Brit/pol/ - Aestheticism Edition

Furnish your mind with beauty.
Thread Viewing: Kenneth Clark's Civilisation

>Lib Dems NO! Vince Cable lashes out against immigration

>STIRgeon: "I will stop asking for independence if you give us a Soft Brexit"

>The noose tightens around Corbyn as he comes under pressure to turn Labour around

>UKIP's Spring Conference to be held in Bolton

>Pro-EU Tory ambassador accused of leaking Brexit plans to the EU before quitting

>Thanks Theresa - Britain will be Europe's most populated country by 2050 because of mass immigration

>BETRAYAL - Andrea Leadsom: "We'll make a loophole so that mass immigration can continue"

>Good Goy, take out those loans - Household debt at its highest since 2008 crash

>Sharia May's off to Turkey

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First word post

Second world country




>>Caring about Blairism: The Book

What do you mean lad

The phone call that saved the monarch.

who the fuck is roger scrotum?

Marlboro Reds are the best fags.

JK Rowling is a massive open Blairite and the early Harry Potter books (before she got rich and stopped caring that much) are obvious left-wing parables about the importance of the state usurping adult authority and why the better middle class are shit and abusive

Strict teachers bad, cool multikulti teachers good

Dude Slytherin are racists lmao

Muh Hermione

Not going into this at 6am, go ask /lit/, they'll tell you the same only they'll put a positive spin on it but make the same general points

What's a good radio station this time of day?

Should have seen the super subtle nazi looking uniforms on the bad guys in some of the later films.

Literally long black leather jackets with red arm bands

starting to think i may have a pathological aversion to risk, and that i still overestimate how much other people care about anything others do.

>see plenty of furfags tweeting about wearing their silly suits outside in public
>still convinced if i did anything like that it'd be a life-ruining decision because someone would make the connection between serious me and wants to wear the carpet me, and from there to implied degeneracy.

while that's a silly example on purpose, it's a maddening problem. i'm basically averse to doing anything out of the norm unless i'm 100% certain it can't track back to me, even though most normal people wouldn't care enough to dig, and wouldn't care if they found out. it would garner a passing comment at most.

to think of the things utter degenerates get away with.

Don't let go of that, it's called conscience and dignity - it's what makes you more human than those fucking scum


What is some fashion MORALITY MAN would approve of?

Hear hear.

Maybe he's asking you to think for yourself.



Looks like a kid trying on his dad's clothes - jesus christ

when is he going to pull a Rene Guenon and convert to Islam?

Well, it is one of the last religions that is permitted by the left to be conservative is some respects

if you can control it, it makes you human.
at this stage, it constantly makes me inhuman. it drives me deeper and deeper into existing only as an anonymous imageboard user. (i suppose in an age of social media, that does maintain a degree of humanity. still.)
there's also a degree of irrationality in it. if MPs can get away with hiring hookers to beat the shit out of them, i could get away with it while overall maintaining dignity, or at least writing it off as something most people wouldn't take seriously. (furry is a bad example because there's basically no plausible deniability about being a degenerate. still, the vast majority of them are basically just generic normalfags.)

in itself it's not a problem, but i've lost control of it and it's become a pathological aversion. we'll see where this ends up.
at it's root, i think it's driven by reading too much about lolcows and taking the wrong message from it ("Grown men can't play pokemon, look at Chris Chan!"), combined with insecurity and paranoia.

21 next week.

>the vast majority of them are basically just generic normalfags

Those supposed jew baking ovens in the supposed death camps, theoretically, can you imagine the global uproar if someone stole one and converted it into a pizza oven then posted pics online?

Could start a restaurant, Arbeit Macht Fry

Let me get this right... you're a closet furfag?

The furry fandom is a phenomenon for sexual deviants. It's not sold like that anymore but it's still effectively that. Why the hell should sane people be subjected to your weird fetishes?

Wherever furries go online they are eventually driven out by the wider community. Why do you think this is? Are they intolerant? Or maybe it's inappropriate and ridiculous to tell everyone online about your fetish.

