Americans will pay for the wall

Mexico will pay later, What does this means?

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I think Trump said that we will pay by means of the new NAFTA he will negotiate. In other words, by means of taxes, which a lot of people here had already anticipated.

It was literally on his website for the past 18 months. Mexico obviously isn't going to just write a fucking cheque.

Videgaray and Peña could save us.

No mames.

people have accepted the fact that the wall is really being built. now they are just arguing over how it will be paid for. we'll reimburse ourselves later through trade negotiations as we see fit.

You brown niggers should build it for free because you owe us billions of dollars in debt for providing welfare to your citizens who illegally reside in the US.

Videgaray had sex with Drumpf.

was it kinky tho

and you owe us half contient bastard.

In the 1820s, many people from the Northern and Eastern United States entered Mexico illegally. Mexican Texas, then bordered by the U.S. states Louisiana and Arkansas, had the most settlement by American illegal immigrants. At the time, Mexican law prohibited Anglo Americans from immigrating. Mexican Texas had a population of 3,000 illegal immigrants by 1823; most of those immigrants were from the Southern United States or Appalachia. By 1825, Mexico and the Coahuila y Tejas territory legalized immigration under the condition that settlers convert to Roman Catholicism and not own slaves. However, as the settler population expanded to 7,000 and did not assimilate with Mexican culture, Mexico banned American immigration again in 1830. However, by 1835, American immigration increased to 1,000 per month. Texas became independent from Mexico in 1836.[5]

its karma puta hahahahahahha America 60% white hahahhahahahahaha


Trump has caused massive civil rest and possible collapse of the Mexican "government" with a single tweet, you better believe they will pay for it

>moving the goalposts
That wall like he promised isn't coming, maybe some fencing here and there, and sure as hell Mexico isn't going to pay for it

Then we won a war against you animals and paid you off.

Paul Ryan and Mitch said that will be another stupid fence with mroe cameras, never a concrete wall.

Not really. Santa Anna sold La Mesilla, failed to reconquer Texas before it became independent, and lost the war against the USA which would make California theirs and allow Texas to annex as a state. Of course, Santa Anna at least prevented them from taking Coahuila, the Baja Californias, Chihuahua and part of Sinaloa.

Texas just wanted to separate because the Mexican constitution made any kind of slavery illegal, and the cowboys wouldn't part with their black slaves. That's why the wanted independence. Evidently, there is a problem right there from the Mexican government, since they should not have allowed Americans in their territory with such leisure.

In any case, mistakes were made.

>won a war
>invade a country in the middle of a civil war
>not stealing

You friggin' jews

it means the wall is going up asap, we can extract the money from mexico later

The peso is worthless.

Mexico will pay us back in Oil and Gold.

Trump's picks have all stated that they trust more in Gold over Paper Money.

Taxing legit money transfers. There will always be underground money transfers but there's a consider amount of risks associated with that. Now if we were to tax say 1¢ out of every dollar we'd pay for that wall in 1 year.

French wall with 1950s technology singlehandedly decimated the Algerian FLN so I'm fairly optimistic about it, doesn't need to be a brick and mortar wall.

Granted we can't use mines and electrified fences but we've got drones, CCTV, thermal imaging, better helicopters and better cars.

Paul Ryan isn't a tough guy as you think he is.

He lost in an actual debate against Joe Biden.

He also claimed he would step down as Speaker of the House if Trump wants him to step down.

Trump is going to slap a tax on remittances.

Too much breitbart.

Shhh, The mighty peso is the 10th most important currency.

Pure fucking salt. That's all this is: centuries of salt.

fucking illegal snow niggers, go back to Ireland. Slavery was banned here, we respect humans, are they humans right?

>tax beans
>tax tortillas
>tax tequila
>tax Mexican beer (horrible anyways)
>tax calls to Mexico
>tax money transfers to Mexico

Silly spics, you will pay and then keep paying.

What Trump said is that he will tax money transfers to Mexico. About $25 billion is sent home by illegals each year, which is more than Mexico makes from oil. He would also raise fees on visas sharply and cut all foreign aid.

Trump said he would not do so if Mexico made a one-time payment of $10 billion.

>ban slavery
>sneak into US
>become part of a slave labor class with no rights, legal status or citizenship

Mexican intellectuals, everybody.

hahahahahahaha you are challenging the almighty mexican engineering.

you are sick, you need our heroin.

>people still take Trump seriously
He's just reality TV celebrity


thank you aryan brother from Persia.

wait wait, He said that he will nuke Iran, any feelings?

You idiots both live in shitty societies that make the world a worse place to live.

He cant even write unprecedented, how will do that? HAHAHAHAHHAAHHAAHAHHA

He lied to you.

No, he's too dumb to remember the code
TRy not to explode from eating burger


Belgium is a beautiful city.

Pablo status:
[ ] Told
[ ] Fucking Told
[X ] No Country for Told Men

Is there wall between you and Israel?

