George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt...

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt and John F Kennedy are all transported from the middle of their second (first if not possible) term to Washington D.C in the middle of Trump's inauguration.

>What happens?

>Why are there so many Negroes here?

>Washington and Teddy keep making fun of Kennedy
>Franklin and Lincoln looks bored
>Jefferson lurks for nigger women

Teddy and Trump are probably the best of friends.

Captcha was a rental property "Whites real estate -- for sale"

they fight to the death to see who is president

>they all stare at FDR for a minute and start laughing

Technically Lincoln could do that. Allegedly the White House is Haunted by Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Jackson.


They probably get arrested for 'disturbing the peace'.

in reality, not one of them would respect trump or understand why/how he was elected. These are all scholarly, educated, highborn(mostly) men. I imagine they would have a laugh when someone tells them that it was either him or a woman.

teddy might actually try to beat the shit out of trump

abe, jefferson, kennedy, and washington would talk about abolishing the fed with one another

FDR would sit in his wheelchair while the grown men discussed business

With Abe, that isn't a fair fight.

Washington gets pissed at size of government
Lincoln is asking questions about new technology (Lincoln was a huge fan of new technology)
Teddy is happy to see his relative FDR
Jefferson is fucking all the negresses who work at the white house.

>in reality, not one of them would respect trump or understand why/how he was elected. These are all scholarly, educated, highborn(mostly) men
I don't think they'd start attacking him just because he speaks simplistically.

this, if they were to see the money he's amassed there would probably be at worst ambivalence

>Jefferson is fucking all the negresses who work at the white house.
>He sees Michelle's dick, but goes for it anyways

They'd probably also be glad to seeing the electoral college doing what it's supposed to. Fucking over the metropolitans who try to rule from the cities.

lol no Teddy hated wall street faggot

"tough hell raisers"

no doubt they were tough sons of bitches, but in their day, they would certainly be considered "noblemen/elite" and were certainly be appalled at trumps vernacular.

>were certainly be appalled at trumps vernacular.
How do you know that? I don't think there writings necessarily reflect how they spoke in ordinary daily life. I am pretty sure Abe hired hookers as a young man and most of them did some seedy shit at some point. Do you really think Jefferson, the agrarian rural ideologue, would dislike a president speaking like the common man in public?

In Washington's case he was a general for a while. Do you think the men he worked with as officers were well-spoken? Probably not. It makes your theory of them holding contempt for Trump's speech habits pretty unlikely since they held respect for the common man enough that they wanted him to decide their rulers.

George Washington probably wouldn't give too shits. Thomas Jefferson will just mutter to himself throughout the entire thing. Abraham Lincoln will be intrigued, yet baffled, by what happened to his party. Theodore Roosevelt will be too distracted by the thought of gunning down the nearby doves. And JFK will be most distraught.

I mean, you can just read any of their speeches or even look at their private letters, and hear privately recorded conversations and they still come off as a lot more educated and grounded than trump does in his pre-written speeches and public press conferences.

I don't think they would just gloss over the fact that to their ears, the man sounds like a buffoon (not saying he is)

All of them but FDR and JFK flee in terror when Trump's helicopter approaches.

>I mean, you can just read any of their speeches or even look at their private letters, and hear privately recorded conversations and they still come off as a lot more educated and grounded than trump does in his pre-written speeches and public press conferences.

Just because they wouldn't gloss over it doesn't mean they'd hold contempt for him. Especially once they learn the rest of the circumstance. Not only that everyone would probably sound like a buffoon to them since the rules of english have changed. That being said this is approaching a level of autism that shouldn't be approached.

Also their private letters would still probably reflect on them better than what they actually sound like. They would probably sound a lot more crude since writing is a lot more formal. You also can't proofread or edit a live interview or someone else's recording of you.

What would happen if a flying saucer landed in your back yard and Jesus stepped out?