
So as a white American, would Italian mafia shoot me for just being a tourist or are they just talking about minorities?

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Deus Vult.

Pretty sure it is minorities, I don't know for sure though. The more I research the mafia the more they look like they want Italian identity restored

Mafia is shit tier now, all they can do is random acts of violence - even shokeepers in Sicily refuse to pay protection money these days

minorities, italians can tell a burger tourist from an actual nigger

>“Palermo is no longer an Italian town. It is no longer European. You can walk in the city and feel like you’re in Istanbul or Beirut.
>“Palermo is a Middle Eastern town in Europe. It is a mosaic city and we are happy about that.”

i feel like throwing up

white fucking genocide on a global scale and everyone welcomes it with open armss what thE FUCK IS HAPPENING

The mafia has lost too much power, even in Sicily.

Hopefully they at least will go down swinging.

Cosa Nostra isn't big but the 'Ndrangheta are getting bigger

Fix your country before talking trash

Faggot leaf, America was intended as a multicultural shit hole since its birth, Italy was not

America was NEVER intended to be a multicultural nation and everyone besides Germans and Anglos were not welcome until the 1930's.

Yeah, well, there's going to be nothing left of the germanics or anglos in either the US or Europe in 100 years

So stick that on Tyrones dick and suck it

>As of 2006, 97.79% of the population was of Italian descent. The largest immigrant group came from South Asia (mostly from Sri Lanka): 0.80%, other European countries (mostly from Albania, Romania, Serbia, Macedonia and Ukraine): 0.3%, and North Africa (mostly from Tunisia): 0.28%.

It doesn't sound very Middle Eastern.


And? You think it's going to change significantly in ten years?

The numbers are more or less the same today.

Sure, with that attitude.
>But muh Trump
>But muh civic nationalism

it's gotta be pretty bad if the MAYOR of the city would say things like that. the quotes in the OP are from the mayor.

And the latter makes money from bringing in africans.and selling them as labor.

yeah until southerners started lynching german-americans during ww2 haha
there's not much whiter you can get
you fucking hicks just want a scapegoat

There is no way that a government who does this to its own people is strong. The mafia could easily take over again and wipe out these subhuman invaders

But what's wrong with Africans OP?
What are you, a racist?
Us at Sup Forums don't take kindly to racists.

You know why the Mafia left Palermo? Because they bled it out. There was even a news article about the mafia leaving south Italy because it`s poorer then motherfucking Moldavia.

Then it will be easy to go in and do a little bit of make Italy great again

They left southern Italy because it was filled with oliveniggers

Isn't Italy loaded with niggers these days because they keep picking them out of the sea?
Their own fault desu

>There was even a news article about the mafia leaving south Italy because it`s poorer then motherfucking Moldavia.

That's a bit of an exaggeration, Ahmed.

Mafia is even in the north, they're everywhere now

A government is just a Mafia with more turf and the recognition of other large mafias called States.

choose one you fucking retard

Holy shit thats some cuckoldry

The mafia has changed substantially from the 80's. It has become much more institutional and white collar.

Pretty disappointing that Italians bent to the will of Jews

This post doesn't even make sense. Typical for the average inbred southerner who likely can't spell his own name and practices snake magic at church.

Tell me, what was it like, bursting through your sister's hymen?

I'll check your digits since nobody else is



I wonder what Italy's future is. Birthrates are extremely low on top of all that

Uh? Do you think italians like immigrants?
Apart from some useful idiot / catholicuck / leftycuck nobody wants them here.
They are just useful pawns for a few rich (and now richer ) asshat who wants to milk the government for more money.

>You come into my country on the day my daughter is to be married and ask for gibs, for money?

>I wonder what Italy's future is. Birthrates are extremely low on top of all that

Italy's a zombie, not alive but not quite dead either.
Every other country in the world would be bankrupt at this stage, but Italy continues to soldier on.
Italy has a lot of inertia, I mean a LOT.

Then why is the mafia the only group doing anything about it?

>Leoluca Orlando


Presidente Italia Leoluca Orlando

You all should be proud, but you need to make your nation great again

>Then why is the mafia the only group doing anything about it?

The mafia wants the migrants. It gets money housing them. It uses them as slave labor in the fields. It uses them as grunts in the drug business.
What happened a few days ago was just a turf war.

Don't you feel annoyed by the americans who spout le based mafia may may every single time that kind of things happens?
It's even worse than leafs.

That's because your country is literally a fucking meme for us Mario, get used to it.

>You all should be proud, but you need to make your nation great again

I can barely afford a roof over my head, and everyone around me would shit on the Italian flag for an iphone, that really motivates you.
Italy is not a country. Italy is just a bunch of asshats stuck together who really hate each other.

Sounds like Australia.

>America was intended as a multicultural shit hole since its birth
Bull fucking shit! Just look at the articles from American newspapers about Italian immigrants "invading" the USA after WWII.

Naah, they are cunts, but they love their country.

We are basically a bunch of cities states.
Pic related, italian dialects.

I got in good with the local mob boss

they are good people to know, they keep the riffraff out of their own neighborhoods.
I had a car accident near my house and really messed up my alignment and fender
he happened to be driving by in his cadillac and saw me, he made a phone call and "took care of it for me"

a few minutes later a flat bed came and picked up my car, dropped it back off 2 days later completely fixed

recently his daughters boyfriend was at a party and someone had spiked everyones drinks with party drugs. a week later the guy who did it turned up dead in the bathroom stall where he worked

Our ancestors let women vote that's what fucking happened.

Sounds like your trains aren't running on time my little meatball.

And you believe everything a tabloid-tier website like the Express writes?

Holy shit.

Is the map missing all Sardinia because Sardo is considered a language?

Who knows, maybe they don't consider it italian.



The mafia isn't going to attack a fucking tourist. Of course you might get swindled or eyed by thugs just as much as a tourist would in japan. we're not talking about south africa.

This makes me regret playing a Palermo save in FM14

They shot smugglers from asia and africa.

I'm sorry you see it that way. Maybe things will change if you leave the EU or something

>April 2016

Like the mafia jews are going to do anything about immigrants.

Just look forward to the fact that you'll soon be able to buy a slave girl waifu at the local Halal market.


>"innocent Gambian migrant "


>Palermo police commissioner Guido Longo added: “We are facing acts of unprecedented aggression and bullying [against migrants] with typically Mafioso attitudes.

>>“The Mafia has not understood that the city has changed. We are now a city of immigrants, and the Mafia bosses no longer sit in the mayor’s chair.

Mafia are a bunch of traitors who were bought to see their country cucked, look at Italy.