
Am I white Sup Forums? Ill post more results in thread from other tests.

Second test


Third btw American means Native I am sure.

I'm about double your percentage native, and look whiter than most supposedly "pure" white people. It depends on the tribe you descend from, but if you look white, you're white.

Stop fucking worrying about it like a faggot.

which ged match is that one

lel no, fuck off.

I really dont care, I am just curious. My dad is from Mexico, but he looks like he is half Arab half white maybe. He always bragged about being "More Spaniard than Native" I am honestly just posting this to get opinions on my results.

well your dad can only be 14% amerindian maximum.

Last one, I found this one to be most intersesting

You fuck off.

Yeah I believe that. His brother has green eyes, and brown curly hair. I have thick wavy black hair, dark brown eyes, and a olivish paler skin tone. I basically look Italian.

could you tell me where in gedmatch to get this?

> "a-am i white Sup Forums"

EuroGenes k36 I think

No, fuck off


Fuck drumpf and fuck white ppl

Well according to you I am not white, so okay?

Hit Oracle-4 and post results here

I didn't call you non white


here's an oracle-4 senpai.