So fucking tired of this hypocrisy.
English people are so arrogant.
So fucking tired of this hypocrisy.
English people are so arrogant.
Thank you Britain!
every piece of land is up for conquest
remember that next time you speak because our eyes are gazing over the seas at the shit holes you call home
> Demand special rights for native populations
> Except in Europe
So fucking tired of this hypocrisy.
So, when did Britain colonize Ethiopia?
>give half the world hope and civilization, kick off the modern age
>now getting repaid with shit and aids and cancer
we complain about every fucking thing though
all memes aside its not false
its not a cuck move to be against colonialism, it always bites the colonizers back in the end and creates resentment in many of the nations in which they colonize
Get the fuck out Paki we do not want you, we do not need you and we do not need you.
Now, the "English" left most of the places it colonised and left infrastructure in place. The shitskins that come here? They tend to blow up our infrastructure so yeah, yeah we will complain and no, it's not hypocrisy at all. Because our lives are worth more than the lives of subhuman shit skin filth.
You nigs don't seem to quite grasp it yet, but eventually you will.
It's not like they where doing anything productive with it.
Actually, Italy conquered that shitty country, then UK conquered shitaly.
So, by proxy, UK conquered you.
Maybe those nations would be better off if they had built a wall and been worried about immigration form Brits
Oops, forgot sage.
Then I could blaze it.
Er we battle of Abassynia (the Italians got beaten by the Ethiopians) then we sent some token force there that tried to ambush them and they ended up getting rekt.
That resentment is usually when we leave and they run their own shithole and manage to run it into the ground.
I'd be frustrated too, but I'd blame the new leaders the niggers not the British.
But the American narrative is to push that sort of agenda (((good goys))) because Jews hate whitey and England is of whitey so whitey must be killed so that Jews have no threats.
Joy times ahead.
That's not how it works, though
Your self proclaimed new Empire's King wrote a letter to Queen Victoria numerous times, demanding recognition as some new King and demanded to meet with the Queen.. The Queen dispatched 30 soldiers or so to go meet them, it was an ambush and bam. King Theodore killed himself.
Couldn't handle the banter, but yeah we didn't colonise you.
>complains about being colonised
>tries to colonise england
So fucking tired of this hypocrisy
The difference is that Britain makes the places they colonize better.
I can't wait for the Eternal Anglo to wake the fuck back up and set the world straight again.
anyone who was a former english colony can tell you how annoying being colonized is
so why is it all of a sudden good now? does that mean it wasn't bad when britain did it as well? whats the end game of this argument?
99% of our colonies are and were shitholes though
yes they are both terrible things
keep pointing out how hypocritical white people are for wanting to stop a terrible thing.
>got bullied and teased so hard by the Queen's soldiers he killed himself
lmao what a faggot
Pic with timestamp please. Prove you are from Ethiopia.
just because you cucked the world doesn't mean you should turn around and allow the world to cuck you, have some self-respect Britain. What is this? some English "fair play" non-sense? The world doesn't work that way.
>gives knowledge and technology to barbarians all around the world
>complains when those same barbarians use that knowledge and technology to invade
I agree, they should have just exterminated them all. It's their own fault they're being destroyed now.
>work hard setting up civilizations all over the world
>hate it when savages start fucking it up
no hypocrisy.
>britbong land owning the us past the 13 colonies
8/bait made me reply