Top fucking quality post right there.

Furries aren't generic normies user.
Go to a pub that has karaoke, have a few drinks and sing to some strangers. That should kill the entire thing. Or do something of similar embarrassment levels. If you let this continue you'll have a fairly miserable adulthood where trying new activities is almost completely off the cards.
>at it's root, i think it's driven by reading too much about lolcows and taking the wrong message from it ("Grown men can't play pokemon, look at Chris Chan!"), combined with insecurity and paranoia.
Well its good you think you know whats causing it. So the best course of action would probably be to do some of the following
>stop coming here
>think about what you're reading instead of absorbing it fully at face value
>not take it so seriously
>go date an extrovert
>knock the furry shit on the head


Starting to question the legitimacy of the official holocaust story lads

What did you just say

Mosley argued against the use of force against the Irish.

Trust me, they are. That's not a defence either - In terms of outlook, (lack of) creativity, general behaviour, and so on. Having one fetish doesn't suddenly negate the entire trend of normalfaggish behaviour.
They're degenerate, but within the margin of error for modernity. Only the worst of it filters to imageboards. (Usually from the substantial sub-portion of literal autists, but put them to the side because they tend to be shut-in NEETs.)

That it could come into doubt at all and "all furries are the most blatantly obvious autistic ones" kind of emphasises my point. Nobody remembers the ones who don't go overboard, so the entire behavioural trend I've got going is irrational.

Yes and no. Furfaggotry was the example.
It's not about wanting to tell people about your fetish, so much as to - say - hypothetically take a picture standing outside Parliament wearing a carpetsuit.
Now the vast majority of people who had that inclination would do it, take the picture, tweet it and that would be that.

Furry is - as I said - a bad example because there's no plausible deniability. You own a carpetsuit, it's 99.999% admitting - to those in the know - you fap to dogpeople. To most normal people it's a costume though.

In internet terms squaring the circle is pretty easy. There's zero reason to admit you're a furry. In real-life terms most people don't even know what furries are. (There is of course an intersection.)

An aversion to embarrassment or being silly might've been a similar way of putting it. (Though I've done Karaoke before.)
That I drink and hang around with normal people within my age-band only re-enforces my idea that on the whole, furfaggotry and normalfaggotry intersect quite closely. It's just not intuitive. (Keeping the pokemon analogy: Nobody notices if you play Pokemon Go. People only notice the guy who's been dressed like Ash for the last month.)

On the whole just doing (sane) things is probably the solution.

I dunno lad I just don't think everything I've been told has been entirely factual or accurate.


You're correct. It was 7 million. Unfortunately racists have been trying to create confusion and make people think it was only 8 million, fortunately our latest figures give comprehensive proof of the 13 million. A common internet meme suggests only 23 million people of jewish descent were killed in the holocaust, but that's a lie. It was 58 million.

We're working to make it a hate-crime to deny the killing of the 722 million innocent jews by hitler's own hands. Never again will 891 oxyqintillion innocent superhuman lives be taken in the name of anti-semitism.

It already is illegal now


that cunt doesn't get enough hate


Jews are superior.


i've stayed up for this, better be real

for what?

>tfw no first-world, white, closed-border EEC with a military alliance of independent armies displacing NATO and the US as the European hegemon.


She is fine.

"It is inevitable that I should seem a rather remote figure to many of you. A successor to the Kings and Queens of history; someone whose face may be familiar in newspapers and films but who never really touches your personal lives. But now at least for a few minutes I welcome you to the peace of my own home.

That it is possible for some of you to see me today is just another example of the speed at which things are changing all around us. Because of these changes I am not surprised that many people feel lost and unable to decide what to hold on to and what to discard. How to take advantage of the new life without losing the best of the old.

But it is not the new inventions which are the difficulty. The trouble is caused by unthinking people who carelessly throw away ageless ideals as if they were old and outworn machinery.

They would have religion thrown aside, morality in personal and public life made meaningless, honesty counted as foolishness and self-interest set up in place of self-restraint.

