How do we save the USA from becoming Brazil 2.0?

How do we save the USA from becoming Brazil 2.0?

Trumps wall will do nothing, if whites dont start having children again.

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It's too late for us. Save yourself.

white americans are pretty individualist, so probably nothing will be done besides the wall

maybe bringing back factory jobs will increase white birth rates? it could increase black birth rates as well, so maybe a wash on that.

maybe just accept we'll be mixed and try to build a new identity out of that. i live in the south, and there's no way we will ever be white outside a few rural towns.



If you blame Hispanics as a whole, then you're blaming the white ones of pure spanish descent

Hispanic is not a race and any race could be hispanic because hispanic is a geographic lineage term regardless of race

Why should hispanics that look like Andy Garcia be blamed for mestizo crimes?

You're not even american so stfu

Protect the homeland. We've passed the tipping point here.

most hispanics aren't of pure spanish descent, hombre

maybe cubans in florida are, but i live in east texas, and most hispanics (i'd say 80-90% of them) are clearly brown

Then separate them!

Just because mestizos breed faster doesn't mean the white ones should be blamed for their actions!

That's like saying "Fuck people with eyes" just because most of them are niggers


better take that up with the US government, they are the ones who made the census

The gov says hispanic is not a race though

i don't see why spaniards need to call themselves hispanic anyway. just call yourself white.

unless you are trying to get affirmative action or something.

Hey as long as qts come to my place we bang and she leaves me and takes the kid its all good.

How the fuck is Texas still a pretty solidly red state? Red as in regarding the electoral map not this map

hispanics don't vote at high rates and many are still under 18

once they can, i expect the state to be more competitive. hispanics here aren't as liberal as in other states, but the majority still vote democrat.

and the blacks and asians here vote as democrat as they do in other states.

Invest in West Africa, cut down the welfare state, and get these blacks to bugger off

So I guess it's impossible.

i don't see the welfare state going anywhere, if anything it will probably get bigger in the future.

Hispanics have been gradually voting more republican in the past few elections. Trump got 30% of the hispanic/latino vote. How can we fucking redpill them? They usually work so maybe they will be enticed by lower taxes, but they still vote mainly democrat which is fuckign awful

faggot kraut trying hard to be an american and failing to make a
>i cant get any white girls, it's the [insert nonwhite race]'s fault WAAAAAAAHHH! WAAAAAAAH!
Beat it kiddo. Not even Trump is racist these days.

so many spics in texas but not that many dear god we are fucked if we turn blue and we almost did last year

bush won 40% of hispanics in 2004, mccain won 32% in 2008

trump actually only did better than romney's 27% in 2012

they tend to fluctuate between 25-40% depending on who's running.

All the republican hispanics are white hispanics like Spaniards and some of the Cubans

They aren't gonna let mestizo mexicans ruin the image of hispanics


I know it's the fucking Mestizos that ruin everything. I'm a white Spaniard myself and most people in my family think Mestizos are gross and subhuman as fuck

>Whites having children

Sorry bud but those white bitches will be carrying my black children. Stay mad whiteboi.

The numbers are much better if you look at conservatives. They have a very high birthrate.

Fuck guess I'm wrong I thought it was a gradual increase. Romney and McCain were shitty candidates all around. We need to get the Hispanic vote about 50%. I feel like the first gen immigrants are the ones who vote Democrat. After a while we might be able to move that demographic to the right. And STOP FUCKING LETTING MEXICANS IN

Nice bait but only ugly undesirable white women burn coal, friend

White Hispanic uprising when?

There is only one solution.

Not surprised here. Most young millennials who live in urban areas (biggest liberal demographic) don't have kids. Also Gen Z is pretty conservative so far.

I'm not worried that conservatism will go away. America is pretty conservative overall. Still more people identify as conservatives than liberals. The problem is I don't want to see the white population drop even below 60%

Central Americans

There's not many of us in the U.S., amigo. And we're all mistaken for Italians kek

i don't think conservatism will matter much if whites decline to nothing

would colombia really be a great country if it just had lower tax rates?

This is hilarious. I was just looking at property just this week in Maine.

>Mistaken for Italians

Holy fuck that's true

If white people could afford kids and give them a good life they would. The thing is, policies like the ones coming up from Trump, Trickle-down 2.0, just fucks the middle class and funnels money up to the rich. Black/Mexican/whatever, don't mind having kids and not giving them the best upbringing... so they have a lot of kids and white people don't.

I make a good salary and don't want children just because fuck this world. It's going down everyone, believe that. No one gives a shit about global warming or doing what's best for everyone. You can't eat or breath money, money is fake. When it's gone clean water, air, food, is gone, we're gone.

Church going evangelical whites are the only demographic group that has had birth rate increases over the last 30 years. Even the beaners are having less kids than they used to.

the problem is and both isnt birthrates.

birthrates typically level out in a population over time as technology and living conditions become better.

the problem is that the 3rd worlders coming in are from a culture and countries where they still are in a "population boom" era due to development levels still requiring higher birth rates.

this combined with new blood flooding our country constantly makes it nearly impossible to beat them on a birth based strategy.

while Sup Forums would never agree, fixing mexico and bringing it into the modern era would actually do alot to stop both immigration of their birth rates, aswell as fixing up poor regions in the US.

this of course, does not mean we owe them such help nor gives them a right or excuse to come here, but is merely to point out simply trying to 'outbirth' them is not going to work.

why not? speaking from experience being this cynical is not going to get you anywhere in life and you'll regret being a major dickhead.

