Men are supposedly wired to be 'tough,' at the very least in comparison to women. But consider the dynamic of every relationship break up you've ever witnessed - the man is always more likely to be 'broken.' Women are quick to psychologically move on while the man, even if he knows the split is for the better, always has lingering, festering, seemingly irrational emotions - no matter the context. What is the reason for this? Is it evolution and biology or is it the jews?
Not to say women can't be hurt too, but the magnitude always seems to be greater and last longer with men. Women are typically dating again within weeks while the man, even if he may outwardly appear unaffected, is generally unable to date again for a longer period. Why is this?
I still dream of the one that got away, a few times a week.
Who fucking knows user, I fall in love with every girl I date somehow. I've gotten to the point where I am cold no matter what, and I treat women like trash. They love it though
Jordan Perez
When a man is bonded to a woman, in a stable relationship, he will produce less testosterone. This serves to make him less aggressive, which is a good idea when there are children around. Now that most relationships do not result in children you're seeing the kind of pathological behavior. In the long run men are far better a dealing with being alone. A woman after she has past her prime will suffer far more than a man will, when she is no longer able to find a man (depression, anxiety, etc.). Much of what you're describing is a direct result of children not being produced by pair bonds. The hormonal signals are evolved to give the best outcome for children and just seem odd when that doesn't happen.
Xavier Rivera
Women are biologically hardwired to expect that switching partners is a very possible situation. In any situation where her husband is killed, perhaps by a stronger male, the best way to survive is to simply transfer herself to him. Having all sorts of feelings for the old guy in this case is only a hinderance. Women don't blame themselves, because it is not the fault of their biology that there are inferior males around. It is the fault of the inferior men. In a way, women see it as a victory to leave a relationship. I means better things are coming.
Men, on the other hand, experience losing a woman as losing a woman to another male. Meaning, that he must be wounded or otherwise unable to defend her. It means that he is at an evolutionary deadend. Not only does it mean that he is bad NOW but it also is bad for his future. Either he mans up or becomes the leader again or he is going fucking extinct.
Bentley Lopez
OP you are going over the feel limit. Please stop
Landon Adams
but if you want an answer: women are wired to be whores and feel minimal regret in an effort to hop from resource-bag to resource-bag
chivalry is dead and women killed it
Christopher Miller
Nature vs Nurture
Jaxson Edwards
Single mothers.
Also I only read the initial question because everything else you wrote is probably gay.
Caleb Reyes
IT's culture.
Since early age young kids are brainwashed to treat women as if they were goddess or the most special thing.
Jaxson Long
Asher Green
Interesting. To take a little from both of you, maybe it's due to the male's subconscious recognition of total responsibility - even in a relationship where he might have gotten cheated on, or she tried to physically harm him, he understands on a fundamental level that he is responsible for the success of the relationship as women cannot be expected to sustain anything properly.
His acknowledgement of responsibility also comes into play by recognizing it's a flaw in his character to have committed to someone who ended up being the 'wrong' one. There must be something wrong with his judgement of character, his mate-choosing, if it does not end successfully.
Women never accept responsibility and would rather lie to themselves than admit they made a serious mistake of judgement.
this too
Michael Clark
I'm only guessing, but it may be because women are more social creatures and usually are better at making bonds.
When they break up with someone they have their sister, mom, girlfriends, etc. right there to support them. Guys sometimes don't have the same social support, and therefore suffer with their feelings/anxieties by themselves. They can't express themselves. So that may part of the reason why it's harder for men to move on.
Basically the more socially connected you are with people the more stable you will be.
Hudson Richardson
>Basically the more socially connected you are with people the more stable you will be.
This is a myth spread by cartoon, movies, tv shows, etc.
The more social you are the less you care about what is right or wrong. You just do what other people do.
Nicholas Williams
It's just a dream. The illusion that she is something special that you are missing out on.
Kevin Edwards
if I had to guess, because women want to ensure that men, who are at least HISTORICALLY more likely to "cheat" on their partners, stay faithful. break their spirit, ensure their compliance
Leo Long
2 coherent and moderately intelligent posts in a row on Sup Forums?
Carter Gutierrez
>by cartoon, movies, tv shows, etc.The more social you are the less you care about what is right or wrong. You just do what other p
well, I should have said the more 'meaningful' relationships you have. I didn't mean the # of connections. You do need at least one other person in this world you can go to with problems.
