I desire to acquire a wife and start a family. I am in a stable economic position with my wage sitting just below the median wage for this country ($27 per hour), I am only 23 years old and I have acquired an average three bedroom house through a mortgage.
The problem I have is that although my friends and family is there for me socially and economically, they can't help me for this next stage. My father is of the opinion that 'one shouldn't have children until their late thirties'. My mother and sister are the type of people who think that unless you're perfect and making 6 figures annually like they are, even thinking of children is pointless, also they're unsupportive because they take my lack of socializing as evidence of a general inability to hold and maintain a relationship.
My friends are all what would be described by most as 'eccentric nerds'. None have girlfriends and most have never had girlfriends, they spend their time engrossed in their video games and hobbies and generally have no aspirations towards starting a family.
And besides that, all the advice they all give me appears to be incorrect. The answers I receive are all idealized (e.g, 'you have to be nice and willing to make sacrifices'), but neither necessary or even accompanying traits and characteristics one must possess. For I've noticed that for every example they give, there exist relationships in which their answer is completely absent.
So, what steps should I take in order to acquire a wife? My current plan is to go to a heavily closed off and cult like church like Jehovah's Witness and join up with them. Because I am healthy, western, financially secure and strong willed, and also because they're the type of conservative community in which the social structure pushes the younger members towards forming healthy relationships, I should acquire a mate.
Jordan Gomez
My advice: don't start a serious relationship with someone you meet in a club, bar, or any similar place.
Angel Nelson
nonsummerjack is the beeeeest.
Ian Morales
>marriage >current year
Just hold out for Japan to make commercial sexbots amd fuck prostitutes in the meantime.
Matthew Bell
Also Jehovah's Witness-tier cults should be a last resort. Even Mormonism would be preferable. Start with traditionalist Catholic or Orthodox churches, especially SSPX.
Carter Rivera
Sexbots don't produce children.
Zachary Martin
piss off to /adv/ you fucking nerd.
Angel Stewart
didn't you just post this on casey
Austin Ross
What's that?
Benjamin Anderson
You are too young to marry. Marrying young only works in patriarchal societies, and you aren't living in one. Wait, at the very least, until your 30's and even then be very careful. In the meantime fuck some philipino whore like normal people do.
Noah Peterson
oh how grand, i'm not quite there yet, see, i make what people consider "wage slavery" and thus, historically i'm required to either chimp out or not have offspring, and not having offpring is a non-option.
fuck, don't women bring the bacon in this country anyway? isn't that the whole femnisim thing> men being masculine and earning things is harming mothering somehow? idk, im off the point, fuck you and your 28S/h job, eat a hot steamer you flabby closeted cuck cunt. (btw in canada cunt is a bad thing)
go buy a rainbow light up computer so you can kill zerg fast.
Brody Johnson
>what steps should I take in order to acquire a wife? you can never have enough applicable knowledge or skills
>'one shouldn't have children until their late thirties' not true. you shouldnt have unexpected children and only should have them when youre in a comfortable position in your life. you have your career snowballing, you have a house, car, money saved, etc. Some people get their shit together in their early 20s, some in their 30s.
Realize that as you get older, your dating pool of people become shittier and shittier. The people that are worth marrying are married by the time you're 30. You're more likely to encounter single mothers. Think about that.
Kevin Walker
is this brown goddess real?
Kevin Gutierrez
The less previous boyfriends she has had, the better. They pick up baggage from every single one and never let it go. They will apply whatever their previous boyfriends did to you and be angry about shit you never did.
Aiden Myers
Brayden Bailey
Sauce on this Semen Demon?
Jaxon Long
in vitro surrogate mother for $$$, artificial wombs (perhaps in the future), adoption (if you lean towards the cuck side)
sexbots provide pleasure, children can be acquired in other ways
Hudson Myers
I work with this super cute chick, great body friendsly and she's of the WITNESS PROGRAM.
