We can make white only communities based Christianity, mandate modest and traditional clothing. Shun those who seek to subvert, and wear cool hats. Is the future Amish like white communities?? Discuss
Guys can't we just create communities like the Jews and Amish?
I say hopefully yes
any comments are welcome (I'm starting to guess this won't work because the only times we ever work together its to spam an online poll....god forbid we do anything constructive)
Amish adopt black people.
listen we can adopt black people too, like 3 per 1000 is fine....thats our nature, we are so fucking nice...thats why we live so well together. but we just need to protect a society that is overwhelmingly white. I don't care much for family to family....just society at large
Pretty sure we have a few community's up in Idaho and Montana
I have been thinking on selling my house and buying a trailer park in Wyoming
>guys can't we just create communities like the Jews and Amish?
you can. if afrikaners can do so here, with orania, in a black country, you guys can most definitely do so in a white country.
3 per 1000? That's how it starts... How many jews will you accept?
No. Branch Davidians, Jonestown, etc have been tried and failed. Anything like you're describing would only come off as more radical. There are groups that do this already, but they wind up shunned and on watch-lists.
jews non-negotiable because community is based around the devout practice of Traditional Christianity.
these were crazy suicide cults.....and not at all based around Trad christianity or white American Identity
> ironically allow blacks
> Jews or mixed bloods
What if they look Jewish despite their upbringing was Traditional Christian, do you exclude those who had that unfortunate fate?
Oh, whatever do you mean?
you would have to actively practice Traditional Christianity....like the Amish we wouldn't allow those who disagree with us to live in community. So if a ethnic Jew is raised tradcat and goes to church every Sunday without fail, teaches their children about Jesus and hard work and morality...are they really jews? unless they are deep cover which seems a little silly
I think that returning to this traditional stuff to the point where you disregard modern technology is just escapism. You can't really go full amish if you are used to the comfort that globalism and modern technology has provided for you.
I sure am right wing, but at the same time, I wouldn't like to give up the comforts of using a smartphone, social media, supermarkets, cheap chinese shit and shitposting on Sup Forums.
I think we can have a white nationalism where we can retain all these comfy modern stuff, but at the same time, we don't let the niggers, muslims and feminists say to us what we should or should not to.
and their is nothing ironic about it, if a family is moved to adopt an unfortunate baby and raise them as a white christian is raised, as long as it isn't widespread (and no evidence that it would be) it isn't a big deal.....especially if 95%+ is pure White American
aaand there goes the neighborhood. good job retard. "muh civic nationalism" always ends up the same way.
that's why whites are being genocided and losing control of their countries. whites aren't as good at surviving as the subhumans are, according to what is deemed successful by nature's standards. whites will continue to lose control until whites either come to an intellectual solution or the fucking gene pool is as ethnonationalist as every other gene pool.
well I think turning away from tech is not a good idea...but restriction and moderation...so no porn...no degenerate TV....no racemixing on TV...use it for productive reasons
Legit retarded. 1 black no matter how intelligent or civilized is too many. They are statistical anomalies. It would be better if the smarter ones were able to reign in their more feral brethren.
but its not civic nationalism, its ethnic and religious nationalism...you wouldn't care about the 1% of blacks (raised by whites btw so not as bad) when there are 99% whites....I'm trying to be realistic about how this type of community would work...and a white family of 12 adopting one black baby does not particularly other me
My cousin lives in such a community.
Although they are founded on secular ideas and if some have faith it is something unorthodox like paganism.
They embrace cool modern Ideas for creating farming buildings cheaply and efficiently or more efficient wood stoves etc.
ok then you can larp the rest of your life about living in Medieval France
Authentic midwestern redneck farmboy here.
Amish are no damned good. You can get along with the Mennonites, but the Amish are somehing else.
They pour into an area, fuck the neighbors' wives, are inbred as fuck, drive the land prices up, don't pay school tax, play the Jew, etc.
No damned good.
but they dress nicely, live in strong communities and work the land....I can emulate these things
The Amish are absolutely filthy and inbred. Why would you want to be like them?
t. Pennsylvanian
>fuck the neighbors' wives
doesn't make sense at all
weren't they supposed to be christians, in a sense that you do not lust for another man's wife, or something???
or maybe I am wrong here and amish are not even that christian to begin with
its almost like you guys are purposely missing the point.....or just really fucking dumb
then what? will you allow abortion? if not, their population would grow significantly over time. if you do allow abortion, they're a growing demographic anyway, but they'll be second class citizens and they'll just want rights and gibs. they won't accept the fact that they have to live under the boot of a white majority.
that's the exact problem we're having now. we're pretending everyone can just accept each other and we'll get along and things will stay this way, but demographics show that isn't the case. shitskins have the momentum right now and the US is finding a new ethnic balance. whites don't want to be on top.
we already tried legislation in the US that explicitly maintained the white majority, and it got repealed. those kinds of things will always get repealed and stripped away unless whites as a population fundamentally change in some way. whites really aren't as racist as everyone else, and as long as that's the case, they will just get screwed over.
it could be our overeducation that's making us vulnerable, it could be ingrained in our genes, or it could just be the type of education we're getting in school, at home, and in the media that's causing this. who knows. the fact is whites are being outnumbered and are losing political power. we can't just keep putting band-aids on the wound if it won't stop bleeding, the blood needs to coagulate. and as far as we know, hemophilia can't be cured in a population, the gene has to die out.
Have you lived around them?
Based Amish
No black families, the community is explicitly White and Christian, but if a family wants to adopt a baby in addition to having their own families then I don't really mind....as long as the overall composition is not threatened
the amish? no but I'm not saying we should convert...just live in community like they do, if we get enough white people in white communities there is no worry about inbreeding
You haven't lived around them. They are not us.
They do not want to be us.
but this isn't about the Amish....at all.
can't work, man. members of any race are magnetized to the other members of their race. they breed with each other, they form micro-communities, they self-segregate here in the states already. then when their communities turn out to be shit they call foul and blame the white man.
the white ethnostate will fall to internal problems until natural stability is found. until whites are as racist as people make them out to be.
1 black too many, niggers out.
Keep on backpedaling.
The only things worthy of emulation in the Amish community is unity, agriculturalism, and conservatism.
Everything else they have to offer isn't worth a damn.
I'm trying to be a bit pragmatic in my approach but there will be many communities across the country with slightly different rules and such
and white communities should be based around unity, agriculturalism and conservatism..the Amish were only used as an example of what a white community might look like, along with orthodox and Hasidic jews (I hate jews more than anyone) but how they have community is admirable