What's the ideal mate for a kinda-pasty Hispanic guy pol?
What's the ideal mate for a kinda-pasty Hispanic guy pol?
Sounds like me. Try a gun barrel?
White women
A kinda pasty Hispanic girl obviously.
>Ideal mate
White or high-Asian woman (Japan, China, Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe Korea if she's not too Americanized. Honorobu mention to Mongol women, because they aren't frail little waifs. If you live in a harsh climate with snow or shit, get a Mongol.)
Next question in this obvious QTDDTOTT?
Cuck the whites eh?
/vp/ seems to love this guy
Taiwanese. Preferably with a benis.
White (and arguably high-Asian) women are the ideal mate for any male, regardless of race.
It's just that most ideal women do not want to be with non-ideal men.
You want to be able to drive a Bugatti, right? Or like an F350 if you're a hick. But odds are you can't afford one, so you settle for something else. Same principle.
Guzma? How could you not like an anime Slav?
So just play the hypergamist's game, got it baby
All of human history indicates that yes, good option. Your offspring are more important than your wallet or feeling of 'pride.'
trap boipucci
Pol has a fascination with traps it seems
At this time of night yeah, it's mostly the NEETs on right now (home alone on a Friday night?) and it's a well known phenomenon to see lonely men act faggy when desperate. Just like prison. In a sense Sup Forums is a prison. We are here forever after all.
And go find a nice sweet ashkenazi Jewess to spread your seed with.
maybe i could be your sweet ashkenazi Jewess for tonight
Aim high, plvs vltra
No ficki ficki for you trap
fuck off nigger.
I do have dark skinned family members but I came out pasty, huh
a coffin
>01/07/17(Sat)02:02:47 No.106014057
you're still a nigger, post your picture.