Daily reminder that Sup Forums has always supported Donald Trump's and Israel's conquest against the Muslim hordes.
Daily reminder that Sup Forums has always supported Donald Trump's and Israel's conquest against the Muslim hordes
We must support Israel and Iran because of their genocidal intentions towards sunni muslims and each other.
just no
Yeah, in the short term the west must support both Israel and Iran, and stop any contact with Saudi Arabia and the rest of the sunni countries, stop any aid, no credit, no trade, no recognition, no diplomatic relations, no acknowledgment.
I'm good with that
Jews are greedy lying fucks but they dont explode too often
i wasn't ready to die for israel years ago, but now im willing to kill to rid the world of islam
Israelis are white therefore automatically based.
Sup Forums has always supported white countries.
kind of impressive all they've done despite the muslims. i never knew about them until 9/11
and always will be.
No. Sage.
Israel supported the Selous Scouts during the Rhodesian Bush War, so why shouldn't pol support Israel?
2/3 of orthodox jews voted for Trump. all i really want is for Greatest Ally™ to revoke all these marxists' jew cards.
the real redpill
Are shia muslims "better" than sunnis to the west? Why do you feel that we should pick a side?
>pro Israel but anti Jew?? The autism intensifies.
Today I will remind them.
I remember a time when this thread would get sage/jidf spammed.
Remember american goys.
Israel is your greatest ally not the UK.
>But how many israeli soldiers went to war with us in iraq or afghanistan mister shekel burg? I waited to see them and give them a best ally hug but I never saw any
JIDF are too busy taking over 8pol right now since 8pol unlike us are more susceptible to the "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" argument the JIDF thrives on.
They tried that shit here recently.
>Hey goy you hate muslims right? You hate lefties too right? Support Israel because we're nationalists and are nothing to do with the jews in your country pushing left wing agendas goy xD
However they didn't get anywhere since Sup Forums is immunized against the Jew and his lies.
8pol however is not.
Jews sensed an easy target and have moved over there for now.
wants good relations with russia
>thinking he will go against syria
israel is in panic mode
no we dont and reminder for any christians here that it's blasphemous to support israel
Why do you inbred rats always use the same 3-4 pictures of mixed girls?
I stand with Israel.
Sup Forums stands with Israel.
Donald Trump stands with Israel.
Impressive? It costs the Americans 6t during the wars, hundreds of billions in bribes to Israels neighbours that continue to this day, and hundreds of billions in aid to the state itself. We're talking $25k+ per American man woman and child spent just since the turn of the century.
Israels half a billion or so mud enemies are just sitting on their trillion dollar soveriegn wealth funds waiting for Americans catch on to the Jewish cancer that has infested their government, media, academia, etc.
It's a small price to pay for the incredible support that Israel has given the US as its oldest and strongest ally.
Israel will make a great internment camp for the inbred sand rats and it redpills millions of lefties on the Jewish problem every single year. This is why we support it, we support it so much that we believe every single sunken eyed kike should live there without exception.
You're right. Although Israel has done absolutely nothing in every American/European involved conflict and only sold weapons to our enemies a few times this will change in the future surely.
Me too.
It's a 6d chess world, m8.
>Donald Trump's conquest against the Muslim hordes.
does not exist
fuck off nu/pol/
pff nobody likes israel
Israel has President Trump's full support. You will Bend the Knee once he begins his #MakeCanadaAmericanAgain campaign.
My opinion: Jews are better than Muslims. Only slightly.
Best case scenario is that they nuke each other into oblivion.
>inbred rats
The fact is, the people in your pic are literally unironically mentally ill, which also have to serve in the military for 6 months (instead of the regular 3 years).
Both yours and SA's pics are cherry-picked. Just research yourself on the subject instead of asking people here, because you will most likely get propaganda.
>implying CTR will ever win even in normal 2D chess.
Can confirm
Fuck off the_donald. Reddit cuckservatives have to leave this place.
>1 post by this ID
The same kike from South Africa in every single jew shill israel thread. I hope a nigger beats you to death shlomo
good, keeps the arabs off of it
>Can confirm
I like Israel. Jews make all the best guns and bomb Arabs when we can't be bothered too. ACCIDENTALLY THE NUCLEAR REACTOR LOL
What the fuck did Jews ever do to you?
>What the fuck did Jews ever do to you?
Are you fucking serious?
For starters they want me to literally go extinct. That's pretty serious tb.h
>want you to literally go extinct
What the actual fuck are you fucking babbling about, you crazy motherfucker? I asked my grandfather why he moved to America and he didn't say "because of the jews son, all the fuckin jews." I remember a distinct lack of jew-related problems in the motherland.
Because in the case of Israel, the more ISIS and Syria destroy each other. the better. Thus, we wish best of luck for both sides.
