What's wrong with nordic people?


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nothing? just the men are too beta faggots

Lisa Borch, then 15, and her boyfriend Bakhtiar Mohammed Abdulla, 29, stabbed her mother Tina Römer Holtegaard at least 20 times in their home in Kvissel, northern Denmark, in October 2014.



My mom and dad are both Nordic and I got a Nordic nose.

Le strong pointed Nordic nose meme needs to end. We literally all have pig noses. If not a pig nose, massive nostrils.


Trust a Dane, feel the pain.


She was a degenerate wearing a cap, and fat as well, the latter was probably the reason she was with an Arab. Seen it before, the fat girl at my old school had to get a fat Finnish boyfriend. It's just the nature of fat people. So stop being fat.


>stabbed at least 20 times
>her boyfriend Bakhtiar Mohammed Abdulla, 29

What's wrong with the nordics?

Too altruistic for their own good.

I already pinpointed the problem for you, fat.

Are you fat as well? What kind of stuff your people eat? You don't even have decent meat there

>9 years

Progressive level 100. I'm sure after they release her she will be in her 20s......... obviously you can expect a much better person than she was.

No I am fit and always will be, fat people are rare. We have all kinds of meat here.

>fat people are rare
So what's the explanation for your country be most degenerate than Zambia and Nigeria?

Xenophilia slightly more adatptive in inhospitable conditions they evolved in?

Propaganda, Jews

How do we prevent this from happening Gustaf ?

dating subhumans

believes everyone is equal to whites, why? by propaganda spewed out to children pre-6 year old to they are 21. Literaly 3h / week with propanganda forced down their throats.

I have strong pointed nose. Literally the anti-jewish nose

>All these fat girl angle shots

education system run by cultural marxist, society trusts evil "welfare" state (debt pusher state)