I'll be taking the reins in ten years, Sup Forumsacks

i'll be taking the reins in ten years, Sup Forumsacks

wish me luck

>Paying hundreds of thousands for an undergrad degree

You're not going anywhere

Cheers, I'm waiting on my Regular Action shit, myself. Tell me about your grades and test scores?

What kind of name is Busack?

congrats bro


What an embarrassing waste of your parents money just for generals

delete the threat moron,a new graduate by the name of busack connected to Sup Forums is not how you want to start your uni life lol all it takes is a sjw grass

weve lived in the shadows long enough. its time to MAGA

Sorry, too late. Told the Harvard womynists to be expecting Frosh Busack from the alt-right.

nigger detected

jewish like everyone else at harvard

Congrats mate! I applied to Yale regular decision myself. I have high hopes of getting in

Harvard is for pansies, true men go to Yale

Ivy leagues are free for people whose parents make like less than 200k or something.

>not applying to Princeton too


Depends on the college

Harvard is free for people who make under 150,000

Yale has great financial aid, average student has 12k in debt, families pay nothing under 60k

Someone mail the admission dept that this faggot posts on an alt-right imageboard.

wait... you guys are actually going to jewish schools?

If real you are a fucking retard leaving your uncommon last name on there.

Sup Forums... let's ruin this cunt

YO harvard is fucking shit man dont take the bait.
MIT is where its at famalam

I applied to Duke, u of Chicago, Berkely, UCLA Chapel Hill, Vanderbilt, USC and Columbia

Princeton is a 15 minute drive away, too close

if youi want to live amongst the nogs in the ghetto ass cambridge area of boston sure

See above. I did even better. I sent his name to the Harvard feminist organization. They're gonna tear him a new one.

Dude you must have never been to cambridge. MIT is pretty isolated in its own campus and people dont go into cambridge they go into boston, harvard square and the surrounding area is full of homeless nigs and fucking rats 24 hours of the day

Sup Forums has been a Jewish board since at least September

Well done OP, wish me luck in my medical interview in two days.


Why would you do that?

no wonder, Sup Forums is full of underage brats

I looked at the official Harvard class of 2021 facebook groups, this boy is hiding well. feel free to email me at [email protected] tho

I bet all the jocks called you "ballsack" in high school, fag.

Shoot the place up. Pretend to be a muslim. Like 3.5 years from now when Trump is running for office again and this thread is long forgotten. You have plenty of time to embrace that cover, come out to your family, write libshit articles about how you can be gay and a Muslim. Go all out user. This is the opportunity of a lifetime. You will be remembered forever.

Ah, nice. I don't even fucking remember the rest. I'm poor enough for infinite fee waivers, so I left out the writing supplement on Pennsylvania University as a joke.

i know exactly where it is, true the harvard campus is in a shittier area, massachusetts and the boston area in general are garbage. i might feel a bit safer living near MIT than harvard but be prepared to see homeless drunks on the sidewalk all the time

Wait a minute harvard early action went out weeks ago

Why are you posting this now?

Because he wants to cause trouble for Mr. Busack

what do you study at MIT?

Chances are, he doesn't have a Facebook.He posted his acceptance letter on Sup Forums. Prolly doesn't even have friends.

The only reason you would leave the Frat Row or Dorm Row on MIT on weekends would be to go to the two obscure frats up mass ave. and even then they are before the shitty area. T. somene who walks to harvard often

Dick move, NEETshit

Good luck man

Ivy league isn't worth it. I just got an internship paying $25 an hour from a decent size insurance company, my friend was just offered an internship from lockheed martin. Both of us go to a school you probably haven't heard of.
The truth is you don't need to go to Ivy league to succeed, you just need to be able to nail the interview process.

You retard. You left your uncommon last name there and Harvard can still take back your admission if they see this. (They probably will)

Undecided, Either Mathematics and Computer Science or Business Analytics with a goal of pursuing law -- all subject to change though

a lot of MIT peeps use Sup Forums havent seen many harvard folk who are as socially inept as some people at MIT this guys gonna feel isolated at hell, Harvard is going the way of Yale in SJW


Cut that out. Our movement needs more people in high places.

Of course this faget is just larping so it's fine.

Oh, you must be a part of that whole "Yale thing".

ya, this is what the page says

This group is managed by the Harvard College Admissions & Financial Aid Office. We are not responsible for any unofficial groups, chats, or the content within. As a reminder, Harvard College reserves the right to withdraw an offer of admission under various conditions including if an admitted student engages in behavior that brings into question his or her honesty, maturity, or moral character.

for harvard college class of 2021 holy shit its hilarious

Cuz fuck him, that's why. You too.

O shit lmao

>1 post by this ID

Mr Busack is getting set up. There's no other rational explanation

yeah you can just say you got to school in Boston, showoff
i'm gladwill fuck up your college life
No parties and no girls. bummer

yale is the place with puppies on campus for the liberals who thought trump was going to personally come to campus and take away all of their gay rights.

smart bunch, desu

is where you want to dickwave about your school, pol is already filled with enough garbage threads

Holy shit, by whom though?

