Post your results Sup Forums

Post your results Sup Forums

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come on Sup Forums I know at least 50% on here have high paranoia (dem joos)

Its just a meme dude

well then take the test big guy

I am become Sup Forums, destroyer of fun.

damn son. do u think people are trying to kill you?

when i walk into a gas station or something I think of all the ways to kill someone should they attack me which is why I always conceal carry

I actually do have OCD. It's fucking terrible.



wrong thread leaf.

OCD does seem unbearable. u have my condolences


>implying i care enough to crop it
get off the internet jamal

fuck off normie


Where my OCD anons at ?

Dude, the fuck ?


Rate me




who else /batshit/


Rate me, Lord Kek.


Meh. I'm pretty good in social situations so this isn't totally accurate

Also did another one and it told me I have major depression and I'm bi-polar...

I should just kys desu

>moderate amounts of antisocialism, histrionic behavior, and narcissism
>low in everything else

Yep, that would be me

Welcome to the party

just because you're good doesn't mean you don't have a social disorder. In fact, you saying you're "good" is a sign you do have it. Because people with social disorders see socialization as a skill opposed to a natural occurrence.


I agree with this guy, unless he is referencing formal social situations like a meeting or presentation, then those are skills.

I wouldn't normally say anything as autistic as that, it's just in response to what the descriptions of those results said. But I see what you're saying.

Disorder | Rating

ParanoidDisorder | High
SchizoidDisorder | High
SchizotypalDisorder | Moderate
AntisocialDisorder | Moderate
BorderlineDisorder | Low
HistrionicDisorder | Moderate
NarcissisticDisorder | Moderate
AvoidantDisorder | Low
DependentDisorder | Low
Obsessive-CompulsiveDisorder | Low


Did you answer "Yes" to everything or something? kek

No, I honestly don't get how the test came out this way. I can be unduly suspicious of people, but I don't think that random people are meet are trying to kill me.

Then again, I also cross the street to avoid blacks, so who knows really.

No rating on Autism? That makes it worthless for about 80% of Sup Forums posters.


Apparently not trusting strangers is being paranoid, guess they haven't met Americans who live in bunkers because they think their government is after them.

thing is, there are legitimately people close to me trying to harm me and that talk shit behind my back. also, I do not trust people without a mass of evidence that I should because people are stupid and tend to fuck shit up.

call me a paranoid narcissist but most people are vindictive morons.

I don't really think that I'm that bad

Paranoia can be caused by such situations. A large portion of people who have been in prison also developed paranoia. You can see when they eat that they'll hover over their food and look over their shoulders

Pretty sure with straight 'Yes or No' you'll always be Mr. Mellow or Autismus Maximus.

You got "very high paranoid" didn't you? I got the same and I am not very highly paranoid, I don't think people are going to kill me, but I do keep a caution/be prepared to escape/fight is anything like that comes.

I don't trust people as people (even friends) have a tendency to back stab doesn't mean I avoid them, I just maintain caution.


...ahaha Weew


That is being paranoid, your fear is irrational unless you have been physically attacked before.

Otherwise you should have no predisposition to strangers or friends harming you.


>People with schizoid personality disorder avoid relationships and do not show much emotion. Unlike avoidants, schizoids genuinely prefer to be alone and do not secretly wish for popularity. They tend to seek jobs that require little social contact.

How's this a bad thing?

low in about everthing
moderate in maybe 3

i did better than i thought


DisorderResultParanoidDisorderModerateSchizoidDisorderLowSchizotypalDisorderLowAntisocialDisorderModerateBorderlineDisorderLowHistrionicDisorderLowNarcissisticDisorderModerateAvoidantDisorderLowDependentDisorderLowObsessive-CompulsiveDisorderModerateDo I Have a Personality Disorder? --
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"Paranoia is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of delusion and irrationality.[1] Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory, or beliefs of conspiracy concerning a perceived threat towards oneself (e.g. "Everyone is out to get me"). "

Which is a majority of Sup Forums


good job annon

Humans are suppose to crave social contact, we are one of the few species that can actually go insane from social isolation.



Looks like the last shows you are retarded as well

See my flag idiot, I live in a third world which borders Pookistan people kill and steal here and its fucking normal and sometimes they explode themselves.

Even government here issues warnings about not to eat sweets from strangers or not to touch anything left stranded in a public place or check below the seats of your public transport for any suspicious object.

You guys need to get some fucking help.

Am I kill?


Haha xD so unique and werid!!! 4chinz 4ever fuc k normies reeeeeeeee hehe xd

Yeah there were lots that I was unsure of. It sucks that there isn't more options.

So did I do well Sup Forums? am I truly Autistic?

Well then as I said, if you don't have a reason to have such a fear then it is paranoia.

But as you stated you do, they should add a location field to the test so it can be mapped to shittiness index.

No pun intended.

All questions should have Doesnt apply to me, sort of applies, mostly applies, Definitely applies to me

You are so fucked...

if you still have those feelings when you're in a safer place or a good part of town, then you still have paranoia. Though it is understandable and not weird desu

Help me doc I got bugs crawling in my skin and the mailbox won't stop judging me

You think I should be worried about paranoia being high?

I'm a mess

Anyone other than me not getting very high results?

I was worried about my results but then I saw how some of the half-tards here were scoring. I'm not so bad after all.

I sense that either Sup Forums makes people paranoid, or paranoid people are drawn to Sup Forums

Don't think so loud, they will hear you.

This is the score a normie gets


Why do you keep following me to every fucking thread? Leave me alone

I don't have those feelings in good parts of town, I just stay alert in bad parts of town or around muslims (They are niggers of our country) or when I see a shady person that matches a description of a typical pick-pocketer.

The fuck does histrionic mean ?

ss...stop it

>often to the point of delusion and irrationality
Yeah, that's the rub. Being cautious != paranoid delusions of everybody being out to get you. People can be evil under the right circumstances, realizing this isn't delusional.

Did i break it?
DisorderResultParanoidDisorderHighSchizoidDisorderModerateSchizotypalDisorderVery HighAntisocialDisorderModerateBorderlineDisorderHighHistrionicDisorderModerateNarcissisticDisorderVery HighAvoidantDisorderHighDependentDisorderHighObsessive-CompulsiveDisorderHighDo I Have a Personality Disorder? --
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You you ever fear that loo will eat more than just your poo?

Maybe you should press "MORE INFO"

ParanoidDisorder | Very High
SchizoidDisorder | High
SchizotypalDisorder | Very High
AntisocialDisorder | Moderate
BorderlineDisorder | High
HistrionicDisorder | Moderate
NarcissisticDisorder | Moderate
AvoidantDisorder | Low
DependentDisorder | Low
Obsessive-CompulsiveDisorder | Very High



I did it took me to a schizophrenia thing

attention whore


It doesn't do shit for me. It just goes to schizotypal for most of them instead of the right one.

No, First - Loo is a non-living thing

Second - Porcelain jew doesn't have any power over my hammers.

Me too senpai. I know that feel
Disorder | Rating

ParanoidDisorder | High
SchizoidDisorder | Moderate
SchizotypalDisorder | Very High
AntisocialDisorder | Moderate
BorderlineDisorder | High
HistrionicDisorder | Moderate
NarcissisticDisorder | Very High
AvoidantDisorder | High
DependentDisorder | High
Obsessive-CompulsiveDisorder | High

>asks instead of clicking more info
>uses face emoji as name
>asking what histrionic means

it's like poetry