She has these weird mood swings where she doesn't talk to those outside the church for days on end. I know a dude who dated her some how at one point, and he pretty much concluded she wasn't all there and had cultist type personality features.
be careful user.
you like your 3 bedroom house right? what you should do?
its this website where people start clubs for people to hang out with similar interests.. wanna rock climb? theres people doing it, wanna mountain bike or learn to farm or study a weird culture or language? check this out
avoid bars, clubs, all that shit. its all jewish brainwashed garbage and degenerecy and mostly chicks with a substance abuse problem, its its not alcohol, its usually cock or drugs.
in college i used to go look for chicks. in the library. they were devoted goal oriented, realized what college cost and were bettering themselfs.
girls who focus on bettering themselves are motivated goal oriented have usually ok senses of humor, ususally aren't gonna be getting Lit on a thursday for 2 dollar drinks.
you appear to be working hard towards success. successful people tend to attract cling on trash.
protect your ambitions goals and networth.
don't join a cult.
Noah Cruz
My God Anubis
Camden Bailey
>Realize that as you get older, your dating pool of people become shittier and shittier.
It depends. For women it's absolutely true. For men your 30's are going to be your golden years (unless you actually are Chad Thundercock and you were banging cheerleaders in HS). My dating pool is better now than it was 10 years ago. Still not looking for marriage though.
Xavier Hughes
what kind of crack do you guys fucking smoke? seriously.
The dude wants to build a family unit. carry on a legacey of success ambition and bettering of the world..
Jeremiah Allen
>My friends are all what would be described by most as 'eccentric nerds'. None have girlfriends and most have never had girlfriends, they spend their time engrossed in their video games and hobbies and generally have no aspirations towards starting a family.
This describes my social life to a fucking T.
AND IT KILLS ME INSIDE. I love my friends, but holy fuck I can't live like they do anymore.
To your question OP - you need to find a more "social" circle. If you were like me, a sperg, then you are going to need all the practice and help you can get.
I'm sure you love your friends (I stand by mine), but there is an old saying that fits here - "If you want to see a man's destiny, look at the company he keeps."
Basically, you are destined to be like whoever you surround yourself with, and in this case, it will be a GF-less nerd.
You want success? You want a wife? Find people who share similar goals. And it will happen naturally.
Colton Jackson
so who's stoping him if he succeeds good for him but the reality is that a significant part of this site will not suceed in that endeavor and so should explore other options to propagate their genome
Sebastian Bennett
My friends are all normies. I really love them, but sometimes I really wished they were a little bit smarter. Nerds are much worse, though. Pick your poison.
Eli Anderson
Go to Asia and buy a wife.
Logan Ramirez
I know your pain - finally made some normie friends myself when I was in college.
I tell you though - were are the fucks who can balance nerdy interests with having ambition and a decent social life?
Thomas Morales
>Basically, you are destined to be like whoever you surround yourself with, and in this case, it will be a GF-less nerd. >You want success? You want a wife? Find people who share similar goals. And it will happen naturally.
Ever met a successful person that spent all their time with unsuccessful people?
this is a fact. when i was in college i met party guys, FRATERNITIES.
then i met dudes who partied and hung out with guys from goldman sachs.. no it wasn't goldman sachs but it was a large firm in my city, and i'm not going to give away where i am from or who i know.
but let me tell you some shit, and everyone else. if you spend your time with people who don't have a plan, you will definitely end up, without a plan. standing in the same spot when the lights come on.
I think this might actually be the first positive discussion on this fucking board in months.
Juan Lewis
>I desire to acquire a wife Stopped reading here.
Jack Harris
fucking slut is showing less and less with every new release..
we need some yakuza to force her into porn
Nicholas Myers
because my end goal is to bring the best i can find to the table..
procreating with a robot will not create a family that can successfully build a new master race. or ideology or anything worth passing foreword to better society. your talking some weird matrix shit... its like two fags demanding to raise a child.. that kid is gonna end up with problems that outweigh his or her or today, the attack helicopters. existence.
Easton Taylor
I just wish I received this advice MUCH earlier in life. Or at least before I went to college and fucked up my entire career trajectory.
Brandon White
>I desire to acquire a wife and start a family. I am in a stable economic position with my wage sitting just below the median wage for this country ($27 per hour), I am only 23 years old and I have acquired an average three bedroom house through a mortgage.