>it's probably the Russians

yep. they use first names on their admissions letters

Getting a CS degree at MIT is like a ticket to success. It will be awful, but you would be set.


Seriously guys I really want to go to Yale, can you spare some meme magic? I know kek doesn't grant wishes, but I could use my position to influence politics on campus.




Typing that out felt really autistic

>tfw when had friends who went Ivy League, but was too spergy and up my own ass to try
>tfw I went to a state school instead
>tfw wagecuck

state schools have way better parties faggot

The only guy I know who went to Harvard is a faggot #NeverTrumper who does nothing but work as an underling for some terrible DC thinktank probably making 60-70k. Sad!

What was your major?

All the fuckers here have been coding since they were kids -- if you come here and start doing computer science youll do fine and make the 100k starting, but the real coders who have been doing it their entire life can pull up to 250k starting -- finance and the other careers can make 100k starting without selling their souls to computer science.

what im saying is that he changed the name on the admissions letter as it wouldve been "dear firstname" not "dear mr. lastname"

MIT is also being taken over by SJWs. Some of the questions on the application this year were about what sort of faggot you identified as and a bunch of other bullshit.



>falling for the college meme

>Dear Mr. Ballsack

Just kidding OP, good luck at school

Don't cut yourself on all that edge

Also you sound like a tremendously sore butthole


State schools don't have naked parties m8

is anyone who gets invited to parties that isn't you an SJW now?
haha that's probably why this faggot posted his admission on Sup Forums and not with his friends or some shit.

>finance and the other careers can make 100k starting
Yeah but then you're pretty much selling yourself to corporate bureaucracy. Development is usually a lot more down to earth than middle-management.


Haha that's funny. I also got early admission to Harvard with the same last name

> Sup Forums demonstrating how it is 90% underaged.

I doubt Mr. Ballsack will even be invited to the No Homo festivities.

Same. Kek please grant me some meme magic to get into the schools I applied to.

>next time you try to kill a man, you best get the job done. now youre my bitch forever"

how can one rupert darwin be so absolutely and utterly based

I helped a friend apply this year it didn't seem too different than last year, MIT is pretty good about self segregating the SJW's and the Normies as they LITERALLY have their own sides of campus

I also plan to go to law school assuming I dont end up dead as fuck with a terrible GPA so developing would be entirely useless while business and shit is only half useless

Finance. Not the worst decision, but given circumstances, not the best either.

Probably true tho

should i go to art school just to meet some qts and fuck them and make one my gf

i love artsy girls

>doxxing yourself
now this is next level shitposting

How many poos do you see around your campus?

Go to a good school and pick up girls from local art schools

T. Guy with friend who goes to Cornell and regulary bangs artsy chicks from ithica college

>know tons of people who work at Lockheed
>majority just went to UCF
>literally guaranteed admission with an AA degree

here's a tip
stop visiting Sup Forums
guarantee you'll never be a virgin again.

i should just pretend to be a student

>I dont end up dead as fuck with a terrible GPA
Honestly I go to a private school, as well. MIT is known for being a little bit more harsh than most private schools, but you'll be surprised just how many of your peers, even at MIT, are stupid as fuck. If you're bright enough to be accepted, you'll do fine. Just don't fall too hard for the partying meme, in the long run it isn't worth it.

Tbh OP probably posted an enemies letter of admission to fuck them over. That or OP is the most retarded autist I've ever encountered.

fucking nerd
they're memories you'll never forget
if you truly are smart parties shouldn't impact your schedule

I've got a movement for you right here, pal.

Lockheed likes to play favorites with certain universities. You either have to know someone there or go to one of the universities that they favor.

Is an engineering degree still worth it?

Yeah if he's white or asian he has nothing to worry about because of all that affirmative action bullshit.

Surprisingly, not many. Its mostly just Jewish Guys/Girls and Asian guys/girls and semi-recruited white people (im an unrecruited white person). The only indians here are uber qualified at what they do and earned the fuck out of their admission

I spent all of MIT's Pass no Record (its a meme they do first semester) partying like a degenerate, got it all out of my system though, its definitely a balance on prior educational strength and personal motivation to work that decides where you stand here and im going to rock the fuck out of a 5.0

>sixteen hundred and fifty
>writing out words that are greater than 100
>implies they are merely elitist cheque casher ponzi schemes
>they are
Nice job

I did that until I few months ago

Would drive up to Ithaca and walk around Cornell with my backpack (stopped doing this when I got rejected ED) I flirted with some girls from Ithaca but I am not legal

I mean I'm just saying not to overdo it. There are so many retards who just don't turn in assignments or get caught cheating because they're too busy having fun.

I guess they have a partnership with UCF or something.

>tfw kicked out for poor grades and I'm stuck finishing my engineering bachelors at a community college