At this critical moment in our history we will certainly lose the trust and respect of the world if we just abandon those fundamental principles which guided the men and women who built the greatness of this country and Commonwealth.

Today we need a special kind of courage, not the kind needed in battle but a kind which makes us stand up for everything that we know is right, everything that is true and honest. We need the kind of courage that can withstand the subtle corruption of the cynics so that we can show the world that we are not afraid of the future.

It has always been easy to hate and destroy. To build and to cherish is much more difficult."


liz's journey

Greenland is snowy and Italy needs to be kept in for the upcoming invasion of Switzerland.

Her Majesty has been rigging dog competitions

Mum bought another man home last night. Her headboard is against the other side of my bedroom wall. Please make the noises stop.

>Party platform
>Binding referendum on subjects like the EU and a multicultural society.
>Binding Referendum on a multicultural society

How does this work?

You atm

>living with your parents


>Binding Referendum on a multicultural society

The worst part of all this is that she bought him.

Greenland is like 90% Inuit though


I guess it means whether the state will keep supporting it


>Greenland is like 90% Inuit though
It's 90% empty. Letting 56k of them in just for a laugh couldn't hurt.
(Though evidentially they didn't want in. One wonders if a reverse-greenland is possible for Scotland, though they definitely won't get it.)

>I guess it means whether the state will keep supporting it

So if they vote no to whatever the question is, they would have to deport the pakis?

I think Legally binding referendums are a bit complicated.

Do we have palriament fully draft a bill and submit the bill for the referendum? 99% of people won't read it.

Do we just submit the title of the bill and allow parliament to draft it? What if drafts transform the bill past the original referendum?

Do we allow the electorate to vote on every reading and drafting stage of a bill? Nothing would ever get done.

Take some Picts, Celts and Silures
And let them settle,
Then overrun them with Roman conquerors.

Remove the Romans after approximately 400 years
Add lots of Norman French to some
Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Vikings, then STIR vigorously.

Mix some hot Chileans, cool Jamaicans, hung Dominicans,
Trinidadians and Bajans with some Ethiopians, Chinese,
Vietnamese and Sudanese.

Then take a blend of Somalians, Sri Lankans, Nigerians
And many Pakistanis,
Combine with some Guyanese
And turn up the heat and de riddim.

Sprinkle some fresh Indians, Malaysians, Bosnians,
Iraqis and Bangladeshis together with some
Afghans, Spanish, Turkish, Kurdish, Japanese
And Palestinians
Then add to the melting pot.

Leave the ingredients to simmer.

As they mix and blend allow their languages to flourish
Binding them together with English into a grey paste.

Allow time to be cool, brother.

Add some unity, understanding, and respect for the future,
Serve with justice and no hate speech
And enjoy.

Note: All the ingredients are equally important. Treating one ingredient better than another will leave a bitter, racist, unpleasant taste.

Warning: An unequal spread of justice will damage the people and cause pain. Give justice, reparations and equality to all.

>you rage you lose




Can't find this on the archive

Wonder why

also I like how ANAL is the biggest word


YKTD why did you start calling yourself Ahmed?

you converting?

Get out


I agree


>1 (One)

Really causes you to ponder

you're not wrong.

so right

hahahaha yes!


Proxyfags out


Have we left the EU yet lads?



shoot tripnonces tbqh

Literal proof that Anonymongs will happily proxy up to defend themselves

Always check the #ID

10 minutes till we find out.


Lads. I need some pep-talk to troll this artist. Apparently he buys into the whole Pepe being a hate symbol thing so I drew his character rubbing his bellend. He also appears to be pro-communist do I dressed Pepe up in an officer uniform.

I had that imaged saved in my feels folder when I was 14 then deleted it when I realized anal was the biggest word.

WTF! I agree with you now!

JK Rowling is more Blairite than Blair.
I'm not sure how that's possible.


Apparently she's making an appearance tomorrow


literally been up waiting until morning to see if there's actually any confirmation if something happened to our nanny queen.