8pol is now under control of antifa and is attacking white nationalists pt 2

Continuation of thread from earlier reaching max limit.
>cripplechan is a containment board for the people too autistic to post here.
>cripplechan is the cool kids club for the early part of 2016
>cripplechan starts losing relevance as r/thecuckold starts stealing their memes and getting trillions of upboats
>their autism is damaged so severely they start purity spiraling against other right wing movements. Nothing escapes the black hole of pure faggotry of 8pol anymore which is why the last thing relevant to come out of there was the with open gates refugee video.
>some sperg on the TRS forums takes a screenshot of a thread from this summer about creating threads about TRS on cripplechan
>cripplechan collectively loses its shit and believes they are being invaded by millions of TRS fans
>they screencap every post in the forum and post it on cripple chan every day for months.
>eventually antifa/ADL/JIDF gets wind of it.
>they create a board exclusively to destroy TRS.
>the wound up autistics under the command of antifa start organizing dox info "to protect cripplechan".
>they doxx TRS

Reminder 8pol is now here and are posting month old screenshots to drag their divide and conquer autism here after getting exposed as jew controlled stooges. ignore and laugh.

Other urls found in this thread:


Typicall uneducated ignorant fear mongerinf trump supporter idiot. they are jesusus

this shit is getting boring

let's all be friends again

Reposting from old thread:

user from 8 here, didn't post here since the exodus. Followed the situation closely.

First of all, this is not 8/pol/ (as in regular Sup Forumsack) doxing TRS.
There is a clique that is friendly with our mods, also operating on /trs/ board (it is an anti-TRS board mind you). They are attempting to convince us that there is a severe problem with TRS shilling and we therefore need to dox be their muscle for doxing/destroying TRS until they stop.

Their demands are as follows:
1) An apology from TRS for supposed shilling
2) An official(TM) moratorium on shilling (which has already happened)
[1] evolved into admitting it on their shows, admitting they are cucks, opening up their forums for transparency etc. (read: It cannot be fulfilled)

We cannot fight this because mods ban and delete all posts and threads pointing this out, and pointing out that this clique is playing both sides of the game (apology demanders and TRS shills).
In short, this will not end because our mod team does not want it to end. Some anons fall for it, some don't. The shilling is hard so I don't blame them.

>month old screenshot
try a week but sure thing

>divide and conquer
You can't divide on which was never united.

>It's literally just an advertisement for TRS


Just realize we're all ran by jews and need to hang them

Reminder the BO of 8pol is a shitskin CIA agent who got outed for pushing pro-jewish propaganda and in the last week decided to start acting like it was TRS doing the shilling he facilitated.

Is the death panel okay? Are they still gonna do shows? Did they forget to turn the oven off?

ghoul is an autistic sperglord
mike enoch is a kike
only sven can save the white race

You still don't get it. I went to 8gag in the first exodus. Then I left 8gag a week ago for being paranoid shit, and found Sup Forums to be not that bad.

You don't represent 8/pol/ kike.

What's wrong with that post though?


Fuck of, 8gag faggot. Your people have shown your true colors.

8gag shills need to be banned


I just want 8gag fags to fuck off and stay in their containment board.

Rebel yell was better anyway.

The quality here is just absolute shit though

>going to wheelchairmidgetchan in the first place

TRS kikes damage controlling hard. Got what they deserved for shilling on 8pol and messing with /baph/. They get so butthurt when they realize nobody wants to be part of their entry tier rightwing hipster fashygoy cringy meme ethnonationlism for teenagers. The place is like an awful meme of forced reddit tier garbage. The shows are ok but their brand of humor and mindset is embarrasing. Everything they do is forced as hell and not organic. Shilling on 8pol was a big mistake. They are super autists paranoid to the extreme. But fucking with /baph/ oh ho that ended them. RIP in peace dorks. You and your boyfriend spencer.
Those people always reminded me of this video whenever I hear of them.

Wait. Who did what to whom? what happened?

Bulbasaur is my favorite by far

who is the guy with the really deep voice?


Stormfront has nothing to do with this

I wonder what they think, we should get their opinion just for the lulz

Mike Enoch. I don't believe he got doxxed.

it is painfully obvious that you are samefagging with a proxy

Unfortunately cripple Sup Forums has been shilling in this board to attempt to make it communist and its said that they managed to infiltrate as one of the janitors or mods.