The money is already there to build it anyways

>mexican peso through the floor
>riots everywhere
>companies not moving to mexico anymore

Good luck getting mexico to pay for anything when it stops having a government.

And our illegals won their welfare and paid you off :)

You do realize he's not your president anymore, right?

>>riots everywhere

No, only in indian states like mexico state and veracruz. we are 32 states, leaf.


Don't get what liberals thought by "mexico will pay"

Just seems like this whole thing is liberals patting themselves on the back and joking about Trump being an idiot because they themselves haven't paid attention to what was actually meant and have taken "Mexico will pay" literally as If It's even possible for Trump to just send a cheque the Mexican Government and tell them to pay for it.

>companies not moving to mexico anymore
kek, that was only Ford. Trump has no power over non american companies, like Toyota.

Yeah a large beautiful wall called Syria and Iraq


Leaf, our peso is important for our world.

LMAO. Are syrians invading your country? Will you destroy Israel in our lifetime?

fuck Ford. We should only buy Asian and European cars. go to hell Ford. Henry Ford was a queer.

>Are syrians invading your country?
No literally the opposite is happening rn
>Will you destroy Israel in our lifetime?
Wouldn't count on it

He is still burtthurt like a mischeif child.

>make a wall
>bad hombres dig under it, go by boat like they're already doing, or just waltz in through mountain areas where building a wall is too difficult

How many nukes do you have? Can you destroy US like one of your politician said yesterday?

Hahah americucks really believe this, you invaded a country in the middle of a civil war, but what else can be expected from americucks? In both world wars you joined when each side was destructed, you are the ones who taught niggers to attack in packs and when people are in their lowest, no wonder why niggs act like that

Nah, the free market will fix it. One company out, another company in. Do I have to remember you the way of Capitalism, my friend?

Search for "el señor de los cielos", Amado Carrillo Fuentes trafficked in planes, these dumb fucks just voted for a mega jew with hollow promises, but oh well, Donald himself stated that republicans are the dumbest voters

No, im studying industrial engineering.

When AMLO wins we get rid of americucks, and chynah will start to building our chinese bullet trains.

So he's going to tax people in america to force mexico to pay because these people are illegal and are sending money back. K. Also nice stories about illegal melania btw

No you wouldn't you fucking mongol. To pay for it in a year you would have to tax 33%, a number that just would never happen.

How can snowniggers compete with the asian tigers?

>free market


Quiero pensar que solo estamos shitposteando para hacer enojar a los putitos gringos, verdad?

Remittances aren't only for illegals.

En parte si, pero AMLO va a ganar caminando estas elecciones. No creas que Margarita o Videgaray ganaran, verdad? O crees que una india del EZNL ganara jajajajajajja

Soy blanco y no soy chairo, pero votare por AMLO no me importa nada,viejos.

Bolivia no es mierda, pero también socialista


Pic related, typical mexican whore

So even more Americans affected. King of debt. 25 trillion more. And attacking your own currency and citizens. With taxes. And calling this Mexico

she looks like a French person living in Paris.

Are you trying to argue with ameridumbs?
They just circlejerk in here with their mega jew overlord

Americucks cant even compete, their SJW with womyn studies will be the ones manufacturing their cars now, you think they will do a good job?
Kek, I think not

Pues tienes algo de razon, el mismo PRI y PAN le pavimentaron el camino a AMLO

Evo ha mejorado su calidad de vida realmente

That is a typical american offspring from Jamal and Stacey, while John rise the girl and pays for her clothes

Es hermoso ver

No tengas miedo, el dijo que si empieza de Maduro o Castro habrá un referendum para quitarlo a 2 años o pronto morira ya esta viejo. No tenemos nada que perder, yo vivo en el horrible desierto chihuahuense y el prometio hacer trenes balas, me encantaría estar en la ciudad de mexico mas pronto.

Prometio quitar el fuero, reducir las ratas de la camara de diputables, pensiones vitalicias a los ex presidentes, corrupcion, construir refinerias. Nos promete mar y tierra, pero ojala las cumpla.

Yeah, it would affect legal immigrants who have family in Mexico, which is pretty fucked up.

Toyota will also leave the hell hole that is Mexico and I will laugh.

Yes lets pay for a wall that the democrats are just going to tear down next election. Hmm yes very good.

You guys do know, right, that Fox is just a member of the opposing political party of the current Mexican President, and he is acting tough just to spite the other party. You do know that right, that he is not actually the President?

The current Mexican president, you know, the one with power, and the one dealing with riots and cartels, is a lot more open to discussion.

Pues que mas nos queda, carnal. "Mas vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer", ya es el unico que nos falta por conocer, no puede ser tan catastrofico como los 70 años del PRI o los 12 años de pendejadas del PAN, yo soy Tamaulipeco y me encantaria un tren bala por toda la frontera, desde Matamoros hasta Tj.

Good, american cars are shit, Japanese are way better at it

You are absolutely right, Vicente Fox is just a meme politician

Fox se me hizo decente. Y calderon ayudo a que Juarez no siguiera la guerra.

