Do you actually hate black people?

>Do you actually hate black people?

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Not a huge fan.

There is a difference between black people and black people.


Honestly curious about this one.

Premise 1: all races prefer white women.
Premise 2: no races prefer black women.

Hypothesis: If black men continue to breed with white women, so too will their progeny, as well as future generations. Every generation, the "blackness" is diluted.

*Assuming all generations breed with a woman displaying the superior white allele (see premise 1):
Gen 1: 100% black
Gen 2 50% black
Gen 3: 25% black

While I understand this also dilutes pure white genes, it is important to remember that men of all races seek to create more white people (see premise 2)

Race mixing does not contribute to the decline in the white population AS STRONGLY as low birth rates in general. Simply put, the more babies that white women have, regardless of race of father, the whiter America gets.

Thank you for your time.

for the most part

I hate their self pitying oppression games.

No. I only hate those who hurt/bother others.

I know two black men I can stand being around. One of them is a nigger but the other one is a good person.

Yes however I hate my own race too so it balances out

Only the low iq or high agression ones. The rest should be allowed participation in civil society.

black people are based you guys

and Niggers

but melanated people
are AWESOME Asf!

I don't hate black people, but I hate niggers though.

>Do you actually hate black people?

No, I just hate that their racism against white people is celebrated by a large segment of their own race, the media and politicians in general.

lol, met this black dude once, based

I dislike black by default unless they prove they are worth my respect.

you, are love.


there is a difference between black people and niggers

Yep. They are nothing more than parasites, who to exterminate would advance human civilization significantly.

dude, I knew this black trump supporter? based. blacks are cool.

Who dis?

come, Heaven Awaits

Why would anyone hate someone else based on their skin color alone? You may hate them for thair actions which is the case with niggers but why would anyone hate a civilized black man?

Yes. A lot.


b a s e d


inner trust will help u automatically
perceive those worthy without assumption

no, i just hate niggers and all who enable them (liberals)

So you hate the majority of blacks, but not because they're black.

Tell me, do you suppose the majority of people that hate blacks hate them because they have dark skin, curly hair, and wide noses?


Fundamental error in your thinking. Sexual preference doesn't equate to more children.

Say, there's a highly appealling white woman with 30 potential partners, that doesn't translate to more children than a uggo black woman with two.

In reality the stats are thrown completely off by the hispanics, so it's hard to actually draw this one out.


It's in their genes. So barring a eugenics program, deportation, or mass incarceration it seems safest to dislike and avoid the savage ones.

even my black friends are still niggers

yeah, and if you do that we get another brazil

they tried the same thing, and you ended up with the hue people


Negative. I only hate those that hate me, or those that look like me.

black people? no
niggers? yep.

been threatened too many times. watched too much shit go down, and know the crime statistics too well.

just like muslims need to control their jihadists, black people need to control the niggers or we'll see a white chimp out within my life time.


some blacks are redpilled you guys

theres black people and then theres niggers



I love niggers

>have job
>clean criminal record, follow law
>no baby mama's, no cucking, no bbc'ing white bitches, no bullying da white boi
>pay taxes, don't take any benefits
>always respectful
>tfw half of all whites immediately hate me because I'm a nigger

as long as blacks don't harm me, we're cool.


i would congratulate you, but you are doing things that everyone should be doing

>half of whites

you are clearly on pol too much


Clean up your community and we might not hate you

im not fond of them. but if they arent leftist then i can tolerate them


>based on exit polls
>[any] 2016 electrion poll was very accurate
>kek for 4 years
>kek for 4 years
>didn't stutter
>kek again

Also that makes you not racist

>It's in their genes.
But that's wrong you fucking retard

you really think most blacks voted trump?

even if you don't believe exit polls, the black belt and inner cities were solid blue, so it makes sense that hillary won them

exit polls were accurate nigger


without hesitation

>don't harm

About that...

No, but I do hate ignorant stereotypical niggers.

Yes I shitpost on here daily calling for the genocide of niggers, but in reality some are alright. Like I said, its the niggers like pic related that have no place in our society

Where the hell are you from?

You would be hated for something else if you weren't black. I don't think a lot of black people realize this, whites aren't necessarily nice to one another either.

I don't expect congratulations, just basic civility

pretty much

I live in a gated apartment community. It's pretty clean, safe, and happy here. If you're referring to the "black community" it doesn't exist anymore than a "white community" does.

blacks are the race of peace

funny thing is, ghetto fucks will discourage other black men in their community who are doing well. They tell them they're being "played by da sytem" or that studying is "white". Black men who live in the ghetto don't always get props from their fellow black man. How do we fix this bullshit?

ps i have no problem with people trying to change the system, but being a retard doesn't work but they still keep goin GTA 'n shit

it's up to them to save their community

whites have no obligation to save others, we've tried with the "democrats are the real racists" talks for the past 50 years, it fell on deaf ears for the most part

maybe hispanics can save them, they've done a good job helping blacks in california

Yes. In the past they had some merit. I still listen to reggae almost every day.

Now they offer nothing but negativity.

With every fiber of my being.

Black people, no. Niggers, yes.

Although niggers can be amusing.

I also hate those little nigglets that ride bikes, or any ghetto ass niggers that ride bikes. I get so scared that they're going to pull out a gun and shoot me.

>black """"""people""""""

>maybe hispanics can save them, they've done a good job helping blacks in california

Short explanation?

no I just don't wanna be in the same country and tied to the same destiny as them

well they've been ethnically cleansing them out of cities, like compton, which is now 2/3rds hispanic

if I'm forced to choose >YES

Is that beyonce?

That doesn't solve anything though.

Those are the niggers that kidnapped and berated and tortured a white guy.

I know. I've been trolling with that question on earlier threads.

why not?

maybe if they face real racism they might learn a thing or two...well probably not

My roommate is black. For the last year and a half, before talking a counselor desu, I couldn't stop saying nigger in my head when I saw black people. It's gone now.

I'm in agreement with the most of this thread. My roommate is a great kid whose studying to be an engineer while I am writing garbage papers in political science. Overall, he will bring more benefit to society and isn't some chimp. There is a stark difference between the affirmative action basketball-americans who come to play sports and black people like him.

so no I don't hate the blacks

No, but everyone hates niggers. Even black people hate niggers.

That's actually exactly the conclusion that I drew, white women have far fewer children than they should.

>reading comprehension

I know fuck all about brazil, other than that their favelas make for some depressing .webms.
Hue people are like white-negroid hybrids or something?

yeah. is that what you want america to be like?

people think we are immune to it because of magic dirt and english language. somehow, i think not. a lot of the country is already deteriorating.



Only the ones that are like "ooga booga, I'm black so give me frew shit, he dindu nuffin"

Culture, yes. Individuals, most.

I care for them as one cares for a younger disabled sibling.

No, of course not. I do, however, believe blacks are statistically of a lower intelligence on average and this, combined with economic factors, make them more disposed to violence and other foolishness and far less compassionate. Those are dangerous combinations.

White people can be shitheads too, but it seems like that's the default for blacks.