You're out on a date with your girl and this guy slaps her ass. What do?

You're out on a date with your girl and this guy slaps her ass. What do?

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point my gat at that black

Pistol whip him probably


Disown her.

Create genotype-targeting bioweapons to scourge the Earth clean of all creatures like him.


Y-You too.

Curb stomp.

Weaponized sickle cell anemia?

Guns are for cowards. Fight with your hands or a blade.

I would break my bottle over his face. This happens in Philadelphia from time to time, irrespective of race.

Mag dump.

ask him why he did this, if he's being rude call the cops for sexual harassement and threats.
watch him in my dreams getting raped in jail while i fuck my gf pussy every night.

tips fedora

Oddjob pls

Not let myself get cucked in the first place? Is this something you worry about often, getting cucked by black guys?

Sure thing, syrupnigger..
Bring a knife to a gun fight.
Watch what happens.

Why not go back to Montreal, and get culturally enriched, instead of using those moose dildos to try and type out an intelligent thought..

Fucking frostbacks, every time.. you're as dumb as the roo fucking Aussies

>I close my eyes and imagine gay nigger prison rape when I have sex

You might be a faggot

Laugh nervously as he starts making out with her then throws her over his shoulder and takes her away to get blacked


Smash the fuck out of him.

The only reason these niggers chose a mentally handicapped white man is because he was an easy target.

Where did the K come from?

Slap his ass harder to establish dominance.


working hand in hand with those trips.

Why would I bring a girl on a date to the Zoo?

Knock him the fuck out because I can probably bench his whole nig nog body.

The zoo isn't a bad idea for a date m8

Be nice! >:(

Ask if I can watch him run the train on her later. I'm a cuck.

m8, come on now.

I worked hard on that one... wanted to be the funny man and shiieeeetttt. You know, black man looks like an ape.

Fuckin' pop 8 rounds of .45 into his ass.

Laugh as the police kill him. We don't tolerate dark skin in Forsyth County, Georgia.

I kek'd

>not carrying a Glock 20
>Not unloading the entire magazine of 10mm AUTO

Come on now

>take a swing at him
>miss because he has no lower jaw
>get counter-punched

>He doesn't know

What, that factory 10mm is pretty close to .45?

Make your own 10mm that's more powerful obviously.

shoot his nigger ass and pretend he was offering cocaine

Pretend to be a cuck and invite him to go with us and poz his neghole.

Hang him and his friends by the trees their ancestors fertilized

Break his scrawny nigger neck.

id cover my head and scalpin my beautiful locks monkeyface!!! cheetaah

You for canadian president

Mace him.

Canada doesnt have a president

beavis and butthead go to jamaica. guy looks like a stereotypical retarded nigger


tell him I was only pretending to be retarded

nah. brass knuckles are the ultimate pussy weapon

right on

Thats a pretty rare Styx, and a damn fine one too.

Hang the nigger

punch him in the throat.
i mean he is asking for it with that ridiculous look exposing his esophagus

Falcon Punch!

You don't win by fighting fair. You win by fighting with overwhelming force.

This video made my day because that guy on top was minding his own fucking business when this moron decides to start some shit and then wonders why he's eating asphalt moments later.

When I go to the zoo, I stay on the visitor side of the fence.

lol he's missing an adams apple...
wait a tick.

> That pose.
It reminds me of my innocent young nephew gleefully and abruptly telling us all how much she loves uppercuts this past Christmas.

Slap HIS ass

downed my fist in his face


I wouldn't take a girl out on a date to the open sewer where this thing lives.

Don't forget to use the middle finger correctly while slapping

Go to court dates for a year and be pissed when its dropped.

Yank a couple of his dreads out. Legal by NFL rules.

Slap his ass

Slap his ass, that'll make him check his male privelege