Today race matters little but different evolutionary characteristics. If you wanna group people you group them by lower class, middle class, and upper class
in the real world you'll have to work with people of color and in the end they're literally just fucking ordinary people.

>not understanding how economics work

you can't just keep outbreeding
eventually you run out of resources
in a perfect world the browns would not be allowed and America could have a healthy population decline

bubbles pop, don't allow subhuman niggers around when it happens because they gotta get theirs

Genetically modified white catgirls


>tfw it won't be long until lads on the other side willingly open the gates
everything going exactly as planned. hue

>muh hispanic term
hey teotokoupolus, watcha doin', long time no see

And this too.

That's kind of what I was saying. That ideology isn't going anywhere but whites need to start fucking have kids again

didn't we try to do that with colonialism though, bring the other races to our level?

It's alright we look essentially the same anyways

first you gotta ask the synanogues's permission to start your little fight, billy bob.

In a perfect world australia is just ocean.
>trying to be scientific
>being sincerely racist
doesn't surprise me bogans buy into the shitposts

Halt's Maul, Arschgeige.

This raises a good question even if you are joking.

Genetic modification will change a lot of things, it will be a game changer as big as the internet which basically demolished the globalist's plans.

>keep abortions
>kill welfare so niggers and spics don't get paid to have children

Whites reproduce when they have money

Mexishits reproduce until they hit debt

Blacks reproduce by accident when they can't get abortions

Also kicking out illegals means more and cheaper housing, a "buyers market" for those looking for jobs, meaning higher pay.

Trumps plan will naturally increase white birth rates since I think he's doing all of that, except abortion unfortunately.

Illinois, less white than Alabama

That's it, I'm done, leaving this shithole state.

Keep reminding Hispanics that the Democratic Party is the party of blacks. The dark ones might side with blacks (and then get destroyed by them) but the light skin Hispanics want as little to do with blacks as we do.

yay and now my son who dropped out of highschool has more back breaking field work to do without those dang mexicans around!

Whites have babies when the economy is good. We're kind of 'not shitskins' in that we don't breed when we can't take care of them.

How to save America:

>build wall
>economic boom

Easy. We need socialized parenting so it's not such a pita to raze kids

Make welfare come with a mandatory IUD.

Wasn't Hispania founded by Rome?

You're a fucking retard, and you're son is going back to Mexico with you you fucking spic

I honestly don't think the U.S. will be the same with whites being a minority and the country being a minority-majority country.

You don't understand. People identify with race way more than class, man. Mexicans who come here are not assimilating well. You see them marching in the streets waving THEIR flags.

Everything I love about this country: individualism, capitalism, small government, free speech. Mexicans do not want this. They come here, take jobs, don't learn or care to appreciate the U.S.'s history as much as whites do. They look at white america as an antique, something of the past, something that THEY are going to replace. They vote for big government, are useful idiots, and yet shit all over middle Americans and people who have a different view for this country.

Immigrants in the past came here because they believed in the American dream. Immigrants nowadays come here to find success, but they are also using our country and trying to fundamentally change it from within.

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness lives withing white Americans. In our schools minorities are being taught that America was never for them and to hate our country. We as whites are at odds with minorities in this country, it's only a matter of time before we let too many in and it's too late, and America is just another big government shithole, dominated by gibs me dat voters.

Well razing kids in general would help the population problem.

not at all.

while it did succeed in helping bring them closer, this was a side effect of the later years due to the very fact helping them advance a bit made them more profitable.

colonialism was all about taking over a place for oneself and/or squeezing it for every cent of profit possible.

in many cases the locals were smart enough to realize the technology and culture being brought in was an improvement, in many others they either didnt, or due to it being forced upon them, saw it as the opposite.

its a very modern, and i mean like past 30-50 years modern, idea to actually go to a place to try and help improve their culture and technology simply for the sake of helping them.

if you look at the rate of actual growth, in alot of places its actually working, and faster even then europes own industrial eras and such went, its just said era still took decades upon decades to complete, meaning that even those out of it or close too still have a ways to go before they get to the modern era.

others(africa) seem quite intent of throwing any and all progress down the gutter, or at least most of it, but most other areas, even south america, tend to still show signs of progress.

Make having children an economical option for people again.

Restore the power the currency to supply people with the goods and services they want.

Monetary policy reform.

Modern day Spain is a lot of the product of Roman conquering yes. Basically they raped the fuck out of us and now Spain and Spaniards are just basically half Italians

I hate to say you are right but you are right.
And since they drew first blood, I don't feel bad at all.

Hahahah I'm kidding.
I love saying you are right.
The traitors go first though.

We have to re-segregate society. Send all non-whites to California, expel the state, and make them stay there and build their own failure of a country.

are you really happy you signed up for this? would you now starting at this point on?

You'll know all is lost when whites start moving on to other countries. Where? I can't say. But when they start leaving in droves, it's over and that is terrifying because the nukes and high grade military equipment will be in the hands of idiots. Truly a sad future. All because people were too afraid of a single word. Racist.

I'm dying here. I love this country and I'll stay here and try to fight it until the end. Just a fucking shame that we were dumb enough to let this happen. It's only like 40 years max until we're done

We could see that due to an increasing non-white population whites will begin to support the republican party at higher numbers. We already see this now, Romney had a 20 point lead with whites and Trump a 21 point lead (32 point lead with white men). We see large swings towards the republicans in states like Minnesota, Iowa, Maine, Ohio, Michigan, Delaware and Rhode Island.
In the future, we could see the republicans winning states like Oregon, Rhode Island, Delaware, Washington, Maine, Minnesota and Vermont, due to this effect of whites joining the republican party.