Right wing infighting is amusing

> Y-yeah, they fucked with /baph/ and deserved what they got!
Where and when did they play chicken with Baphomet?

I'm hoping Sven and Bulby stay safe. It's a damned shame that the world is in such a state that we can be financially ruined for our political views. Those handing our people to the left on a platter are the enemy.

bulby shoah'd his twitter
Sven is quiet as the rest of the crew from fash and the shoah, i'm not on the forums but I imagine it's not looking good there

>mfw cuckchanners can't even say the name of their enemy
Having fun with all those Drumpf BTFO topics, fags? Clearly this is the (((superior))) board!

They've always been, or at least after summer of 2014 when the new mods came along. Quality mods want quality threads.

>implying WN is good
WN is retarded. Just EU repackaged.

there is a such thing as going way too far. why the fuck do you care if TRS shills their show a few times on an anonymous message board?

how is your response in any way the rational, even, level-headed response to the possibility that TRS has shilled a few times ???

to be honest I think the TRS fellas are largely gigantic cunts but I still am so fucking lost as to how ppl like you even exist

that's leftypol tho...

>He says in a TRS shill thread

>He has problem with forced memes


It's just TRS shilling their products. That's really all it is.

>hello fellow white nationalists, don't you hate TRS? Isn't our BO based and pro-white goy?

t. unironic jew slave who thinks 8pol owners are on his side

The Right Stuff is getting doxxed over at pop-a-wheelie-chan, mostly because /baph/ got involved.

If people disagree with you then you need to present evidence to them. You have 1000% more impact here then on some backwater imageboard that isn't even listed on google search results.

Nazbol > NatSoc

I heard Bulby saying he had a plan in place for this exact scenario. Not sure about Sven. This shit is honestly so sad

>/leftypol/ =/= Sup Forums

8gag was a mistake


like free podcasts

stop your divide and conquer, it does not work here

nothing really, even says "dont shill"

B-but how am I gonna get through the work week?

>and found Sup Forums to be not that bad.
You and I both know that's not true, its just more active and because Sup Forums alt boards are ded. Also Hiroyuki is arguably a bigger kike here than Jim ever was.
>trs spamming Sup Forums here and on 8/pol/ for a while now because theyre desperate for viewers and shekels
>gets to point where irc trolls push it hard and 8/pol/ retard mods think its all legit raids and allow posting of each TRS hosts' dox

wtf is TRS

WN is a North American concept. Anyone that tries to apply it to Europe is retarded.

have a NatBol Pepe

True. It's got pluses and minuses.

8gag is better at in depth discussion without lots of obvious shills interrupting
4gag is better at executing swift, massive attacks simply due to numbers

I assume their brand and their merch.

>Also Hiroyuki is arguably a bigger kike here than Jim ever was.

What if I told you both directly give information to five eyes? what if I told you jim is ex-dod and that hirooot is tied up with actual kikes to the point of being their slave?

TRS is actually setting up a legal defense team exactly for white nationalists and advocates.

What has 8ch done?

I don't think you understand what I'm saying. The average length of the posts here is probably multiples smaller than the average length of a post over at 8pol. Don't try to talk to me about 'evidence', I've been coming here since /new/. The quantity of (Reddit) posters here and speed of the board just doesn't allow for the type of discourse I'm looking for at this point.

i dont think anybody noticed except those involved

I don't even think about doublech4n. Who cares?

Held an autistic silent armed stand-in at the Atlanta Federal Reserve

Or maybe people just enjoy trs and want to fucking discuss it here.
Everything is a gigantic fucking conspiracy directly targeting you isn't it.

We can't even have fucking safety threads here anymore. Fuck off.

>what if I told you jim is ex-dod
Id believe that
>hirooot is tied up with actual kikes
Already knew that, 4chans ad provider gives poster data to the FBI after all and Sup Forums is literally modded by FBI looking for CP posters to nab and make quotas on along with other "you guys are alright, don't go to X" retards after Oregon along with whatever shit other 3 letters are looking for now.

>doesnt realize cripplechan is the new cuckchan
>bragging about posting in a dead board run by a fucking muslim with nothing but autistic spergs calling each other shills
>asspained enough to come all the way here to defend his shit board

8gaggers truly are retarded. Go back to your containment board and carry on with your delusions about being brilliant masterminds over there. Fuck off out of our board, we're full here.