Charles Reyes
a male to female tranny that has his cock tucked
Adam Rodriguez
Nathan Reyes
Women are inferior and should only be used for breeding. Pederasty is the true redpill.
Logan Russell
This may factor into it but I don't believe it's the main component. Even highly socialized guys succumb to oneitis.
damn that was dark
Oliver Nguyen
Sometimes a man has to face these uncomfortable truths to grow stronger, my friend. That's what sets us apart from women, they have no emotional control.
Xavier Lewis
Liam Martinez
Guys just want something to fuck. Girls just spread their legs for the next person who wants them and guys have to go in search for new deairable pussy.
Jack Fisher
It's the wasted effort you put in to getting them that makes it hurt worse.
Women don't do anything except sit there and judge.
Asher Hernandez
Also, consider that to a man a faithless partner is a gargantuan risk to his genes, as he cannot know any children produced are his. It is not correct to say that a man is entirely responsible for the relationship as it is he who proposes. In other words; Women choose men. You must not remove a woman's important role, as they are the one who need to run the house and raise the children, generally speaking. Many aspects of a successful partnership rest on her shoulders. If she does not do her job well the man's productivity could suffer which will make things more difficult for the whole family (lose of income, unhappy home life etc.). I can't over stress how significant it is that people are no longer having children. None of this behavior makes sense when you lose sight of that.
Jose King
well your brain has to vent somewhere after losing a part of your soul.
Charles King
Women are reasonably intelligent animals. They do not have souls, or any of the 'higher' functions like empathy, a need for meaning, or conscience. They simulate these things at times in order to please the men around them - more specifically they will mimic the interests and values of the most alpha male in their sphere of influence.
They don't do this maliciously - it's biological. So, to answer your question, only men are capable of spiritual love. Therefore, only men can be damaged spiritually. To a woman, the loss of a relationship is the temporary loss of the material benefits she was receiving from it. Once she's replaced those - and she's usually got several guys to monkey vine to at any given time - any pain from the breakup is gone.
Jacob Bennett
It is the male's responsibility to select his mate. That's why females are the sex with attractive features in our species.
Asher Brown
Why is nature so evil? Why is there so much struggle and competition to the point where most humans in existence lose/suffer, why can't all humans just be immortal beings of pure love and joy? Why did God make it this way?
Brandon Perez
Going back to jerkin off sucks, OP. How is this not obvious? You literally go from daily or near daily sex with a woman to having to rub yourself out. It's a disaster situation.
Carter Martin
I don't.
Which have lead to a whole lot of sluts crushing on me, and no proper women to show interest in me.
Luke Rivera
Nah humans definitely need some social interaction. We are tribal by nature. If your only social interaction ends up being your girl and she leaves then you're fucked. If you maintain a healthy enough social life, it makes a big difference.
Anthony Ortiz
>maybe it's due to the male's subconscious recognition of total responsibility - even in a relationship where he might have gotten cheated on, or she tried to physically harm him, he understands on a fundamental level that he is responsible for the success of the relationship this is a decently written chunk that imo gets at a lot of the core issue
I mean I'm not even 21 until the end of the month and I'm still reeling and feel responsible for the failure of my singular and shortlived relationship with a 28 year old woman who has a 6 year old son.
Jayden Robinson
Because we are hardwired to nuture our incubators. It's supposed to feel like a massive failure if we fail to protect our baby gestaters, especially for the 9 months they are otherwise unable to protect themselves.
Women on the other hand are hardwired to latch on to whoever the dominant man in their lives at that moment are who can protect them. Including the man from the neighbouring tribe who has just abducted and rapewifed you.
Biology user. Men hard-wired to protect baby incubators for 9+ months, women hard-wired to latch-on to the latest protector *RIGHT NOW*.
William Williams
Because men naturally have honor, truth and legacy. Women do not. Women will reinvent themselves in order to adapt to to the next situation.
The reason women will whore themselves on the street. Because honor and legacy mean nothing to women unless trained. Men have these attributes naturally.
Hudson Ramirez
Nudes are allow as long as they're over 18 and there's no actual porn/intercourse.
Eli Myers
I've known about a dozen relationships where cheating happen. The adulterer was always the woman. Men are just failing to keep them in check.
Asher Gonzalez
Or women are failing to succeed at infidelity.