You sound like you have crippling autism, my friend. No joke.
Read "No more mr. nice guy". It's how you will get redpilled.
Nolan Perry
>successfully build a new master race
lol.. fucking autists on Sup Forums crack me up.
m8 if you were master race material you could find a wife to match. you're probably some white trash, beta or a fat virgin so cure your autism first I guess.
Julian Jackson
Another Sup Forums thread on Sup Forums, what a fucking surprise.
Lucas Howard
>I tell you though - were are the fucks who can balance nerdy interests with having ambition and a decent social life?
Here I am :-)
They are as rare as hen's teeth, maybe 1% of the nerds population.
The fact that now nerdiness is a somewhat accepted phenomenon doesn't help.
Benjamin Allen
Right here
>Degree in Biology >Currently working a shitty job for application experience >Applying to vet school >Go to raves and meet people >Play Vidya games on the side >Get drunk with friends
I used to consistently work out but I stopped after I graduated college and started working
DESU though I wish I had more "real life" social events, none of us do fun stuff like skii or boat or hike. We used to play sports but it's too hard to get that large of a group together anymore. The only time I meet people is in party (rave) or bar settings. I went skydiving with friends once and hung out in the town which was fun but it's not like a day to day fulfilling kinda fun I'd like to have.
Jordan Evans
Faggot... you're right.
But we can justify these self-improvement threads as "helping the people of the nation improve to thus improve the nation itself".
We have a white male sperg/NEET epidemic on our hands, and somebody has to do something about it.
Adrian Phillips
>You sound like you have crippling autism, my friend. No joke. You realiz highly succesfull men approach life with this kind of maticulant structure, i think theres a guy becoming president who probably thought like this at one point.
sounding cool and hip is for fucking clowns.
a family.
is like building your own country, you don't want shit tier material.
you ever meet a super fucking hot chick that has a flaw with being kinda dumb, or possibly brown eyes or shes a nigger.. and decide, no i'm not going to fuck her, because the offspring wont be superior?
successful people don't work the way normal people do.
i litterally wouldn't bang a chick unless i could support and wanted the kid.
thats whats wrong with society.. to much shit tier breeding garbage.
i bet your the autist son.
don't make mid six figures, don't own a sweet house, don't work out and you probably wasted your time using punctuation on a website that deletes everything in usually 30 minutes..
who's autistic now?
Justin Allen
Fathers were invented for exactly that reason.
t. orphan
Charles Hall
>tfw 24 >make 110k a year >have smoking hog fiance' >never had a problem getting girls
holy shit I thought I was a loser at life, but compared to most of you I am doing awesome. Fuck yeah!
Liam Nelson
Your father is right, mostly. As a man you can bide your time. On the flip side woman should be just over 21 and less than 30 when they have children. Take that as you will.
Owen Stewart
i work for a company that almost collapsed the entire stock market in 2012.. everyone makes a shit ton of money has a shit ton of anything, and you litterally have to beat the sluts off with a stick..
my gaming pc cost more than your car.
but i'm autistic, and i'm cool with that.
Asher Walker
>holy shit I thought I was a loser at life
Why do you think of yourself as a loser, user?
Juan Lewis
Buddy, you're doing quite well. Atta boy! *slow clap*. If you don't start a family right after you get married I'm going to hunt you down and kill you in your sleep.
Daniel Collins
There's a tradeoff to this though, having loser friends can be really fun and boost your confidence. When you're always around people who are better than you, you'll always feel insecure and your relationships will be less sincere and fun
If you really believe that you should see a shrink before you kill your parents ir burn a church down
Gabriel Adams
Julian Murphy
I'm not saying lose your current friends. The more successful and farther you go in life the less REAL count on friends you will have. These are people you take with you. I don't want user to ditch support. They are autistic nerds, like me. They may have skills that can further everyones life in the circle in a future time.
Its hard to find people who support you like a good family will.
Owen Powell
Believe me most who come to this site don't come from the best backgrounds.
Personally I somehow grew up both really spoiled, yet really poor. Still struggling to unfuck myself.
Jayden Bell
>being some corporate jew >has to wake up in the morning and go to work
i make 6 figures a year from my website sitting on my ass.
