asia keep sending flights over battle grounds and the populace is shocked it got shot down. However now we know those incidents were a little deeper than first thought.
you guys afraid of flying or something? how the fuck is flying dangerous unless you're going to a warzone
Shit's expensive. I would rather hold on to my shekels and go on vacation in the woods then spend time in a tourist trap.
>Sour Grapes: The Post
I don't fly. I don't care.
I've never flown before, or even been to an airport. Do they really make you do all this shit just to get on a plane?
Airport security here. They are already talking about raising the salary 25% and giving us arrest powers. TSA stays winning.
I don't see the problem?
This is already literally everywhere. There is nothing out of the ordinary in this picture. Been like this since 9/11, clearly you're nigger ass came here after that, muhamMAD.
The legit discount combo
>Turkey Greece Israel and Egypt
no thank you
Yeah the pacific side its nice, Limon is not that bad, nature wise its more beautiful, but it wouldnt be my first option, specially if going alone or without a local to guide you, (prevent you from walking into the dangerous, gang controlled places, or getting scammed.)
Welcome to post 9/11 America
no idea what you're talking about
Fug...I have to fly out to Texas tomorrow. Not looking forward to this shit.
been there done that, dollar rent a car and drove all over the place. I have to say, the mountainous driving areas around the cliffs are pretty dangerous, the roads are shit and the trucks are sorta bad drivers but other than that beautiful country
>half tico myself
But we already have that.
Get a huge ugly RV, drive across the nation.
Yeah but at least you could get off the plane and to your bags quickly. Don't pretend it's not going to be a thousand times worse now
mountain roads are dangerous!, but also a good trill, driving a stick car, engine breaking, then a close turn badly design, so if you take it in the wrong way you can end up against the rock wall, or falling to the cliff. Being a autist 50% of the enjoyment of vacation is driving!
>cerro de la muerte
>el aguacate
>camino a san carlos, zarcero, etc
>Braulio Carrillo, a limon.
All fucking exciting driving experiences
this, is I lived in the USA and worked on an internet based job, I would live in an RV traveling the country.
*if I lived in the USA.....
>flying anywhere post 9/11
You are either retarded or too poor.
uh, why does nobody have shoes on?
Would you live in Montana?
i think the feds understand that at that point you might as well scan everyone on the street. What's the difference between that and shooting 15 people on the street? Train? Bus?
TSA doesn't deserve it and requires more training to be effective
Because of this Dick.
>not a single terrorist attack since 9/11 thanks to TSA
>hurr durr tsa doesn't deserve it
whateve. Doesn't matter if you think they deserve it or not. It's going to happen and TSA is going to gain a giant leap of power in the upcoming years. It's already one of the fastest growing agencies and it's amazing how much power it's gaining while also being the newest government agency as well.
I researched it, and has pretty willing to say yes, looks like a really nice place, 7.5 times the size of my country, getting to know the state alone will be a life ride. Until I saw and remember Yellowstone. So no.
The bags have to be scanned before going on to the plane, so you'll still be able to get off and get them quickly. This just means getting onto the plane and waiting for the plane to take off will take longer because they'll be searching every nigger's luggage then.
I am usually so petrified that the customs agent will find the cannabis I have hidden about my persons to give a shit about lines.
TSA Pre/Global Entry dude.
$80 for 5 years, $110 if you do Global Entry. Extremely easy to do as well.