How can pure, ayran white genes solve the no chin problem?
No Chin Problem
By mewing
If your not mewing, wtf u doing?
Literally by keeping your tounge at the top of your mouth and doing jaw excersizes.
I have been doing this for months and I see the difference.
Don't clench your jaw though, that's bad
i love no chin girls, call me crazy
Is that the same girl In both photos?
I can help you with this. Old Sup Forums and pre nu-Sup Forums used to have threads on this daily
In order to keep your jaw from retracting you MUST breathe only through your nose. Mouth-breathing causes your airways to shorten. If you sleep and mouth breath buy a chin strap to keep mouth shut.
I'm not just saying this to fuck with you, I prefer my women to be aesthetic. We all deserve it.
I miss chin chan
whatever happened to her?
Stop consuming high fructose corn syrup
Stop eating before bed
Stop drinking soda
Eat two, small healthy meals a day
Stop slamming 10 beers at the bar, have a couple whiskey sours or something instead
Hit the gym, and do neck strengthening exercises
t. Someone dealing with frog neck for 25 years. It's the worst cause it's the first place I store fat, I look like 20 pounds overweight if I'm like 5 pounds overweight. If I just had a beer gut and mantits I wouldn't even bother eating right and working out.
You are gay, you like leafy too dont you?
That's not going to change your bone structure, sempai.
This. Started the 'tongue on top of mouth' technique when I was very young, it was actually Sup Forums that taught me this technique.
With a good old 2x4
Don't be a mouth breather.
Stop with the prepubescent braces and the needless extraction of wisdom teeth.
That there looks like a Jewish problem to me.
Chin implants? But don't end up like the Bogdanov twins.
It can still help immensely
Most of the time people with no chin/jawline are just flabby around the area. It's from all the processed garbage in American food & water. It's why you see a lot of skinnyfat men like I used to be with fatass necks
Are you still a virgin?
>solve the no chin problem
t b h soft chin feature is better than a prominent one. weak chins are very feminine and so is the slight mouth breathing structure like felicity jones whose teeth stick out slightly
had this problem
had mandibular jaw extension where they basically cut through your jaw and slide it forward.
I've got about 12 titanium screws in my jaw.
I grind my teeth in my sleep
I have no teeth anymore but at least I have an Aryan jaw
Rat face kike
imagine marrying her thinking she's got good chin genes and then having chinless children
i have a fucked up jaw like that too, have to get surgery some day
Why did you post this thread on Sup Forums?
Make sure your children aren't literal mouth-breathers.
The thing is, behaviour is genetic, so if the little shithead keep breathing with his mouth, just make sure to not support it and leave it to the wolves to die, instead pouring into the genetically superior five others children.
... You DO plan to have at least six children, right, user ?
All these fucking meme answers in the fucking thread. Fucking trumplet have ruined this place.
A traditional polack will instantly tell you the answer is malnutrition, the bitch in ops pic has genes for a good chins, she just was not fed enough at birth or her mother got sick during pregnancy. Simple as. Go ask a dentist or a doctor.
ur literally retarded my guy
Retarded? I suspect you have something to argue against my post? Or are you gonna whale around and be over opinionated as per average American?
Are you seriously suggesting somewhere along the line people found receded chins attractive and thus kept the genetic line going?
By eliminating those who have this untermensch trait of course.
where is your leaf
It isn't genetic unfortunately. So not so easy.
Don't breed
Yes. Its called mewing. Mouth breathers tongues dont apply pressure expanding the maxilla faggot
Clenching with hard gum is ok. Strong chewing will build jaw muscle. Look at Francis on Deadpool