Boy Scouts Thread

Continued from Who else is a proud Eagle here?

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luckily i wasnt touched by a creepy dad going through his divorce.

Reporting in, got my eagle scout 5 years ago.

>council camp sets on fire
>rallying cry for the council
>nigger elected to head of council
>council falls apart

What did you have to do to get that... if you know what I mean. ^_^

back from the old thread, troop/ship 90 here

Anyone else get to Philmont?

Did Cavalcade at Philmont over the Summer

What were your guys eagle scout projects?

That's cool, is that the one that uses mules?

I built an outdoor sign for my library

Here. It's a great program.

Reposting from last thread.

ayy. im here too. would post pic but its 1 am so screw that

Building three planter boxes for kindergarteners at a elementary school, the project cost about 632$ went a little over budget because of truck transporting planter boxes

Changed about an acre of a Preschool's unused land which was mostly dumped construction material from building it into a landscaped area with a deck, plants, trees, and a pathway to the school's garden planters . Kind of meant as a retreat for teachers on break

Built a memorial wall for the local VFW

What year were you in the sea scouts?

It was basically Sup Forums in real life. Not quite Sup Forums-levels of discourse because we still had to be civil to everyone, but the inter-country bants were incredible.
>the first time my troop encounters the Mexican scouts, they're digging a fucking hole in the middle of their campsite
>ask what they're doing, they stop and look at us for a few seconds
>"We're, uh, digging a refrigerator."

asking this again

>tfw boy scout is fucked in my country
I was so fucking happy when I joined as a little kid.

something like 2012 or 2013

Built a ramp at a church for the old folks in wheel chairs.

I was just at my Mother's for Christmas and she had me come to the backyard. We had planted a tree for some badge and they were going to have to cut it down. It's twice as tall as the house and I planted it when I was 10. Brought up some feels I didn't quite understand.

>tfw a scout leader was the main excuse used for taking away our freedoms

2014 here
Which one was you?
There was a lot of scouts in your crew

not that this original question, but why is your mother shitting on your scout experience so much?

Any other Order of the Arrow tags here? I did the sash and dash, probably should've stayed in it

Brotherhood member

i got the second sash, brotherhood i think. I liked the experience, but it seems like every troop didn't promote it.

Only made it to First Class because I was a lazy shit head when I was a teenager.

Got the sash but all of the meetings were a two hour drive from my house and I didn't feel like it was worth going to

Is joining organizations like the Boy Scouts a liability when it comes to college admissions?

>"One of Ephanshade’s most striking findings was that excelling in certain types of completely mainstream high school activities actually reduced a student’s admission chances by 60–65 percent, apparently because teenagers with such interests were regarded with considerable disfavor by the sort of people employed in admissions; these were ROTC, 4-H Clubs, Future Farmers of America, and various similar organizations.87"

Yeah, til I was 15 years old. Nothing special.

what camera is that

Eagle scout here. Built playground stuff like this out of tires for a park

Not me in pic. Sorry.
But yes short shorts.

Probably not progressive enough

Reporting in

food drive


Another Eagle reporting in, 3 years ago I got it, right before 18!

I am very proud to be an Eagle!

I painted Fire Hydrants!

built planter boxes for my churches mission houses (houses in the neighborhood where missionaries could home base for a month or two in between whatever they were doing.)

I got to brotherhood but was only ever involved second hand. I was friends with a lot of the guys who were more active and they'd tell me what's up at troop meetings or school. This was a while ago, if I could redo it I'd make it to a few meetings.

if you're trying to get into liberal cancer schools that will take most of your money then it might be.

Built a tree house structure for a ocelot at a exotic cat reserve. Was easy.

Went to philmont once. Did 70 miles

Also went to pratt and whitney for the weekend and was able to go inside where they built the Blackhawks. Literally a line of them getting built with the next stage of each getting progressively finished. Like a car factory line. Then saw some prototype engines that they were making and some rooms were even off limits with the windows blocked.

Older fag here
Got my eagle while bill was president, so I wrote Reagan a letter saying I couldn't accept something from an adulterer like clinton and got nice signed letter from Reagan as well.

Built all new bookshelves for the church library and planted new shrubs around the church exterior.

Eagle Scout reporting in.

My project was clearing out brush and scrub trees, righting headstones and fencing in a neglected country cemetery that was under the care of a small country church. The parishioners were all elderly and couldn't keep up with the maintenance.

Between that, high school JROTC and college I enlisted as a PFC.

Replaced the roof to the old garage behind the church I grew up going to and installed a man-sized door in the side.

Organized a blood drive
Did something like 85 mi at philmont, really made me grow a pair.

Brotherhood here, went to the meetings and a few of the campouts. Was a lot of fun, the 2010 national chief was from my area.

Mine was similar to

My scouting experience going all the way to Eagle is probably the only reason I'm not a massive liberal faggot. Nearly everything about it sucked, from the cold and rain to the long ass hikes but in hindsight I realize it built loads of character.

fucking awesome pls upload


Fuck, you guys are making me miss my scouts days, I might have to go get some camping gear and see if I can get a couple of my old buddies out for a weekend.

Reclaimed abandoned park property, installed trail and signage

It was funny since I had helped on at least twenty other eagle scout projects during my time scouting and absolutely no other scouts from my troop showed up to help me.

Boy scouts was the gayest thing I ever did. I fucking hated it. Who gives a shit about getting some stupid badge? Let's just go backpacking every weekend.

How many of you got molested?

Guess I should've stated mine. I dug the foundation for a gazebo and raised the money to put it in a park.

my old troop that i worked so hard for was destroyed by (((Leaders))) who wanted to get their kids an easy access to Eagle


Built planters and repaired benches for an elementary school.