And there I thought it was FREEDOM not some codeword for communism.
I can't stand how democrats talk....its all bs, empty words. Like his whole presidency. When did he act in the interest of "We" instead of the interest of "Us"
That was the entire basis for his election though
what a fucking hypocrite
Do they think talk like this makes them look strong?
Isn't he the "I've got a phone and pen" president?
“....We’re not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we’re providing Americans the kind of help they need. I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone,” Obama said Tuesday as he convened his first Cabinet meeting of the year.
Obama continued: ”And I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions...."
>america is a democracy
What gaurantees do I have that a terrorist wont shoot me in the head? Oh? None at all? I just need to "get used to the new reality". Fuck you and everything you stand for then. Your we isnt the we that settled this country btw
I will say this in all honesty that mother fucker looks straight-up like Akenatan, who basically torched the Egyptian society, he was ruthless and claimed his family descended from heaven. He was an ABSOLUTE MADMAN and Egypt never fully recovered.
Even weirder the mummy of Pharaoh Akhenaten was recovered, then DISAPPEARED early last century and many black operations deal in human cloning and I really think there's a 90% chance to destroy the modern day Egypt of America in an effort to create Biblical chaos, now with Trump elected I think that means America will be judged favorably in the time to come, allowing the "wolf to lie with the lamb."
Hive mind is operational I see
Says the man who only speaks about his accomplishments in every speech. No one uses the word "I" more than Obama. Fucking 2 faced faggot.
>burgers still convinced their special snowflake government type should not be called a democracy even when the word comes out the mouth of their fucking president
>90% that Obama was cloned as a chance to destroy the modern day Egypt*
>be a nigger
> bix nood my way into presidency by offering my nigger bretheren gibsmedats
>ooga booga ooga booga oops I ruined the country
>better act like a petulant nigger on the way out of office to remind citizens that I'm not a petulant nigger