Dylan Bennett
Easton Taylor
tomarrow morning set goals for 30 60 and 90 days..
then after that continue the process. put down what you should do to accomplish it.
now, you'll be accountable. most people use the beginning of the year to try and reshape life, but with accountability, you could actually succeed.
Carter Ortiz
>i make 6 figures a year from my website sitting on my ass.
What do you do exactly?
Jack Nelson
i put away 15 points on 30 contracts on the s&p mini's today...
it takes you an entire year to hit 6 figures? i spend like 5 months on vacation riding mountain bikes and participating in gumball rallies..
must suck not working for yourself..
being a jew makes life so easy.
Brayden Morgan
>getting married because you want to get married, not because you've met someone you're compatible with
welcome to life as a divorce statistic OP
William Miller
is that a dude?
Henry Cruz
Thank you user. I'm actually going to do that. Accountability has been a weakness of mine.
Btw, since you're in finance and this is a self-improvement thread, I've got a question. Through family suggestion I ended up with a finance degree myself. I'm ashamed to admit this, but I never really put much thought into what I was actually going to do with it. I just focused on doing well with the academics. Any suggestion on what, if anything really at this point, I could do with it? I'm just doing temp work now.
Matthew Brooks
Anthony Russell
Would you really care?
Liam Jenkins
>asian boner lost
David Clark
Yes she is...
Cameron Taylor
Asher Martin
Mason Long
talk to people you autistic kiwi
Matthew Murphy
Depends on your skills with math and common sense.
I originally went to school for comp science, but india took that from me so after starting an it company then realizing i couldn't balance books i went back for finance/econ and by luck met some kid who knew people in the trading industry.
look into futures trading for yourself. you don't need a shit ton of money to get started. you just have to be more structured in your entrees. brokers will decide that for you. check out a website called stocktwits.. and look at the /es or esh7 which is the front month contract.
now you can't make money tomarrow, your going to have to work at it. but after working with hft guys for a while i realized it was more about making money for guys with money than yourself. and went my way a while back.
you can find material from these dudes free online.. so i'll be vague not to draw attention to it here.. ft71, alot of his platform shit is floating around and you can grab it. paper trade for like 90 days, act like its real money, read up on it. become accustomed. i failed at this for a while before i got good at it. finished the week with 86 percent winners. always use the same amount always set the same stop loss.
mrtopstep is another nice group to look into, alot of education to be had. but i work trading..
i tried selling anuities, made lots of cash, maybe thats for you? i just saw my parents every time i did it, and realized i was a fucking crook and couldn't do it anymore.. one of my college professors got me into this.. i left, got my real estate liscence and actually bought 3 foreclosures and flipped those. one of which doubled my ivestment.. so theres tons of shit out there user. i wish you the best. those trading groups i mention and individuals aren't scams or hustlers. dboy worked the floor. one of the coolest dudes i've ever fucking met.
take care, keep your head up. and best of luck with building your empire.
I'm rooting for you bro.
Ayden Bennett
Jackson Moore
post more
Aaron Murphy
Type in "My God Anubis" in your search engine and fap to your heart's content.
John Roberts
Pay down your mortgage first.
When you're single you can easily dial back your spending and dump huge payments into things like that. I pay an extra $500 USD a month on my mortgage and I'll have it paid off in less than 15 years which saves me over $75,000 in the long run.
You don't have to pay it off, but take my advise and slash the interest out from under it.
Jonathan Brown
People that plan their life a little too much dont really enjoy life. The point of life is to have happiness and experience wonder. The fact of life is you die. When you are on your death bed are you really going to give yourself a pat on the back for 'sticking to the plan' of only playing it safe? Fuck that noise. Let your hair down and do what you want. If you want a woman now, dont deny those feelings. You want it because you want it. Thats a positive thing. So get it. Dont second guess yourself and listen to your dad. I get it your his kid and he wants the best for you but guess what...hes almost dead. Worry about your life.
Zachary Taylor
Elijah Gutierrez
>still hasn't progressed beyond basic materialism
Eli Gray
Thank you so fucking much. That's been the most advice I've ever gotten for this.