Landon Brooks
trips of truth
Austin Hughes
Wow this might be the simplest, most obvious, yet accurate explanations.
sorry to hear that bro. the truth is that the scar never fades. my curiosity is why this is the case, and how women seem to always get away unscathed.'re not wrong
Ryder Gutierrez
As your doppelganger, let me assure you that you are most definitely better for it. That kid would never fully take to you, and you would never completely take the place of the father in her heart.
Make something of yourself and raise your own family the right way.
Tyler Robinson
The same as a snake will shed it's skin, a woman will shed her life for a new life. Woman have no natural biological legacy as men do.
Ryder Martinez
Or white women literally are addicted to black and Arab dick.
Aaron White
this is the fucking issue though - he already knows this. every rational cell in his brain tells him to get over it. yet he can't. why?
Logan James
God created us to struggle and fight. He gave us a Church to join us in the fight as part of his Church millitant, a literal army to wage permanent battle in this life.
>dating a non-virgin >dating a single mother >willingly cuckolding yourself lad status: wew
Gavin Bennett
What dick? they're all busy fucking each other.
Logan Hernandez
I didn't even mention that we worked together.
Benjamin Lee
Nature isn't evil, friend. It simply is. Competition is necessary for life to flourish, otherwise the universe would remain cold and static. It only seems cruel because we have an illusory view of reality. Basically, it's all in your head. But on the bright side, that means you have control over how you can respond to that fact.
Levi Perez
Well you'll never get anywhere with those standards
But I suppose thats the intent.
Jayden Hughes
>shitting where you eat I seriously hope you goyim don't do this.
Jace Morgan
Probably coz of the sexual element. Women really are just cunts mate. I do hope you find a half decent one and their are many fish in the sea.
Dont get hung up on some woman who would have made your life hell in the long run.
Lincoln Myers
Men have the body for warfare but require the motivation to kill others through the experiences of failed relationships.
Women do not have bodies built for warfare so therefor do not require the motivation.
Caleb Perry
It's for pussy, 100%. Women use it as a leverage because they know they can and men will obey. Realistically there are more women on this earth than men, and as long as you're semi good looking and not a fucking idiot, you can get laid pretty easily.
Isaiah Walker
>i have shit standards therefore everyone does
Matthew Powell
Terrible body
Asher Thompson
t. cuck and proud
Sebastian Bennett
Women's spirituality is very different to ours, but it does exist. Go to Mass and look around during the servive at the women there. They are sincere and genuinely moved by engaging with God.
Oliver Brown
>wanting to raise another mans child
Josiah Reed
> What is the reason for this?
In western societies, women are put on a pedestal. They are given more worth than their actual value. They are told ''you deserve everything'' and other stuff like that. Of course they're not gonna cling over the first loser.
Men, on the other hand, when they lose something society tells them is so important, they get sad. It's reasonable.
Also, remember all those philosophers long before you and what they said about women? Well, they were right. But you don't read philosophy or history, you read ''modern media'' and you devour what they feed you (((for whatever purpose))) like a retard.
Julian Reed
My parents split when I was 8 or 9 and I don't have much memory of the good ol kumbaya watching-tv-together days. Trust me, I was practically seeing the maymay arrows above this kids head when I'd talk to him, but I just thought that maybe if I could teach him how to enjoy life and be a good person, that I'd be doing my part as a fatherly figure.
Eli Rogers
Can we just have a /mgtow/ board on Sup Forums please nipmoot? Sick of seeing this shit. In my personal experience, girls I know of are always getting fucked over by dickhead guys and they're left depressed for a few months each time.
Nathaniel Perry
But an inferior man is always better than a superior female.
Females have a false sense of superiority because a fat omega neckbeard could just capture her and keep her as a sex slave.
Sebastian Lopez
>remember all those philosophers long before you and what they said about women?
citation needed.
Zachary Hughes
>girls I know of are always getting fucked over by dickhead guys and they're left depressed for a few months each time. >have shit taste in men >willingly engage in relationship with shit men >???? >complain Fucking women.
Oliver Hernandez
>biology made females whores and sensitive nice guys like me always end up in last place omega males like you who are scared of women seriously need to be fucking gassed
Hunter Wright
No they aren't. They're feigning emotional involvement in the spiritual to signal their value to spiritual men because they want to attract those men and use their resources.
You're extremely naive and you have a world of pain waiting for you in the future. I'm sorry that it's so, but it will be for your own good. Just try not to kill yourself the first time you see behind the mask. You'll know what I mean in time kid.
Connor Barnes
You don't know what I read, chink. But you're right.