Fox fue decente por la estabilidad politica que hubo en Mexico y la estabilidad economica mundial

Calderon empezo una guerra de la manera mas bruta, con carceles y poder judicial corrupto, sin un marco de derecho para los mandos militares y sobre todo empezo por puto Michoacan, en vez de asegurar las fronteras y detener el trasiego de armas y drogas, le quiso jugar al verga y solo nos dejo un desmadre, eso es lo que detesté de Calderon

So you build a wall but 2 questions.

1) What about all the animal species that routinely go from one place to another and would be stopped by the wall?

2) What about planes? Mexicans can still board a plane, maybe get a visa and overstay their welcome.

Y Tamaulipas esta muy mal con los zetas? como lo ha hecho Cabeza de Vaca?

Lo siento y puedo parecer ridículo al decirlo pero estoy pensando en ustedes
Los italianos llaman a esto una porquería; uno schifo

1. mostly are coyotes, spiders, and rabbits. All desert animals, thay can suck dick

2. Yeah, and even cross by foot,car or bycicle with a visa and overstay. Americans are idiot.

Lo se hoja, Puerto Vallarta es lindo.

Los Zetas tiene muy poco poder aqui, es el CDG el que manda, se dice que llego a una especie de acuerdo con los mandos del CDG, que estan tambien cansados de la guerra, excepto con uno, llamado comandante toro de Reynosa, el dia que tomó protesta Cabeza de Vaca empezaron con sus desmadres, supuestamente es el objetivo prioritario por el momento, yo estuve en reynosa en esos dias y si hubieron varios dias donde se puso dificil, pero nada tan grave, en horas se normalizaba la ciudad, ahora estoy en Tampico y la verdad es que aqui el ambiente es de mucha paz

He sido descubierto

Que bien, siempre he querido ir de vacaciones a Monterrey y a las playas de Tamaulipas como Tampico, pero mi padre me dice que si estoy enfermo jajajajaja Es que secuestraron y mataron a un familiar en ciudad mante.

Cual es la mejor playa de Tamaulipas, conozco galveston,Tx Pero no me gusto.

busted, in what canadian city do you live?

Sinceramente playa miramar de aqui de tampico, es practicamente lo mismo que Galveston para ser honesto, pero estilo mexa, no es una playa como Puerto Vallarta o la Riviera Maya, pero es un lugar aceptable y nada caro por supuesto

Acerca de lo de Cd Mante, yo no viajo por carretera aqui, las unicas relativamente seguras son de Matamoros a Reynosa y Tampico-Victoria, las carreteras costeras han estado muy peligrosas, supuestamente ya no pero no le juego al vergas, para venir a Tampico preferí tomar un vuelo en Monterrey y llegar aqui, las ciudades del centro del estado es donde estan peleando los zetas y CDG, por eso Cabeza de Vaca pacto con ellos, el gobierno trata de mantenerlos fuera a los zetas, a cambio se dejan de pendejadas de secuestrar y meterse con la ciudadania

¿Podría no darte mi provincia?

a ok, si aqui tambien tuvimos una guerra los de sinaloa vs el cartel de juarez y empezaron a cobrar cuotas y meterse con la ciudadania tambien. Pero pactaron y ya ha bajado mucha la violencia. Si los zetas son unos salvajes, se meten con la población.

why not? im not a bad hombre hahahah

I will shut up and read the thread now. I know you're not but the Internet has its "the amish are coming" moments


>implying niggers are human
>implying Native Americans are human
Niggers were only 3/5ths human until the 20th century

Come on canadabro, I even stated in which cities I have been in the past couple of months, I once visited Vancouver and loved it, never experienced -20 celsius in my life until there, my balls shrinked as I have never experienced, 10/10 would go to shrink my balls again

Sure darling, you can go back to your room now, Im sure Jamal just finished with your wife already

He claims he will force Mexicans to pay it through taxes.

What will really happen is that many Mexicans will simply get around this system or return home. Leaving us with a significant labor shortage, increased spending, and a larger deficit.

Don't worry, this will be Obama's fault because you know, reasons...

>Leaving us with a significant labor shortage, increased spending, and a larger deficit

>BUT AT LEAST I GOT MUH SHEKLES *laughs in hebrew*

Automated Agriculture is superior to these spics because of how much we subsidize them being here.

>implying those fuckers haven't made the situation even worse
dude PRI is the worst cancerous political party we have, not defending the others because they too would sell their souls to the devil for more money, but PRI is by far the worst (MORENA is this fucking close to be just as much of shitty as PRI because it is hardcore commie shit, but still...)

If the jobs they do could be automated or paid at higher wages they would.

All you have to do is look at the Southern states who made legitimate pushes to remove migrant workers and how much their "real America" farmers suffered.

We can keep living in this fairytale land that Mexicans are stealing jobs but it's the same tired argument used against the Irish, Italians, Chinese, and every other immigrant who wasn't a white protestant. Immigration has always proven to be a net benefit.