You're smart, aren't you Sup Forums? Keith wants to have a word with you from his home-closet studio.
You're smart, aren't you Sup Forums? Keith wants to have a word with you from his home-closet studio
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im smart enough to not click that link
>this crazy retard is now making youtube videos for GQ
What the fuck happened? Didn't he have the biggest news show or something?
who the fuck gets their political scoop from a fashion magazine web blog
But user, Keith is really concerned.
idk if its true but I heard he would piss himself and run away crying often on set
Trump's illnesses are putting you and your family at risk though.
I'm not a muslim or illegal so what's your point Keith?
Trump just isn't well, think about it. When republicans need to remove him as president, they'll need to do it quickly.
We need to prepare ourselves to assist in the removal because he is not well.
Did you see those tweets? A not well man made those tweets. It's only a matter of time before his lunacy calls for immediate action.
Would you write that? The victory tweets that Trump wrote when he got fewer votes than the other candidate?
at this point im not actually sure youre trolling anymore
I'm not smart so this video doesn't apply.
Too smart to be concerned with concerns
You sound like you might be not well as well.
>if I compliment them then they will like me and come over to my side
Such a shitty attempt
gonna dump some keef olderman now
The desperation is palpable. The best part is that next week he'll be back to yelling like he's about to cry again.
>trying to appeal to trump voters by pointing out that Big D is an egomaniacal unpolitically correct dude that says hillarious shit on twitter.
Didnt this guy get the memo of why people like the don?
But user, no well man could make such tweets, he's an unwell man and unwell men such as one Donald J Trump cannot be a well president.
The guy insults my intelligence trying to sell me that DON is mentally ill when he's just narcissistic (like he should be considering who he is).
I'm not a nigger you can't convince me by saying that I'm smart and therefore should agree. What a fucking joke this guy. Let's elect a saudi bought snake because I think this man likes himself too much.
Most people don't understand the tacit relationship that certain spheres of online social influence and Trump has. There are thousands of internet footsoldiers celebrating each of those hilarious smug tweets.
This guy is really losing it.
But user, he used his quiet indoors voice, you're supposed to listen.
Let's go buy some horse kebabs and talk this over.
Trump is earning my respect with how much butthurt his tweets alone cause.
Nah. I dont need to listen to a pompous, smug liberal try to lecture down to me in a condescending way that soothes his many insecurities. If Trump lost the fascism he fears would have erupted much worse after EU reaches a head.
fucking gender-ambiguous intersex rachel maddow estrogenated jewish tap water drinking kiddie diddler.
This is the most patronizing thing I have ever seen.
.. uncle biden cuck
Literally who?
>keith olbermann
>What kind of man does this?
well if you saw your own tweets covered on the news every day
You'd shit post too
>tfw 90% of people don't even click on his video and support Trump even more because someone said not to
Trump has 140 character limit on each tweet, he can't write an essay. It's completely feasible that the Tweets are not encompassing the entirety of trumps meaning.
Frankly, using Tweets as evidence of Trump being mentally unwell is kinda poor. For someone who is actively looking for something to expose as a professional (but mediocre) he has failed utterly.
I support Trump, as a foreigner, for the simple reason I believe Trump is telling the truth. He believe what he is saying, it's not something to get votes. Only time will tell. But this asshole, and many like him, are afraid Trump is correct.
this is where the scum thing came from fyi
I like you, you fuckin kangaroo beater.
Better than his last video
Hard to take him seriously when he's sperging out. Very calm this time.
Olbermann isn't wrong, something is definitely wrong with the Donald, no doubt. But everything he does is so novel, exciting, and hilarious that I can't help but love him. MAGA til we all die laughing in a nuclear shoah.
Pathetic. These Kikes need to GO BACK.
what a nutter lol
What made him into such a liberal
does he have nigger grandkids or something?
It's hilarious to see globalists and liberals pretending they actually care about sovereignty
almost a bigger fag than Glenn Beck
He's still in his basement? hahaha
tfw too intelligent to watch kike liberal media
That's not a Jewish name retard.
My normie dad literally sent this video in a group message to my family
well done
>keith olbermann literally concern trolling
Nothing to see here.
>not wanting to overturn the election he says
Certainly got fired enough times.
>Le Resistance
these faggots are taking LARPing to the next level
beat him up
this video sounds like huge damage control
why is everything so cringe nowadays? whether it's FOX or NBC or etc.
>This faggot that looks older than Trump, is actually admittedly 58, says Trump's problem is his narcissistic personality; although that is THE reason I voted for him, while simultaneously publicly shaming the viewer for voting for Trump via his narcissistic personality
>Thick, lense-free glasses
>Impotent skinny tie
>Instead of a patriotic red and blue backdrop, sits in front of a washed-out, babyish pink and blue, with emphasis on the pink
>Has the face of a cuck
>GQ logo
I am not in the target demographic for whoever this is supposed to appeal to
what Trump is the 1st real push back against the cultural marxist who've infected this country. these fucks have been rotting us out for the past 60 years .
they know their time is almost up, the McCarthy's dream will be finished
his major point was he talked a little smack about the people that called him racistpedophileLITERALLYHITLERorangerapist for a year and a half.
who gives a fuck lmao, how butthurt
You know what? I agree with him. He has a point
Having a fucking billionaire internet troll over the most pushed candidate of all time. on which wasnt an election but a crowning of an anointed queen. On an increasing liberal world that is being overrun by SJW in the top levels of government. When western civilization is at the edge.
I couldnt give 2 fucks if Trump gets impeached in 5 months. I will still celebrate this election as the GOAT upset ever.
It gave me HOPE
No one thinks he's mentally healthy, smart, or honest. I know the only reason I voted for him is because I thought there was a chance he would fix our immigration problem and prevent whites from become a minority. If we didn't elect him, we stood no chance. And, fuck you Keith, but if we are not going to keep our majority in this country, then I say we burn this fucker down. So, I hope Trump either saves us from becoming a minority, or I hope he destroys everything you love in this country and there is nothing left for you to give away.
boy i wish i was mentally unhealthy and stupid and a liar like Trump so that I could have $10B, a beautiful successful family, a decade-long hit TV show, big beautiful buildings all across the world with my name on them, and win the presidency.
I know, what an idiot right?
Good point. Maybe Kim Kardashian should be our next president
>so you still support Donald Trump?
>I'm not gonna yell...
Two seconds in and he's already being a cunt.
d×mn... Got me thinking for a moment, no joke. Like when he talked sh×t about the new host of a show he executive-produced, & referred to himself as "the ratings machine, DJT"... no joke I took this vid to heart. Still a supporter, & we can all giggle @ Keith if all ends up well.. but.. d×mn...
GQ also has an """ article""" about cuck being offensive
>muh popular vote
get over it, not a democracy
Cuckold is a high-class gentleman's fetish, did you know?
>it's the thinking man's fetish
t. moot
checked, keked and stolen.
Fuck. He's Communist Alex Jones perfected.
He had talent, looks, and some intelligence, but was too much of a diva. People just hated, hated working with him.
He was too liberal for msnbc
He's egotistical and wants to project confidence and positivity to everyone who voted for him and are on his side
being egotistical and aggressive is not a mental illness
it means he's an alpha
It's funny how he says "let's assume you (the viewer) are smarter than I am" and calls Trump a narcissist in the same sentance.