Russian Ambassador Assassination a Hoax


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Sure it could be.

Low cost false flag.

why did it not bleed

>Half a clip into the ambassador, no blood
>Shooter killed in hail of gunfire, blood swipes and splatter everywhere.

Theres potential here.


>Be OP
>Never watch the video
>Makes post claiming the event was fake
>Uses picture as evidence
>Neglects to see the blood pool under the ambassadors head

There are some ways in which being short does not involve blood splattering everywhere and making a huge mes. and you can see the blood in the ground where the body was dragged away in the pic when the assassin dead


Also any kommandos know if that weapon would puch through a fat man at that range?


Because no visible exit wounds.


Did you guys ever notice the all the camera equipments? I mean jeeze louise it's not hard to spot a set up shooting.

he was wearing many layers of clothes which would absorb a lot of blood

also there is blood at the back of his head. most people just assume it's a shadow

theres literally blood in the ops picture you stupid leaf. look below the head

Could be using hollow points which are designed to expand in the target rather than penetrate the target.

Audibly laughed.

>L E A F


Or a vest with front protection only? Catch the bullets on the back of it?


It's possible.

9mm from very short distance does not cause too much bleeding + some blood can't be seen because he wears thick winter suit

>shot by 9mm

his clothes probably absorbed them and 9mm bullet holes aren't that big.

Why did he do this?

It's not a hoax, however the perpetrator is a Gülen kike.

Those shadows don't match up, is this bad CGI or terrible lighting in conjunction with the green screen?

Heck you can even see a camera centre left side

Why did he fall backwards after getting shot in the back? If anything wouldnt you fall forward trying to escape?

Where is that video? Or the mobile phone video Ive been hearing about?


Looks like the best Bond movie ever created.

It was a hoax bro. I don't know why or what purpose it served, but it was a hoax.