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i really dont understand the left, theyre fucking egging him on to get mexico to pay for it. Biggest retards on planet earth

>saged and hidden

no one expected they were going to pay us before the construction of it. mexico has theirs coming, if their economy can even survive before we get to the point of reprisals.


Its hilarious all the trumpfags are claiming that it was just a joke bro and that they will pay for it (((((later)))))

Did you really just link us to the Cuck News Network?

Plus, I'm good with us paying for it. It's an investment, the wall, border security, and enforced laws will be beneficial.

Why are shills so desperately trying to make it seem like Trump said Mexico was going to send a check over before the first brick was down when he has said all along it's going to be financed via tariffs, diplomatic fees, and taxes upon illegals' remittances?

It was one of the only things actually spelled out as a policy position/plan on his site back in the primaries.

Isn't mexico on fire atm

holy balls that animation hahaha, feeling some nostalgia man im getting old

who's this horse?


Oh wait mexico will have to reimburse the costs.

Are you so retarded as to assume they would be made to pay up front for something with a dynamic cost structure?


Holy fuck that pantyhose clad ass and legs.

Lies.. Most illegals are here over expired Visa's. A wall doesn't fix that.


But taxes are going down, military spending and Israelbux are going up, and a trillion dollars is going to be spent on infrastructure. Say goodbye to your NEETbux.

Did you wake up from a coma or something?

These past couple days someone has been posting softcore lewd "porn" that I used to masturbate too in highschool

because we dont fucking care lol

as long as the spics are gone

>posting porn on Sup Forums


Fuck off /leftypol/

it was in his first 100 days plan weeks before he even got elected
we front the money, and recoup it from mexico with tariffs on imports and higher fees on visas and the like

I'll gladly pay for the wall.

The fuck is the issue here?

I don't give a shit. Just build the fucking thing.

since you're too stupid to understand, i'll explain it very shortly and simply:


get a fucking clue and learn how capitalism works you brain dead, gas huffing retard.

We need the wall at any cost Mexicans are shitting up California

I always hope to bump into those exhibition chicks

>ywn fuck a well-toned fine-assed pony-tailed high-heeled azn qt flight attendant

Trump covered this like a year ago

If you thought Mexico was going write a check and hand it to Trump for the wall, you're delusional. Get informed idiot

Mexico Has paid for the wall. No more new US companies relocating there. No more US handouts. No more over border dumping ground for the poor and criminal folks.

Now Mexicans are rioting. Peso dropped like a stone. Border will soon be walled up. Future doesn't look good.

They did pay, and more.

I can dream.

hoo momma



This is a shill.

Honoring this check

Which will never be enough in your lifetime.

>Trump already explained during the primaries Mexico wasn't going to cut a check, and that it would be paid for through the savings the US would get through trade re-negotiations
>the left triples down on this "HURR DURR" narrative and shills eat it up
Can't fix stupid I guess.

no video its just pictures....

God bless

Are there more pictures?

Actually thr wall cost a small amount compared to US/Mexico trade deficit because of NAFTA. Prepare you anus mexifag.

Don't care who pays for it, print out some worthless greenbacks and start pouring concrete.

Because I want the wall?

trump lied, just like all patriots (aka non-trump voters) knew he was doing. only retards (trump voters) thought mexico was actually paying for the wall.

Who cares who pays for it? Point is the beaners are going back, and staying there.

It will be paid back to the government through trade deficits and tariffs.

>posting a picture that's more interesting than the post


thanks for making me feel like shit user

and i miss tism

will destroy the economy, see smoot-hartley

>diplomatic fees
would be a few million at the most, wall is estimated to cost tens of billions at the very least

>taxes on illegals' remittances
proves you don't know what the fuck you are talking about (like all trumptards). trump's band of fucktards proposed taxes on ALL remittances to mexico, not on remittances from illegal immigrants. which means its a tax on americans and legal immigrants with families or business partners in mexico. so AMERICANS WOULD STILL BE PAYING FOR THE WALL. and besides, banks already said they don't want to be the ones enforcing trump's retarded policies, so it won't happen.

trump lied, just like he did with all his other policies and promises. get over it retards.

God damn man post them


>muh 10s of billions
we give away over 40B EVERY. FUCKING. YEAR.

The amount we give to israel ALONE. EVER. YEAR. Is more than the cost of their entire wall TO DATE.(10 years)



and trump is israel's best friend. obama is the only president in recent US history to actually put america ahead of israel. trump puts both russia and israel ahead of the US.

trump does not put america first. which is why we (patriots) knew from the start everything he promised was a fucking lie.

>put muslims ahead of Israel

nope, obama put americans first. trump puts americans last. no patriots supports trump. none whatsoever. no one who cares about the united states of america supports trump.

>Obama put Americans first

You forgot (((CNN)))

facts are facts traitor. obama put americans first, trump puts russia and israel (and anyone who gives the trumps money) ahead of america. no patriot supports trump.

alteast he doesn't make out with their president onstage.

WHy build it? It was just a figurative wall. An actual 100+ billion piece of fucking concrete is 100% useless and yet you want to build it? This is why democracy was a mistake.

trump considers himself jewish thanks to his daughter and son-in-law. and his jewish son-in-law is his closest advisor. trump basically bent over and let israel fuck america raw.

Don't worry user, the tism is within you.

Cucks like you shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion.



I said it before and will say it again.

DT shouldn't have made that statement and Americans will have to decide whether the wall is worth the money.

If it;s really that important you'll build it yourself even if the Mexicans refuse, out of your own m money.

You must remember that you cannot MAKE Mexico do anything.


its exactly the way he talked about it during the campaign, anyone posting these threads is a shill


Am I supposed to be sad?

i found them

the ass in OP's pic is shooped big league so don't click if you don't want the fantasy ruined


I only ever cared that it was built.


you mean


more pics

Sad for leeches? No.

>implying that we were going to pay for that wall in the first place

That looks fucking delicious.

>implying hillary hasnt been being fucked raw by israel for decades now

bless yous. saw this so long ago and had no idea there was more

We read this story back in April when he explained the plan the first time asshole.

You just lost 2 billion in trade.
you'll pay for it in more ways than you can imagine, pablo.

sure we can. We can tax their goods.

I would rather have a wall that we pay for than no wall. I would rather Trump get Mexico to pay for it, but priorities, dude.