Depends, I am all for non white abortion. That should be state funded and mandatory.

Damnit, your roundabout clickbait worked.
Every time I get sick of the shitthole of Sup Forums I read a small fraction of the thousands of circle jerk comments on plebbit and am repulsed, see the hundreds, sometimes thousands, of upvotes on those comments and realize that their idiot ways of shitting up Sup Forums are so much easier to tolerate.

why are some people against planned parent hood?
what are their arguments against it?
nevere really looked into it myself

>raped when 17 and not even told the parents
Holy shit, women are scum

tax evasion is a felony
taxes pay for planned parenthood
planned parenthood provides services religious people - and some non-religious people on the basis of ethics - oppose
it is now a felony to with hold your money from providing these services

>pay for my birth control

Fuck off. Pay for your own choices. If you want to do something, you foot the bill.

>muh rape

What is insurance paid counseling for 100 good boy points Alex

nobody is shutting them down. Taxes shouldn't be used on voluntary medical procedures

the company doesn't pay taxes itself, they have no market place competition, they don't need to be subsidized

Simple - it's taxpayer-subsidized degeneracy.

If a woman wants birth control, or an abortion - and no I'm not interested in arguing about abortion ATM - she should pay for it herself. It ain't rocket science.

Not many people are actually against Planned Parenthood, except for the abortion part of it of course. What civic-minded people with no strong opinion about abortion are against is paying for women to be sexually promiscuous and socially irresponsible.

Planned Parenthood doesn't have Mammogram Machines, they just tell patients to get one at a medical clinic. But they count the recommendation as a "treatment".

most people that are against it are catholic or christian and oppose abortion

others just don't want their mandatory tax dollars going to funding niggers and hispanics degenerate mistakes

the liberals say shit like in the OP pic related
, that 'planned parenthood doesn't use funds for abortions it provides all this shit for niggers and low income people'

but what they don't tell you is that that money they get from taxes is used and frees up other funds for abortions

besides that, there are plenty of other clinics and most of these fucking poorfags have welfare and medicare so its not like they really need planned parenthood

good riddance planned parenthood

They should keep the abortion services for minorities and expand it with sterilization procedures

No, that's just cuckservatives.

Sup Forums has always been pro-abortion, because it's a lowkey way of genociding shitskins.

Carry a gun or weapon with you and if you are smart you won't get raped

that's where you're wrong kiddo

>paying for women to be sexually promiscuous and socially irresponsible.

The whores need abortion clinics because I'd rather them vacuum-out their baby than to let it actually be born, and have that genetic/cultural defect walking-around in the future.

>leaving the house without male supervision

It's her own damn fault she got raped

>racists who are anti Planned Parenthood
Isn't it the leading cause of death for black people?
You're more likely to get killed in a black woman's uterus than a street in Chicago

My GF gets her birth control basically for free from there, does this mean I'm doing to have to use a condom now???

an abortion is cheaper than a single mother...


Why don't you want low-income families to have abortions, though? It's not a coincidence that there was a massive drop in crime ~20 years after Roe v. Wade

I can give my money to whoever the fuck I want.

why are we funding a discriminatory organization that only helps one sex?


btw PP makes 300 million in revenue a year so they won't go extinct. They just won't be a political force anymore.

Nice meme faggot. Black people have kids in record numbers. Abortions aren't doing shit.


Wasted trips, it's literally illegal to spend tax dollars on abortion funding.

Fuck that shit, they're doing their retarded lobby here too.

>I'm against abortion
>I'm also against std scanning, contraception and sex ed

I think defunding is a bad idea, but if that's something Republicans want to do, I won't lose any sleep over it.

Since abortion was hijacked from being a privacy right to being the blunt instrument of feminist militancy, I've switched to a neutral position on abortion rights anyway.

Any degradation of services PP provides due to loss of federal funding is a direct result of the Democrats putting forward an unelectable presidential candidate. As usual, they'll blame Trump, but it's nobody's goddam fault but their own.

Because it's not something that should have to be paid for with tax revenue, it should be funded by people that actually want to fund it

Thats kind of the point of defunding

I should have to pay for someone making a mistake and getting pregnant, their abortion is their problem, not a tax payer's.

Why can't Planned Parenthood survive on private donations?

Sup Forums calls for eugenics programs all the time but doesn't realize pp is as close as you're gonna get

You're all idiots

>get raped
>be charged $27 for basic treatment
>by a charity
>this is wonderful apparently

Fucking hell, get it together America

Condoms are cheaper than an abortion.

plastic bag is cheaper than a condom

Tell your nonwhite whore of a gf to get a fucking job, and pay(via health insurance) for her own cuntcare.

First of all, Chile, this domestic matter doesn't concern you.

Second, many people have a moral issue with their tax dollars funding what they believe to be the murder of a human baby.

Third, why the fuck does a "charity" need government support? If it was a good enough charity, then people would donate enough to keep it going. It's like ACORN: a political organization that pushes its left-wing ideology using tax money.

>bad idea
Why should burgers be forced to pay for this with their tax dollars?

Most abortions are among white population.
Good luck trying to drag muslim family into PP.

>muh fee fees
Literally the only reason Republitard Drumpf supporters have for opposing them.

Being a whore is optional. Why should I financially support the consequences and details of whores?

>I want whats best for society so I want women to have children they aren't capable of raising and not to have access to health services

right wing """"""""""""logic""""""""""""

Pretty much why I'm chill with 'bortion

It decreases crime, decreases overall burden on the taxpayer (that unwanted kid has a higher likely hood of being in prison/being on foodstamps/welfare etc)

Yeah abortions cost money, but paying for an unwanted poor ass kid who's probably going to be a criminal anyway costs a lot more. Come on pol I thought you were smarter than this.