I unironically think Biden would have done better than Clinton OR Sanders. He has charisma, something the dems lacked this cycle.
I unironically think Biden would have done better than Clinton OR Sanders. He has charisma...
he's a pedophile
He's dumb as a box of rocks and he's a creep.
>74 years old
no thankyou
He has all the charisma of a convicted child rapist
That never stopped the dems before
Yeah but he's /ourpedophile/
He has a ton more than either of the candidates they ran
What do you think "charisma" means?
He's a creep. His good reputation wouldn't survive under the spotlight of a campaign.
Little girls love him, why don't you?
be me watching cspan stream of the vote tabulation.
>retard dem says he/she objects..
>biden does the .. papers signed by both?
noep ..
biden: IT'S OGER!
i was like yusssssssss
post this on r/bidenbro
? reddit?
i dont use
He would IF he had been able to hide his pedo level. There is too much footage of him being thirsty around very young girls, Trump would just have to run this:
As his campaign ads. And there are many more like that one.
We would've churned out the Biden Pedophile memes hardcore.
He wouldn't have won. He has a very short temper and I could see him going off and making it worse.
He leaked the previously secret location of a bunker and at a Hillary Clinton rally, he pointed at the person who was in charge of the nuclear launch codes.
You can't trust Biden with secrets.
Can the VP run for President while still in office?
I unironically think TRUMP would have wiped his ass with Biden pretty much the exact same way he wiped his ass with Shitllary
he was so much better during the swearing in of the senate
>family of senator approaches Biden for photo
>daughter aged 10-16 in family
>Biden: oh look how beautiful, why don't you stand next to me
>places small girl in front of him for picture
>puts both hands on her shoulders for photo
>family goes to walk away
>turns to her brother
>Biden: you know what my father always told me? keep the boys away from your sister. you're going to have a hard time with a sister so beautiful
>if democrat, senator and family laugh cheerfully
>if republican, senator and family laugh nervously, grab daughter, and leave quickly
This exact sequence happened at least three dozen times. Never when the daughter was aged 20+. He also asked for a separate photo with Rubio's children for some reason
yeah okay faggot. Do you even know Biden's real name?
If he had adopted the Diamond Joe persona he could have won
His "pussy grabbing" skills are years ahead of trumps.
He fucks children too.
>you will never be a young joe biden
Really? Doesn't he have shit to do as the VP? Running a campaign would take up a lot of time. Unless the VP does more or less nothing?
Anyone can run while in an office. My favorite campaign attacks are "You've missed x votes while losing this primary. Just drop out and go back to the senate! REEEE!"
Just another old white male. Dems need people of color in leadership positions.