Wrong and wrong.
It's not about rejection. Even men who do the rejecting - initiate the break up - retain sentimentality. Rejection is a convenient but over simplified reason.
easy with the projection mr alpha
Hudson Allen
Do I smell a toastie roastie?
Fuck off vaginal kike
Ryan Garcia
> A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous. -Coco Chanel
> Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness. -Oprah Winfrey
And stuff like that.
> they're left depressed for a few months each time.
Are you sure that's not just what they tell you? No woman ever wants to look bad in the eyes of others, especially if you're in their friendzone. Or maybe your personal experiences verify the rule.
Samuel Hughes
Even in the United States they still fail to take responsibility for their own protection and embrace the 2nd.
Dumb bitches.
Ethan Diaz
Seriously, are you me?
I've thought about this for a while, and I think it just comes down to fulfilling that basic need for validation and affection that's hardwired into every person's brain, and trying to make up for things you missed as a kid.
I never had a strong role model in either of my parents, so making up for that as an adult now is especially important to me. Sometimes these aren't even influences you may be aware of or intend, but they will affect your relationships and for the worse if left unattended.
Thomas Turner
Jacob Harris
Pussy feels good. Real good. That's pretty much the only reason.
Ryan Torres
What philosophers?
Kayden Murphy
Aaron Rivera
Because a mans sole purpose is to protect and produce offspring by way of a female,and one that has no mate fails in nature. humans tend to be monogamist, but after some time, higher intellect helps you move on, usually.
Oliver Gutierrez
This. Women lie like mean breathe - it's 2nd nature. A woman will lie and not even realize she is lying - it's real in her head. They fabricate an image of themselves that they believe will be the most appealing to whomever is most relevant at any given moment. Trying to impress your gfs? 'omg becky jamal's cock was so juicy.' Talking to a new bf? 'I've been hurt before.' Yeah, by Abdul's weiner.
Camden Evans
Jackson Morris
Daniel Evans
>projecting >alpha What are you even talking about
I do find it interesting that the idea of a male who doesn't let feelings of sentimentality control his life after a breakup is threatening to you, though
Angel Gomez
> You don't know what I read, chink. But you're right.
If you have such opinions, I know what you read. Unless of course you're shitposting. I'm not very good at figuring that out.
I hope you're the OP btw, I was talking to him.
> Even men who do the rejecting - initiate the break up - retain sentimentality.
Of course. That's because we are actually TAUGHT to be sentimental. A person who is told to ''be strong and not show his emotions easily'' what does it imply? That we do have emotions in the first place that we need to hide in order to be strong.
What are women taught? To be queens and shit. Think about it.
Justin Morris
>and I think it just comes down to fulfilling that basic need for validation and affection that's hardwired into every person's brain She was my first everything, and as bad as it sounds, my desire to get my dick wet probably had something to do with it. Especially worse given the context of why we really started hanging out consistently enough to reach a point of intimacy.
but I still fucking loved that woman and would have done anything for her
Bentley Price
This, all the Jesusfreak women I know are so open and public about it, they just do it for attention.
Guys can keep their spirituality to themselves, which is above all the "let your left hand know not what the right does" rule that Jesus laid out for us when it comes to religion.
Thomas Barnes
because god is a massive nigger
Elijah Russell
That doesn't seem to be a god I want to fight for in that case.
Nolan Roberts
I've never had this experience. Even when she breaks up with me, she always comes back and wants me again as soon as I'm in a relationship. Men nowadays are pussies though, so I'd say that it's not the relationships doing it.
Jason Kelly
>8 >mother takes me out of school >get locked and caged in a basement for 10 years >spend the entire time being physically and mentally tortured by mother to be a good lil boy >taught to massage >taught to cook and clean >went through maternal cunnilingus training >mum took every virginity i had >got to a point where I would go out to work, come home and then pleasure her all evening >she developed a heroin addiction >died 5 years later >end up in psychiatric ward due to grief >get out >can only find happiness serving other people
Jordan Robinson
What about nuns?
Daniel Wood
cuz women always looking for the stronger horse
Joseph Stewart
I love watching delusional cucks lose their minds when someone challenges their self-pitying paradigm
Aiden Anderson
The ones who reject emasculation have it worse than beta cucks.
Kevin Adams
> Trying to impress your gfs? 'omg becky jamal's cock was so juicy.' Talking to a new bf? 'I've been hurt before.' Yeah, by Abdul's weiner.