All while the actual conspirators stroke the 8gagger's ego just enough to get him to follow orders

RIP, Bulbasaur. He was somebody I could identify with as a Southerner.

At least Rebel Yell hasn't been gassed yet.

/8/pol is the new Antifa.


I fear those left who listen to imkikey will at no point need to be taken care of like a rabid dog does.

Yes they do have a lawyer in place I believe. Apparently he's a super legit attorney that handles freedom of speech cases like these.

>Or maybe people just enjoy trs and want to fucking discuss it here.
Or maybe you can use the fucking forum that was MADE for the discussion of your shitty podcasts because its not politics related, its just mindnumbing entertainment for simple minded edgelords like yourself.

Good day, 4cucks and TRSodomites. I come as an emissary from 8ch/pol/, I am the boogeyman, We created /meme/ to destroy this site from the inside just because we can. We've already

>exposed TRSodomites for being pro-kike fag-enabler degenerates.
>provided them with shitloads of evidence
>DDOSed TRShill Goon forums.
>done away with all major advertisers
…and we aren't fucking done.

If you don't give into our demands by 12 AM GMT on June 30th we will finish off the site
Our demands are:
1) Listen to our podcasts and donate to the site
2) Replace all of cuckchan moderation with 8/pol/mods staff
3) Promote the therealmoonman to head global admin.
4) Apologize to 8/pol/ for being pro-fag and pro-kike
If these demands are not met the consequences WILL be dire
Let negotiations proceed. Pic related, I am behind seven proxies. No bans can get to me.

at some point*

Fucking freudian slip trying to save my poor rabid allies

A safe space for pretentious stormfags.

Don't blame us, it's our mods. They ban anyone pointing out the bullshit. Many anons see through it though.

Scroll through any 4pol thread and you will not find much difference in post length at all.

Fuck off to goonsaloon


Literally day 1 NSA shilling here, you smell just like le project anomalyse


Sup Forums in a nutshell

8pol are a bunch of retards god

>the daily shoah got shoah'd

Man. I spent a pretty good amount of time over on cuck/pol/ a while back. It's not bad but they have two glaring flaws.
One, the nature of their "anyone can create a board and set their own mods/volunteers" has made the site extremely cliquey. They're moving away from anonymity and becoming more like leddit with their powerusers colluding behind closed doors.
Two, they just take themselves too fucking seriously. It can be good for discussion, but eventually it just means they're sitting around sucking their own dicks.

This is your average 8gag poster.

This is why they need to fuck off from our board.

Their forum is invite only and only has a few hundred posters. It's literally a website for hosting podcasts about politics and current events.

RFS broke up because Natt is an alcohol. Then Natt got on board with CF's anti-white agenda and got banned. Then Florian brought him on NRO despite being told not to, got himself banned on purpose. There is no shortage of explicit, violent anti-faggot messaging on TRS. The people who got banned were using their own purported ideological purity as an excuse to constantly stir shit.

Common Spic deserves the rope.

>listening to people talk about politics has nothing to do with politics

ok that's funny

Podcast site, mostly. They seem to run in the same circle as the Daily Stormer guys.

They're okay. I prefer The Daily Shoah to The Daily Traditionalist.


>Literally goonposting

I've spent an unhealthy amount of time on both sites and I disagree. 4pol certainly has a wider base and is a better place to red pill the uninitiated, but otherwise it's Reddit-tier post quality.

This reeks of goons

The problem is the podcast hosts are still evolving in their political views. They're getting closer and close to Sup Forums, but they preach to people so it's obnoxious that they can't even decide whether they wanted the Allies to lose WW2 or not.

TRS is under the control of edgy manchildren who feel bad when you talk bad about faggots they know



Sup Forums is what it is. Lots of OC gets made here and don't forget that Sup Forums gave birth to 8gag. The memes on Sup Forums are cutting edge.

That said I miss 8gag. Slower threads, less faggotry, bigger webm's with sound, multiple images per post.

Both have a place in the culture war.

>It's literally a website for hosting podcasts about politics and current events.
And do they actually effect politics or current events? No? Then they don't belong here. Its fucking eceleb cancer wank shit, that includes political entrepreneurs like Cernovic and Southern too.
Also you could just make a subr eddit since that breed of cancer seems more your tastes.

>Current Year + 2
>still going to 8cuck



Someone never heard of element inspector?