>you crazy motherfucker
JIDF detected nice tactic trying to paint all jew wise people as rambling nutjobs
In case you are not a jew shill just lurk more
>Because in the case of Israel, the more ISIS and Syria destroy each other. the better. Thus, we wish best of luck for both sides.
Hey, remember when the United States was openly supporting Iraq, but with the Iran-Contra deal we were selling weapons to Iran and using the money to fund anti-communist rebels in South America? Fueling both sides of the Iran-Iraq war to help them gut each other while fucking up commies at the same time?
Man. Man, those were the days.
I remember a Jew on Sup Forums said that all these photos of qt IDFs are just staged and the girls aren't even soldiers, they are models posing for propaganda purposes to make horny goyim associate IDF with qt grills and thus make him sympathize with Israel in case of any military happenings.
He said that real female IDF soldiers are fucking ugly, with giant shnoses and unshaved body parts
Bibi is a fool. At least he denies Hither wanting to kill Jews.
Israel is cool now you fucking kike.
You know what, I'm ashamed to call myself Greek anymore. As far as I can see Greece is just a poor, broken country filled with insecure lunatics who are rolling in the filth of their incompetent government as they rush to elect literal fascists to finish what the Colonels started. I march in the Greektown independence day parade every year, in Detroit. I went to school in a town named after a hero of the war of independence, Ypsilantis. I was proud of my blood.
I'm not proud anymore. Thessaloniki used to have millions of jews in it before they were murdered by the Nazis. Those jews had been there a long time - when Thrace was owned by the Turks. Turks are less hateful than Greeks. Greece is literally below filthy fucking roach turks anymore.
In America, California burns and burns and cannot stop it because their government is a shambles, a corrupt, sick thing. Now I understand the wildfires in Greece. God was trying to cleanse his mistake.
I don't like Israel, I just don't like the Palestinians/Muslims more. I hope they both kill each other off.
Israel wants Jews to come back to Israel.
Sup Forums wants Jews to leave their countries.
It works.
Israel was pretty much the only country that supported apartheid so I can understand why South Africans like Israel.
>we always been at war with eastasia
Every single day you come here and shill for Israel, fuck off already
I'd shill for israel all day. they make awesome guns, they kill filthy arab scum, and they hate turks. Why the fuck wouldn't I love jews? Because they practice capitalism? See, their jewish moneygrubbing makes them perfect anti-communists. Who the fuck hates jews? RUSSIANS. RUSSIANS HATE JEWS. FILTHY FUCKING SLAVS, HATE JEWS.
>he doesn't know about the commie kikes
What part of "playing both sides" don't you understand? jews are not your allies.
>Despite all the speeches of Iranian leaders and the denunciation of Israel at Friday prayers, there were never less than around one hundred Israeli advisers and technicians in Iran at any time throughout the war, living in a carefully guarded and secluded camp just north of Tehran, where they remained even after the ceasefire.
>During and after the war, Iranian officials denied they had received help from Israel which they denounced as an "illegitimate state". Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, leader of Iran during the war, angrily denied that Israeli arms were sent to Iran. In a speech on August 24, 1981, he maintained that Iran's enemies were trying to undermine the Islamic Revolution by spreading false rumors of Israeli-Iranian cooperation. He alleged that while Israel had bombed and destroyed Iraq's Osirak nuclear facilities in 1981, this was because Saddam Hussein was actually an ally of Israel who "forced" Israel to destroy his own nuclear facilities.
Israel did literally nothing wrong.
Support Trump yes. Support Israel never..
poasting in JIDF containment thread
Disagree with the former.
Agree with the latter.
r/the_donald takeover of Sup Forums is now complete.
Judaism is communism you fucking brainwashed retard...
>Some random Jew said it
>Its true
Gtfo ameridumb
Of course a jew will spin it like.. All we are doing is "protecting" it LOL! Fkn kikes!
>Sup Forums
>anything israel
Pick the gas option
He was a great political figure in Israel for many years, he was general of the southern front in Yom Kippur war of 1973 and was one of the main reasons we were able to push back and eventually win that front.
Later he became prime minister of Israel and in 2005 was the main force behind Israel's pull-back from the Gaza Strip, he eventually had a brain seizure while still acting as prime minister which left him in a coma, and was replaced, I think he finally died in early 2016 or 2015.
you can say a whole lot about him, good and bad. But, he is certainly not just a "random jew".
I hope your Greek economy catches up with fucking Kenya.
Maybe even Madagascar if you're lucky
I want an answer from Israelis
You guys know the Talmud teaches horrible shit about Israel
How do you fags expect support when you literally teach in schools "cattle" or "goys" were born to serve you?
How come so little of you denounce it?
Honestly I dont mind supporting Israel in short term as the common enemy is whoever's outside planning the destruction of the west and the U.S (and Israel can't have the U.S die just yet)
But long term, assuming a miracle happens and the subversion is purged out of western countries? No.
are they like super autistic ill or like bipolar or anxiety ill/
most seem hot.
turks call him innocent butcher. kek