An hero by freeze?

Is freezing a good way?
I read that in the final stages of hypothermia you feel warm/happy.

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maby you will get something cool in the end.

Find an instantaneous way



It's really unfun. Dying always is.
Why are you such a little bitch?

Fuck off retard, no one cares about how you kill yourself here unless it's in a blaze of glory killing hood rats or running down refugees with a truck

in any slow death, you will feel euphoric and orgasmic the few moments before you actually die.

this is why the ancient greeks, specifically Homer, always talked about the glory in death. They would find men dying on the battlefield experience something kin to sexual arousal.

Na, its pretty bad unless you fall sleep first. If you sleep to almost freezing then freeze its not so bad but if youre awake it would be hell.

run over jews in a german truck

>not killing a truck filled with Jews using carbon monoxide

Problem is getting to the frozen part quickly

If you're just going to run outside and sit in a snowbank it's going to take a long long time and you're going to be in a lot of pain (frostbite sucks donkey balls) before you ever hit the delirious hypothermic stage

2/10 would not recommend

t. eskimo

Thanks leaf, I'll just have to find some other way

I wouldn't take advice on how much something hurts from a snow monkey, they cry everytime someone gets called a nigger

double barrel shotgun to the dome

horseshit it does, just get outside when it's cold and windy and hop in a pond

Lock yourself in the trunk of a car in sub zero temps bonus points for livestream

Exit bags seem to be the ticket, but as someone who's been where you're at it's probably easier to swallow whatever pride you have and ask for help. Even if it just gets you through another week, it's worth it

That's syrup nigger to you, ya narkie bogan

If its cold enough to freeze to death before anyone can find you, it's probably too cold to find water that isn't ice - unless you live near the ocean I suppose (I don't)

it will take whole fuckin days till you freeze

I hear it's painless. But, there was a girl who passed out after a party in MN a few winters ago. She lived, but lost both arms and legs. Think about it first.

I think that any continuous suicide is bad way.

I don't plan anything now but if shit hits the fan some day, I'll get the rope.

Also, it's -30 degrees Celsius in Moscow today.

This is the best way.

Get real drunk and pass out in the snow.

>cause suicide is painless. It brings on many changes, and I can take or leave it if I please.

Don't be a cheapskate. Get a shotgun.

If you think the other miserable stages are a good trade then go for it retard.

get a gun, shoot up a welfare office, then shoot yourself. might as well take out a few niggers before you go

If you're gonna go try and get your hands on a decent amount of phenobarb. You'll feel nothing except sleepy and if you take enough you'll always die. And don't choose a violent death, be considerate and remember somebody's gotta find you and clean you up. Try and keep it nice and tidy, remember your importance in this world. I hope you get to where you need to user. Best of luck

It's not just money but lots of time. No right to bear arms for us Europeans, you can easily get something non-lethal. Otherwise your best bet is to get a gun through hunting. Still, you need to pass lots of tests and checks, then actually go hunting for some time and only then get a big enough stuff.


Here, big fella

Oh, you're here too. Every news station couldn't shut up about Moscow yesterday.
Fucking pussies and not real Russians. It was worse than news about something someone said on twitter.

I travel alot and was in the north below -50 in the wild, it's still a very unusual weather for Moscow regardless.


though some are hohols and dont show to pedesta

Suicide is for faggots
You are not a faggot, Right?

Get a bottle of Diesel,walk into the woods during a snowstorm. Find a nice boulder or something to sit on. Drink Diesel, get drunk, pass out, get buried in snow, die in sleep.

The issue with freezing is that if you are white, winter chan will bless you with her shield whilst if you are a darkie you will die just fine like your ape brothers in Bulgaria.

Whites are made to endure hardships and freezing is something we endure. Stay strong brother.

based arab.

>trying this hard to sound cool and failing
Lmao, son. Improve on the English pls

Die in glory
Kill muslims