>blmkidnapping is proof black people are terrible
>Refugess are inhuman and shouldn't be helped
>muslims are terrible people
>Feminism is bad
>Trump was the better option
Face it Sup Forums the only reason you believe any of this is because you are fat, autistic neets who have nothing better to do than sit on the internet all day and circle jerk each other. You put women down and say racist remarks to make yourselves feel better. We all know your ideologies are horrid and you should all seek therapy. Prove me wrong, oh wait you can't. Go outside your fucking room and live life.
Blmkidnapping is proof black people are terrible
shut up poopie boy
I hate you Mummy!
You can only deny the truth so much.
>you are fat, autistic neets
so you start off by stating facts in greentext and then try to refute them with a meme? Just how retarded are you OP?
Prove to me feminism is a good thing.
Feminism is the belif woman are equal to men. No matter how many insane feminists there are the fundamental values are what matters. You can't let a small majority ruin the whole movement. What is your proof it is a bad ideology? Besides Huurr DURR woman aren't equal.
>You can't let a small majority ruin the whole movement
they ruined their movement perfectly fine on their own
> nothing better to do than sit on the internet all day and circle jerk each other.
> You put women down
>ay racist remarks to make yourselves feel better
>fucking room and live life.
its not so easy when you are being abused your whole life while having a fuckued hormone system.
It's not a minority, every single self-declared feminist on Tinder is a complete nut job.
>saging b8
we have this thread everyday
You are using a degenerate app like tinder and expect to meet normal people on it? Fuck off that is pure bait.
where are proofs
Tinder is a normie dating app. Those are normal people.
Why do SJW feel it's okay to use autism in a derogatory manner?
>those are normal people
Yes, in what way are they not?
>Face it Sup Forums the only reason you believe any of this is because you are fat, autistic neets who have nothing better to do than sit on the internet all day and circle jerk each other.
That is beside the point!
Face it Jew, gas is the only option.
Any app only meant to meet to find people to fuck is going to have creeps. Tinder is only used by people to fuck.
>Feminism is the belif woman are equal to men.
Well yeah. It's a belief. Sort of like belief in ghosts or vampires. It's not real. Men and women are not equal.
It is not only meant for hookups, it also tries to market itself as a faster dating site. Even if it was only used by people to fuck, it has something like 50 million regular users and 10 million users daily, which given that it is mainly targeted at young single millennials is a fairly significant chunk of their population for 1 app to have. Perhaps normal people are "creeps".
>Be disabled
>Be disabled victim of a violent summary offense
>Seeing that things that advocacy for the disabled and law & order are both important, become a moderate, occasionally saying nice things about Trump to Liberals so they can see he has a point.
>Story comes out of a white disabled Trump supporter being tricked by people he thought was his friends, and tortured, because he was a white and was perceived as pro-Trump.
>Lol you only care about this because of the Sup Forums circlejerk
Really fires the neurons...
>Feminism is the belif woman are equal to men
Sounds utterly insane
Those few individuals aren't all black people. I am not defending what they did. That isn't a circle jerk people should be outraged. But hating black people for just existing is.
Sieg heil
Most millennials are pretty shitty degenerate people so that argument you have their is pretty invalid.
So millennials are not normal people? What is a normal person?
Holy shit. If I received that I'd glass the fucking cunt. How can anyone think that's an acceptable way to pour beer
woman hate thread
not a duplicate reply
OP is a faggot and probably a cuck as well
maybe even a jew or a nigger
>800 murders prove black people are terrible.
>Refugees are mostly military aged males who rape women and European culture.
>The Muslim religion is a primal state of thinking which has led to a rise in radical extremism, killing thousands of innocents a year.
>Feminism is run by females who are in denial of natural order.
>Trump is much better than any woman or tax raper.
You're either a 120lb. on a good day beta-bitch. Or an uptight cunt.
Prove me wrong.
What so its wrong to fuck a woman with an outie pussy? I have only been with woman with cunts like this what is the problem?
Yeah! We need to stand up to tyranny! Who here is with me!
Now THAT guy is a bro.
> beta-bitch
Nothing like projection from an effeminte SJW who, if him and his bitch were threatened by a pack of niggers, would eagerly prep her with a big shit eating grin because muh white privilege.
haha you are cuck, you fucked women who were fucked by Tyrone or used cucumber to please herself 100 times a day
look at this picture, this is you in the future
have your fat SJW "gf" transferred kinetic energy to you?
A Faguckjigger? Oh God the humanity., kill it now.
Wanting a girl who pleasures herself isn't being a cuck. I would rather have a woman who gets off every night than a prude virgin. I can't even comprehend the thinking of someone not wanting their girlfriend to be horny. What am I supposed to do? Fuck a girl who doesn't want to have sex? How will that even work?
One correction to your list: your first point should say MORE proof. Rest is good.
But Trump won, dude
that is not even the end for it, he voted Hillary
Actually I didn't vote.
>hurr durrr I am not a Faguckjigger
yes you are and you will forever be, cause you could not find pure virgin gf to hold hands with
what a cuckold.
No third-wave feminist can tell you what their goals are, let alone how they plan on achieving them
>see a car driving down the street
>run in front of it
and not only that, shit looks like a tank with a slit of vision.
fucker probably thought hed be the next Tienanmen square.
It's true that we'd be more bluepilled if we were happier. That doesn't make the redpill any less true though.
>blmkidnapping is proof black people are terrible
>Refugess are inhuman and shouldn't be helped
>muslims are terrible people
>Feminism is bad
>Trump was the better option
All this is true. Yes it's more comfortable to be on the other side, that's why people with nice lives don't bother to push back against jews like you. The truth is though you SJWs are just as miserable as us. That's why you fight us. The difference is you're fucking retarded beta faggots.
holy shit, that was beautiful.
>Actually I didn't vote.
that settles it, you are faguckjigger
People who voted for Trump are bros
People who voted for Hillary are dumb, but at least they tried
People who voted for Bernie are dumb commies, but at least they tried
you did not even tried, you are a Faguckjigger
I'm outta this thread, I have to bring some wood to burn, it is cold in Poland today
no, this one is, 1/3
also beatiful, but sad
and the last one
>implys the faggot doing the same thing..kys
Even if what you said was true, what are you doing on here chastising us about it? Don't you have better things to do big shot?
I have more good boy points than you
Lady tries to pawn a baby off on a dude who is sterile because of a vasectomy.
What did he mean by this?
Anymore of these?