I would like to ask for some advice

I would like to ask for some advice

I desire to acquire a wife and start a family. I am in a stable economic position with my wage sitting just below the median wage for this country ($27 per hour), I am only 23 years old and I have acquired an average three bedroom house through a mortgage.

The problem I have is that although my friends and family is there for me socially and economically, they can't help me for this next stage. My father is of the opinion that 'one shouldn't have children until their late thirties'. My mother and sister are the type of people who think that unless you're perfect and making 6 figures annually like they are, even thinking of children is pointless, also they're unsupportive because they take my lack of socializing as evidence of a general inability to hold and maintain a relationship.

My friends are all what would be described by most as 'eccentric nerds'. None have girlfriends and most have never had girlfriends, they spend their time engrossed in their video games and hobbies and generally have no aspirations towards starting a family.

And besides that, all the advice they all give me appears to be incorrect. The answers I receive are all idealized (e.g, 'you have to be nice and willing to make sacrifices'), but neither necessary or even accompanying traits and characteristics one must possess. For I've noticed that for every example they give, there exist relationships in which their answer is completely absent.

So, what steps should I take in order to acquire a wife? My current plan is to go to a heavily closed off and cult like church like Jehovah's Witness and join up with them. Because I am healthy, western, financially secure and strong willed, and also because they're the type of conservative community in which the social structure pushes the younger members towards forming healthy relationships, I should acquire a mate.

My advice: don't start a serious relationship with someone you meet in a club, bar, or any similar place.

nonsummerjack is the beeeeest.

>current year

Just hold out for Japan to make commercial sexbots amd fuck prostitutes in the meantime.

Also Jehovah's Witness-tier cults should be a last resort. Even Mormonism would be preferable. Start with traditionalist Catholic or Orthodox churches, especially SSPX.

Sexbots don't produce children.

piss off to /adv/ you fucking nerd.

didn't you just post this on casey

What's that?

You are too young to marry. Marrying young only works in patriarchal societies, and you aren't living in one. Wait, at the very least, until your 30's and even then be very careful.
In the meantime fuck some philipino whore like normal people do.